git @ Cat's Eye Technologies The-Cannery / master catseye / sixtypical /

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The image contains sixtypical and its dependencies (Python 3.5.7-slim-stretch, mainly).

Example of use:

docker pull catseye/sixtypical:0.21
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -i -t -v "${PWD}:/mnt/host" catseye/sixtypical:0.21 \
    sixtypical eg/funrun.60p -o funrun.bin

This Docker image is fairly experimental. Please don't lean on it too heavily.

The -v "${PWD}:/mnt/host" option in the above bind-mounts the current directory on the host to the working directory in the container. This lets you give filenames as usual on the sixtypical command line, so long as they reside somewhere under the current directory on the host. If you want anything more sophisticated than that, you'll have to establish more bind-mounts and translate paths between host and container as your needs dictate.

Note that the image does not contain any emulators, or the dcc6502 disassembler needed to run the tests; it only has the sixtypical program, which can analyze a SixtyPical program and compile it to 6502 machine code.