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### C implementation ###

*   implement buffers in C in libtamsin
*   implement pattern match in send in C compiler

### higher-priority ###

*   allow switching the kind of buffer that is used when `@` is used:
    *   `rule @ %stdin` is the default; it is implied when no `@`
    *   `rule @ %mmap` to use an MmapBuffer
    *   `rule @ %line` to use a LineEditorBuffer
    *   `rule @ $:open('file.txt')` ?
*   `$:add`, `$:sub`, `$:mul`, `$:div`, `$:rem`, for atoms which look like
    integers: `["-"] & {$:digit}`.
*   `$:tell` and `$:seek` the implicit buffer — for VM's etc — although
    note, this may have scary consequences when combined with backtracking
*   `(foo → S | ok)` & print S ... should set S to error if foo failed?
    or `(foo |→ S ok)` ?  This is necessary for the meta-circular
    interpreter: to implement `A | B` we want to interpret `A` and see
    if it failed or not.  i.e. We want to be able to reify errors...

### medium-priority ###

*   Starting with knowns about `$` builtins, an analysis to determine, for Rule:
    - may consume input, never consumes input
    - may fail, always fails
    - may succeed, always succeeds... (may_backtrack?)
*   production values
    *   `$:fold(^production, nil, cons)`
    *   `$:fold(^($:alnum & " "), '', ^L+','+R)`
*   codegen and emitter phases in compiler.  take current compiler phase,
    make it construct a low-level representation instead (codegen), then
    have a phase that writes out C code from that low-level repr (emitter)
*   non-backtracking versions of `|` and `{}`:  `|!` and `{}!`

### testing ###

*   test for `''('')`, `'\x00'('\x00')`
*   document how prod scanners do EOF
*   tests that `'V'` is not a variable
*   tests for failing when utf8 scanner hits badly-encoded utf8
*   tests for invalid escape codes
*   test for mismatched # of formals in prod branches
*   document the modules.  in own document.  plus tests.

### lower-priority ###

*   `ctype` module, with `alpha` and `digit` and etc.
*   `list` module: `deep_reverse`
*   use Tamsin repr in error messages
*   __str__ should be Tamsin repr()?
*   regex-like shortcuts: `\w` for "word", `\s` for "whitespace", etc.
*   have compiler replace calls to `list` functions
    by "more efficient" versions written in C -- if they really are...
*   and maybe even garbage-collect terms in libtamsin
*   figure out why reading a 4M file in a compiled program TAKES DOWN UBUNTU
*   make it possible to recover from more errors using `|` (don't throw
    exceptions so often)
*   stronger tests for scanner, parser: dump all falderal testbodies to files
*   option for ref interp to not output result (or by default, don't)
*   "mini" interpreter that handles variables (ouch)
*   error handling: skip to next sentinel and report more errors
*   module-level updatable variables.  or globals.  or "process dictionary"
    `$:store()` and `$:fetch()`.  or database.
*   figure out good way to do aliases with the Tamsin-parser-in-Tamsin
    (dynamic grammar is really more of a Zz thing...)
*   should be able to import ("open") other modules into your own namespace.
*   `@` a la Haskell in pattern-match:
    *   `walk(T@tree(L,R)) = ...`
*   maps, implemented as hash tables.
    *   `Table ← {} & fields → F@fields(H,T) & Table[H] ← T`
*   pretty-print AST for error messages

### symbol fun ###

*   `~` (Lua) for not and `!` (Prolog) for non-backtracking?
*   lowercase greek letters are variables too!
*   use `←` instead of `@`, why not?
*   I'm always typing `prod() → rule` instead of `=`, so why not?
*   `A;B` — like `&` except assert (statically) that `A` always succeeds
*   be generous and allow `"xyz"` in term context position?
*   denotational semantics sugar!  something like...
        ⟦add α β⟧ = $:add(⟦α⟧, ⟦β⟧).

        ⟦add α β⟧(σ) = $:add(⟦α⟧(σ), ⟦β⟧(σ)).
        ⟦var α⟧(σ) = fetch(σ, α).

    of course, DS is a bit fast-and-loose about actual parsing...
    but the syntax looks mighty fine.

### wild ideas ###    

*   term-rewriting library; a la Treacle; should make desugarer almost trivial
*   algebraically cool version of `|`, perhaps as a worked example
    (implement Bakerloo in Tamsin)
*   EOF and nil are the same?  it would make sense... call it `end`? (do we?)
*   productions with names with arbitrary characters in them.
*   something like «foo» but foo is the name of a *non*terminal — symbolic
    production references (like Perl's horrible globs as a cheap substitute
    for actual function references or lambdas.)
*   turn system library back into built-in keywords (esp. if : can be used)
*   Tamsin scanner: more liberal (every non-alphanum+_ symbol scans as itself,
    incl. ones that have no meaning currently like `*` and `?`)
*   auto-generate terms from productions, like Rooibos does
*   token classes... somehow.  (then numeric is just a special token class?)
    a token class is just the "call stack" of productions at the time it
    was scanned
*   «» could be an alias w/right sym (`,,`, `„`)
    (still need to scan it specially though)
*   special form that consumes rest of input from the Tamsin source --
    maybe not such a gimmick since micro-tamsin does this
*   feature-testing: `$.exists(module) | do_without_module`
*   ternary: `foo ? bar : baz` — if foo succeeded, do bar, else do baz.
    I don't think this is very necessary because you can usually just say
    `(foo & bar) | baz` — but only if `bar` always succeeds, which it
    usually does (to return something)