git @ Cat's Eye Technologies shelf / master

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Version 0.8 | Entry @ | See also: ellsynctagfarmyastasoti

Cat's Eye Technologies' shelf is "a package installer which neither packages nor installs". It aims to be a replacement for toolshelf, implemented as a set of Bourne shell functions.

Quick Start

Download the file and put it somewhere, say $HOME/

Or better, clone this repo as $HOME/.shelf; then the file will be at $HOME/.shelf/, and you can pull the latest changes with cd $HOME/.shelf && git pull origin master.

Then add these four lines to the end of your shell startup script (.bashrc, .bash_profile, or whatever):

. $HOME/.shelf/
export SHELF_FARMBASE=$HOME/.local                   # see below
export SHELF_PATH=$HOME/checkout1:$HOME/checkout2    # see below

Then start a new shell for it to take effect.

SHELF_FARMBASE is the directory where the link farms will be created. On some OSes $HOME/.local has a similar purpose, so it can be used here too. (Although note, the wisdom of doing that has not been fully vetted.)

SHELF_PATH should be a colon-separated list of directories where you will be keeping the source directories you wish to manage using shelf.

If you are using bash, you can also configure some nicer tab-completion by sourcing, i.e. you can also add

. $HOME/.shelf/

to your startup script.


The following shell functions are defined by and available for use:

  • shelf_link DIR [DIR ...]

    Create links to the relevant files in DIR, in the appropriate link farm. One or more DIRs may be given.

  • shelf_unlink DIR [DIR ...]

    Remove, from all link farms, any links to any files found in DIR. One or more DIRs may be given.

  • shelf_unlink_broken

    Remove, from all link farms, any links that are broken.

  • shelf_build DIR [DIR ...]

    Make a best-effort guess at how to build the sources in DIR, and try to build them using that method. One or more DIRs may be given.

  • shelf_test DIR [DIR ...]

    Make a best-effort guess at how to run tests for the project in DIR, then run the tests using that method. One or more DIRs may be given.

  • shelf_pwd NAME

    Print out the full path of the first directory on SHELF_PATH with name NAME, if one exists, else print nothing and return an error code 1.

  • shelf_cd NAME

    Change directory to the first directory on SHELF_PATH with name NAME, if one exists, else display an error message and return an error code 1.

  • shelf_which NAME

    Essentially the same as command -v but, if the found file is a symbolic link, the link destination is output instead. Thus, if NAME is an executable in your link farm, the file in the originating project will be shown.

  • shelf_dockgh USER/PROJECT

    Convenience command which, given the user (or organization) and repository name of a repository on Github, clones that repository using git, then runs shelf_build and shelf_link on the clone's directory. This makes the most sense if the current directory is on the SHELF_PATH, but no check is made.

  • shelf_push DEST DIR [DIR ...]

    Pushes changes from the project in DIR to the project of the same basename in DEST. Currently only supports git repos. Always pushes the changes to a branch in DEST whose name is the name of the current branch in DIR; if there is no such branch configured in DEST, it will be fetched first. DEST* should be a directory on the SHELF_PATH.

  • shelf_fanout DIR [DIR ...]

    Executes a shelf_push to every directory on the SHELF_PATH that contains a project directory that has the same basename as DIR.

Catalog files

In the context of shelf, a catalog file is a text file with one entry per line. Each entry consists of a directory name, optionally followed by an @ symbol followed by a tag name.

Several commands operate on catalog files, which are usually supplied via standard input. Some of these commands ignore the tag names.

  • shelf_populate_from_distfiles DIR < CATALOG

    Given a directory DIR containing tarballs of the project listed in CATALOG, extract each of those tarballs to a directory of the same name in the current directory.

    The current directory is assumed to be on SHELF_PATH.

