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Commentary by cpressey on x86 works
Mastering Turbo Assembler
80386 -- A Programming and Design Handbook
The x86 PC
IA-64 for Software Developers
PC Assembly Book
This was earlier found at this web page:*/ which is no longer relevant to this work (it's now some spam about assembling PC's), but has a long history on the Internet Archive.
8086 Microprocessor Cheatsheet
code challenge - Emulate an Intel 8086 CPU - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange
Can one isolate processes on a 8086? - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
zwegner/x86-sat: Basic SAT model of x86 instructions using Z3, autogenerated from Intel docs
ia32-doc/ia32-doc: IA32-doc is a project which aims to put as many definitions from the Intel Manual into machine-processable format as possible