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Tests that used to be in Tamsin's README

-> Tests for functionality "Intepret Tamsin program"

Hello, world!

| main = 'Hello, world!'.
= Hello, world!

Make a story more exciting!

| main = ("." & '!' | "?" & '?!' | any)/''.
+ Chapter 1
+ ---------
+ It was raining.  She knocked on the door.  She heard
+ footsteps inside.  The door opened.  The butler peered
+ out.  "Hello," she said.  "May I come in?"
= Chapter 1
= ---------
= It was raining!  She knocked on the door!  She heard
= footsteps inside!  The door opened!  The butler peered
= out!  "Hello," she said!  "May I come in?!"

Parse an algebraic expression for syntactic correctness.

| main = (expr0 & eof & 'ok').
| expr0 = expr1 & {"+" & expr1}.
| expr1 = term & {"*" & term}.
| term = "x" | "y" | "z" | "(" & expr0 & ")".
+ x+y*(z+x+y)
= ok

Parse an algebraic expression to a syntax tree.

| main = expr0.
| expr0 = expr1 → E1 & {"+" & expr1 → E2 & E1 ← add(E1,E2)} & E1.
| expr1 = term → E1 & {"*" & term → E2 & E1 ← mul(E1,E2)} & E1.
| term = "x" | "y" | "z" | "(" & expr0 → E & ")" & E.
+ x+y*(z+x+y)
= add(x, mul(y, add(add(z, x), y)))

Translate an algebraic expression to RPN (Reverse Polish Notation).

| main = expr0 → E & walk(E).
| expr0 = expr1 → E1 & {"+" & expr1 → E2 & E1 ← add(E1,E2)} & E1.
| expr1 = term → E1 & {"*" & term → E2 & E1 ← mul(E1,E2)} & E1.
| term = "x" | "y" | "z" | "(" & expr0 → E & ")" & E.
| walk(add(L,R)) = walk(L) → LS & walk(R) → RS & return LS+RS+' +'.
| walk(mul(L,R)) = walk(L) → LS & walk(R) → RS & return LS+RS+' *'.
| walk(X) = return ' '+X.
+ x+y*(z+x+y)
=  x y z x + y + * +

Reverse a list.

| main = reverse(pair(a, pair(b, pair(c, nil))), nil).
| reverse(pair(H, T), A) = reverse(T, pair(H, A)).
| reverse(nil, A) = A.
= pair(c, pair(b, pair(a, nil)))

Parse and evaluate a Boolean expression.

| main = expr0 → E using scanner & eval(E).
| expr0 = expr1 → E1 & ("or" & expr1)/E1/or.
| expr1 = term → E1 & ("and" & term)/E1/and.
| term = "true" | "false" | "(" & expr0 → E & ")" & E.
| eval(and(A, B)) = eval(A) → EA & eval(B) → EB & and(EA, EB).
| eval(or(A, B)) = eval(A) → EA & eval(B) → EB & or(EA, EB).
| eval(X) = X.
| and(true, true) = 'true'.
| and(A, B) = 'false'.
| or(false, false) = 'false'.
| or(A, B) = 'true'.
| scanner = scan using $:utf8.
| scan = {" "} & ("(" | ")" | token).
| token = "f" & "a" & "l" & "s" & "e" & 'false'
|       | "t" & "r" & "u" & "e" & 'true'
|       | "o" & "r" & 'or'
|       | "a" & "n" & "d" & 'and'.
+ (falseortrue)andtrue
= true

Parse a CSV file and write out the 2nd-last field of each record. Handles commas and double-quotes inside quotes.

| main = line → L & L ← lines(nil, L) &
|        {"\n" & line → M & L ← lines(L, M)} & extract(L) & ''.
| line = field → F & {"," & field → G & F ← fields(G, F)} & F.
| field = strings | bare.
| strings = string → T & {string → S & T ← T + '"' + S} & T.
| string = "\"" & (!"\"" & any)/'' → T & "\"" & T.
| bare = (!(","|"\n") & any)/''.
| extract(lines(Ls, L)) = extract(Ls) & extract_field(L).
| extract(L) = L.
| extract_field(fields(L, fields(T, X))) = print T.
| extract_field(X) = X.
+ Harold,1850,"21 Baxter Street",burgundy
+ Smythe,1833,"31 Little Street, St. James",mauve
+ Jones,1791,"41 ""The Gardens""",crimson
= 21 Baxter Street
= 31 Little Street, St. James
= 41 "The Gardens"

Evaluate a trivial S-expression-based language.

| main = sexp → S using scanner & reverse(S, nil) → SR & eval(SR).
| scanner = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | $:alnum/'')) using $:utf8.
| sexp = $:alnum | list.
| list = "(" & sexp/nil/pair → L & ")" & L.
| head(pair(A, B)) = A.
| tail(pair(A, B)) = B.
| cons(A, B) = return pair(A, B).
| eval(pair(head, pair(X, nil))) = eval(X) → R & head(R).
| eval(pair(tail, pair(X, nil))) = eval(X) → R & tail(R).
| eval(pair(cons, pair(A, pair(B, nil)))) =
|    eval(A) → AE & eval(B) → BE & return pair(AE, BE).
| eval(X) = X.
| reverse(pair(H, T), A) = reverse(H, nil) → HR & reverse(T, pair(HR, A)).
| reverse(nil, A) = A.
| reverse(X, A) = X.
+ (head (tail (cons (cons a nil) (cons b nil))))
= b

Escape characters in a string, for use in a C program source.

| main = escaped('"♥\n«"').
| escaped(S) = escaped_r @ S.
| escaped_r = A ← '' &
|     {
|         "\\" & A ← A + '\\\\'
|       | "\"" & A ← A + '\\"'
|       | "\n" & A ← A + '\\n'
|       | $:alnum → B & A ← A + B
|       | any → B & (many_format_octal @ B) → B & A ← A + B
|     } & A.
| many_format_octal =
|     S ← '' &
|     {any → B & $:format_octal(B) → B & S ← S + '\\' + B} using $:byte &
|     S.
= \"\342\231\245\n\302\253\"