  • shelf_populate_from_git PREFIX < CATALOG

    For each of the projects listed in CATALOG, prefix PREFIX to its name and, if a corresponding directory exists in the current directory, update the repository in that corresponding directory using git pull, otherwise attempt to git clone the repository to that corresponding directory in the current directory. In both cases a git fetch --tags will be executed as well.

    The current directory is assumed to be on SHELF_PATH.

  • shelf_mirror_from_git PREFIX < CATALOG

    The same as shelf_populate_from_git, but uses git clone --mirror to clone each new repo directory, and git remote update to update it.

  • shelf_cast DIR < CATALOG

    When executed from a directory containing repositories listed in CATALOG, create a non-version-controlled directory in DIR from each of the listed repositories, at the tag or branch given by its tag name.

    Two environment variables affect the operation of shelf_cast:

    SHELF_LOWERCASE, if set, causes the casted directory to be created as the lower-cased version of the catalog entry name.

    SHELF_CAST_REF, if set, overrides the tag given in the catalog entry.

  • shelf_pin < CATALOG

    When executed from a directory containing repositories listed in CATALOG, checks out each repository named in the catalog at the tag or branch given by its tag name.

  • shelf_unpin < CATALOG

    When executed from a directory containing repositories listed in CATALOG, checks out each repository named in the catalog at the tip of its master branch.

Environment variables


    If this environment variable is set to any non-empty value, the shelf_* functions will produce verbose messages on standard output about what they are doing, which can be useful for troubleshooting.


    If this environment variable is set to any non-empty value, the shelf_* functions will not make significant changes to the state of the filesystem (for example, running commands like ln and rm) and instead will only report that such changes would be made.


  • Make a shelf_pull to complement shelf_push.
  • Make a shelf_fanin to complement shelf_fanout.
  • Make a shelf_populate_from_shelf (shelf_replicate?)
  • Would a shelf_pwd_all be helpful? It's in my notes, but I don't know why.
  • Configure list of dirs to skip when linking, in an env var
  • Check if farm dir (.local/bin) exists before trying to make link there
  • Don't link files called
  • shelf_clone, same as git clone 'shelf_pwd $x' && git pull origin --tags, but should abort if ambiguous
  • Some kind of test harness would be way nice



  • shelf_populate_from_git now pulls using the specified origin (rather than the one set in the repository), and executes a git fetch --tags after cloning (and/or before pulling.)
  • shelf_mirror_from_git was ignoring the supplied prefix when updating repositories that already exist in the shelf. It now executes git remote set-url origin with an URL constructed from the supplied prefix before updating these repositories.


  • Fixed a bug in shelf_link where links were not being correctly made to files with spaces in their pathnames.


  • shelf_cast, by default, now casts the version of the source repository at the tag given in each catalog entry, instead of always casting HEAD. Setting the environment variable SHELF_CAST_REF to HEAD can override this new behaviour.
  • Made shelf_populate_from_git and shelf_pin record a list of directories which they failed to process, and fail themselves at the end of procssing if that list is not empty.


  • Changed shelf_which to not use the which command and to produce cleaner output (only show the target executable file).
  • Introduced shelf_mirror_from_git.
  • Commands which work on catalog files output the name of each directory just before they process it, making the output more sensible to read.


  • Fixed a bug where it was trying to link .git directories and other inappropriate files because a pattern wasn't being correctly applied.
  • venv (Python virtualenv directory) and .hg (Mercurial directory) are now skipped when finding files to link.


  • Added tab completion for bash.
  • Made shelf_push and shelf_fanout fetch the branch first, so new branches can be pushed to repositories that don't have them yet.
  • shelf_fanout is able to process multiple project directories.


  • Added shelf_test, shelf_dockgh, shelf_push, shelf_fanout, shelf_populate_from_distfiles, shelf_populate_from_git, shelf_cast, shelf_pin, and shelf_unpin.
  • shelf_build is able to process multiple sources.
  • Fixed bug where shelf_build exited immediately on the first error.


  • Initial version.