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The image contains defeat.jl and its dependencies (Julia 1.0). It can be used to generate novels in the style of The Defeat at Procyon V.

Example of use:

docker pull catseye/defeat:1.0
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -i -t -v "${PWD}:/mnt/host" catseye/defeat:1.0 \

(Or, for simpler more convenient usage, use the defeat script in The Cannery.)

This Docker image is fairly experimental. Please don't lean on it too heavily.

The -v "${PWD}:/mnt/host" option in the above bind-mounts the current directory on the host to the working directory in the container. If you want anything more sophisticated than that, you'll have to establish more bind-mounts and translate paths between host and container as your needs dictate.