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The Glosscubator
See also: Chrysoberyl ∘ The Dossier ∘ The Dipple
This is a collection of resources, categorized into lists of resources, almost all of which are accessible on the World Wide Web.
Currently it consists of 686 web pages, 82 repositories, 174 papers, and 179 books in 100 topics. Of these, 110 have the highest rating, 33 are considered classics, 77 are considered very interesting, while 67 are yet to be rated.
- 4-Dimensional Space
- 6502
- Abstract Algebra
- Agile Development
- Algebraic Logic
- Algorithms
- Apple II
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astronomy
- Attribute Grammars
- Automata Theory
- Bioinformatics
- Calculus of Constructions
- Category Theory
- Chaos Theory
- Character Sets
- Closure Systems
- Combinatorics
- Commodore 64
- Compiler Construction
- Computational Complexity
- Constraint Programming
- Coq
- Dafny
- Docker
- Electronics
- Electronics Projects
- Equational Logic
- FoM
- Formal Language
- Formal Specification
- Forth
- Functional Programming
- Game Assets
- Game Design
- Game Development
- Games
- Genetic Programming
- Group Theory
- Haskell
- Image Formats
- Incompleteness
- JavaScript
- Lambda Calculus
- Linguistics
- Lisp
- Literature
- Logic
- Logic Programming
- Lua
- Macros
- Mathematics
- Matroid Theory
- Modal Logic
- Model Checking
- Name Binding
- Nautilus
- Numerical Analysis
- Order Theory
- Parsing
- Partial Evaluation
- Pascal
- Philosophy
- Phraseology
- Physics
- PostgreSQL
- Probability Theory
- Programming Languages
- Prolog
- Proof Theory
- Public Domain
- Python
- Reactive Systems
- Recreational Mathematics
- Refinement Calculus
- Relational Programming
- Retrocomputing
- Scheme
- Shell Scripting
- Software Engineering
- TLA(plus)
- TRS-80
- Technology
- Term Rewriting
- Theorem Proving
- Theory of Computation
- Topology
- Type Systems
- Type Theory
- Unification
- User Interface
- VIC-20
- Web APIs
- miniKanren
- npm
- x86
Some of these lists are more curated than others. I'm currently trying to use the following system of ratings:
Rating | Description |
3 | If you read nothing else, read this. |
2 | I found it very interesting and/or it's a valuable resource. |
1 | I read (or at least skimmed) it and didn't consider it a waste of my time. |
0 | I read (or at least skimmed) it and I'm not sure. Consider it a curiosity. |
-1 | I read (or at least skimmed) it and was not impressed, but kept it here anyway. |
classic | A classic work; it might be a bit heavy, but worth knowing about. |
(no rating) | I haven't read it or haven't formed an opinion on it. |
Ratings don't usually apply to Wikipedia articles, as the quality of those can drift over time.
Combining as it does factual information (the title of a work, where it can be accessed, who its authors are, when it was created) and opinion (ratings, commentary), this repository is also an experiment in combining multiple licensing strategies under the REUSE paradigm; the factual information is in the public domain (CC-1.0) while the commentary is CC-BY-ND-4.0, with the rating being freely usable for any purpose - which includes computing results which will appear in the public domain, which is exactly what our automation here will be doing with them.
- Match wayback machine links, show "(wayback)" on them
- Match PDF links, show "(PDF)" on them
- Collect entries, read or compute "topics", distribute to all listed topics
- Render ratings
- Questions
- Collect CC-licensed content into local, combined document
Commit History
git clone
- Add 4 web pages about Software Engineering. Chris Pressey 23 days ago
- Fix availability of one book and rate it and (kinda) gloss it. Chris Pressey 25 days ago
- Rate two works on Logic and re-arrange some other things. Chris Pressey 26 days ago
- Add PostgreSQL topic, and 11 web pages therein. Chris Pressey 28 days ago
- Add two lecture noteses on Coq. Chris Pressey 28 days ago
- Add 3 papers and 2 web pages, Requirements and Model Checking. Chris Pressey 28 days ago
- Get the archived version of this page, with images, online again. Chris Pressey a month ago
- Rate a Compiler Construction web page. Chris Pressey a month ago
- Rate a paper on Partial Evaluation. Chris Pressey a month ago
- Add commentary on Maslov's book. Chris Pressey a month ago