git @ Cat's Eye Technologies linapple / master src / gui-osx / Shared.m

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  Hatari - Shared.m

  This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
  or at your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.

  Helper code used by the other Cocoa code files

  June 2006, Sébastien Molines - Created
  2013, M. SARO

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "Shared.h"
#import "AlertHooks.h"

@implementation ModalWrapper

// Runs an NSWindow modally
- (void)runModal:(NSWindow*)window
	// Grab the window
	modalWindow = window;

	// Set the window's delegate
	[window setDelegate:self];

	// Change emulation and UI state
	// Run it as modal
	[NSApp runModalForWindow:window];

	// Restore emulation and UI state

// On closure of the NSWindow, end the modal session
- (void) windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification
	NSWindow *windowAboutToClose = [notification object];
	// Is this our modal window?
	if (windowAboutToClose == modalWindow)
		// Stop the modal loop
		[NSApp stopModal];


  Helper function to write the contents of a path as an NSString to a string
void GuiOsx_ExportPathString(NSString* path, char* szTarget, size_t cchTarget)
	NSCAssert((szTarget), @"Target buffer must not be null.");
	NSCAssert((cchTarget > 0), @"Target buffer size must be greater than zero.");

	// Copy the string getCString:maxLength:encoding:
	[path getCString:szTarget maxLength:cchTarget-1 encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] ;

  Pauses emulation
void GuiOsx_Pause(void)
	// Pause emulation
	// Main_PauseEmulation(false);

  Switches back to emulation mode
void GuiOsx_Resume(void)
	// Resume emulation
	// Main_UnPauseEmulation();

// Add global services.  6 methods

@implementation NSApplication (service)

// Open file or directory
- (NSString *)hopenfile:(BOOL)chooseDir defoDir:(NSString *)defoDir defoFile:(NSString *)defoFile types:(NSArray *)types
	return [self hopenfile:chooseDir defoDir:defoDir defoFile:defoFile types:types titre:nil] ;

- (NSString *)hopenfile:(BOOL)chooseDir defoDir:(NSString *)defoDir defoFile:(NSString *)defoFile types:(NSArray *)types titre:(NSString *)titre
NSOpenPanel *openPanel ;
	NSArray     *lesURLs = nil ;
	BOOL        btOk ;

	openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
	[openPanel	setCanChooseDirectories: chooseDir];
	[openPanel	setCanChooseFiles: !chooseDir];
	[openPanel	setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO] ;
	if (types != nil) 
	 {	[openPanel	setAllowedFileTypes:types] ;
		[openPanel	setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES] ;  } ;
	if (titre != nil)  [openPanel setTitle:titre] ;

	if ([openPanel respondsToSelector:@selector(setDirectoryURL:)])
	 {	if (defoDir!=nil)  [openPanel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:defoDir isDirectory:YES]] ;	// A partir de 10.6
		if (defoFile!=nil) [openPanel setNameFieldStringValue:defoFile] ;
		btOk = [openPanel runModal] == NSOKButton ;                                         // Ok ?
	 	btOk = [openPanel runModalForDirectory:defoDir file:defoFile] == NSOKButton	;	// avant 10.6

	if (btOk)
	 {	lesURLs = [openPanel URLs] ;
		if ((lesURLs != nil) && ([lesURLs count] != 0))
				return [[lesURLs objectAtIndex:0] path] ;
	 } ;
	return @"" ;

// Save file
- (NSString *)hsavefile:(BOOL)creatDir defoDir:(NSString *)defoDir defoFile:(NSString *)defoFile types:(NSArray *)types
	return [self hsavefile:creatDir defoDir:defoDir defoFile:defoFile types:types titre:nil] ;

- (NSString *)hsavefile:(BOOL)creatDir defoDir:(NSString *)defoDir defoFile:(NSString *)defoFile types:(NSArray *)types titre:(NSString *)titre
	NSSavePanel *savPanel ;
	NSURL       *lURL ;
	BOOL        btOk ;

	savPanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
	[savPanel setCanCreateDirectories:creatDir];
	if (types != nil)
	 {	[savPanel setAllowedFileTypes:types] ;
		[savPanel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES] ; } ;
	if (titre != nil)  [savPanel setTitle:titre] ;

	if ([savPanel respondsToSelector:@selector(setDirectoryURL:)])
	 {	if (defoDir!=nil)  [savPanel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:defoDir isDirectory:YES]] ;	// A partir de 10.6
		if (defoFile!=nil) [savPanel setNameFieldStringValue:defoFile] ;
		btOk = [savPanel runModal] == NSOKButton ;										// Ok?
		btOk = [savPanel runModalForDirectory:defoDir file:defoFile] == NSOKButton ;	// Ok ? deprecated en 10.6

	if (btOk)
	 {	lURL = [savPanel URL] ;
		if (lURL != nil)
			return [lURL path] ;
	 } ;
	return @"" ;

// Returne localized path
- (NSString *)localpath:(NSString *)thepath :(NSFileManager *)afilemanager
	NSString	*thend ;
	NSArray		*thelist ;

	if (thepath == nil) return @"" ;
	if ([thepath length] == 0) return @"" ;
	if (![afilemanager fileExistsAtPath:thepath])
	 {	thend = [thepath lastPathComponent] ;
	 	return [[self localpath:[thepath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] :afilemanager] stringByAppendingPathComponent:thend] ;
	 } ;
	thelist = [afilemanager  componentsToDisplayForPath:thepath] ;				// convert in matrix
	if ( [thelist count] != 0)
		return [NSString pathWithComponents:thelist] ;                          // return localized path
		return thepath ;

- (NSString *)localpath:(NSString *)thepath										// return a full localized path
	NSFileManager *afilemanager = [NSFileManager defaultManager] ;              // call "default manager"
	return [self localpath:thepath :afilemanager] ;

//  return a localized path related to user home directoryr   ~/
- (NSString *)pathUser:(NSString *)thepath
	NSString *here ;
	NSString *apath ;

	apath = [self localpath:thepath] ;
	if ([apath length] == 0) return @"" ;
	here = [self localpath:[@"~/" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]] ;
	if (([apath rangeOfString:here].location) != NSNotFound)
		return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"~%@", [apath substringFromIndex:[here length]]] ;
	return apath;

// NSAlert available 10.3 to 10.9
- (NSInteger)myAlerte:(NSUInteger)style Txt:(NSString *)Txt firstB:(NSString *)firstB alternateB:(NSString *)alternateB
										otherB:(NSString *)otherB informativeTxt:(NSString *)informativeT
	NSAlert		*lalerte ;
	NSInteger	ret ;

	lalerte = [[NSAlert alloc] init] ;
	[lalerte setAlertStyle:style] ;
	if (Txt == nil)
		[lalerte setMessageText:@"Linapple"] ;
		[lalerte setMessageText:Txt] ;
	[lalerte addButtonWithTitle:firstB] ;
	if (alternateB != nil)	[lalerte addButtonWithTitle:alternateB] ;
	if (otherB != nil)		[lalerte addButtonWithTitle:otherB] ;
	if (informativeT!= nil) [lalerte setInformativeText:informativeT] ;
	ret = [lalerte runModal] ;
	[lalerte release] ;
	switch (ret) {
    case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
    	return NSAlertDefaultReturn;
    case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
    	return NSAlertAlternateReturn;
	return NSAlertOtherReturn;
