git @ Cat's Eye Technologies ellsync / 0.1

Tree @0.1 (Download .tar.gz)


ellsync is an opinionated poka-yoke for rsync.

  • opinionated: it was designed for a particular use case for rsync (offline backups).
  • poka-yoke: it exposes a restricted interface to rsync, which prevents using it in dangerous ways.

As a side-effect it also provides some convenience, as the restricted interface can be accessed by shorthand form instead of verbosely.

ellsync's operation is based on a backup router which is a JSON file that looks like this:

    "art": {
        "from": "/media/user/External1/art/",
        "to": "/home/user/art/"

In this, art is the name of a backup stream, in which files in /media/user/External1/art/ (called the canonical) are periodically synced to /home/user/art/ (called the cache).

The idea is that all changes to the contents of the canonical directory are bona fide changes, but any change to the contents of the cache can be discarded.

With this router saved as router.json we can then say

ellsync router.json /home/user/art/ /media/user/External1/art/

and this will in effect run

rsync --archive --verbose --delete --dry-run /home/user/art/ /media/user/External1/art/

Note that by default it only runs a --dry-run. It's a good practice to do a dry run first, to see what will be changed. As a bonus, the files involved will often remain in the filesystem cache, meaning a subsequent actual run will go quite quickly. To do that actual run, use --apply:

ellsync router.json /home/user/art/ /media/user/External1/art/ --apply

Note that if we try

ellsync router.json /media/user/External1/art/ /home/user/art/

we will be prevented, because it is an error, because the direction of the backup stream is always from canonical to cache.

Various other configurations are prevented. You may have noticed that rsync is sensitive about whether a directory name ends in a slash or not. ellsync detects when a trailing slash is missing and adds it. Thus

ellsync router.json /media/user/External1/art /home/user/art/

is still interpreted as

rsync --archive --verbose --delete /home/user/art/ /media/user/External1/art/

(but note that the directories in the router do need to have the trailing slashes.)

Since this configuration is named in the router, we don't even have to give these directory names. We can just give the name of the stream, followed by a colon (more on that in a second):

ellsync router.json art:

Either the canonical or the cache (or both) may be offline storage (removable media), therefore neither directory is assumed to exist (it might not exist if the volume is not mounted.) If either of the directories does not exist, ellsync will refuse to use this backup stream. Based on this, there is a subcommand to list which streams are, at the moment, backupable:

ellsync router.json list

Also, since the contents of the canonical and the cache normally have the same directory structure, ellsync allows specifying that only a subdirectory of a stream is to be synced:

ellsync router.json /home/user/art/painting/ /media/user/External1/art/painting/

This is of course allowed only as long as it is the same subdirectory. This will fail:

ellsync router.json /home/user/art/painting/ /media/user/External1/art/sculpture/

And this can be combined with the short, name-the-stream syntax, and explains why there is a colon in it:

ellsync router.json art:painting/

You might have a router you use almost always, in which case you might want to establish an alias like

alias myellsync ellsync $HOME/my-standard-router.json

(or whatever.)