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Topic Index

Collecting these bookmarks reveals there is a common topic structure to various things I've collected or written. This document begins to collate it and elaborate on it in the hopes of it one day becoming a common schema (with common "See also" links between topics, and other metadata) so that this information can be presented in a combined, navigable fashion or something.


  • Chrysoberyl entry
  • Bookmark (Internet resource)
  • Wikipedia article (CC BY SA 4.0)
  • StackExchange question/answer (CC BY SA)
  • Book (free online / borrowable / library borrowable / bookshop buyable)
  • Paper (free online / behind publisher firewall but with DOI or similar)


4-Dimensional Space

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics



  • title: MOS 6502
  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: x86, Retrocomputing, Commodore 64, VIC-20, Apple II


Abstract Algebra

  • used-in: bookmarks

Works regarding abstract algebra.

Artificial Intelligence

  • used-in: books, bookmarks

Works regarding the methods of designing and building systems which exhibit characteristics that people typically regard as "intelligent".

Agile Development

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Software Engineering

Works regarding methodologies which are oriented towards maintaining a steady flow of delivery of increments of value to the end user of a service, even in the face of changing requirements.


  • used-in: books

Works regarding the symbolic manipulation of expressions or equations as a means to simplifying them or solving them. Usually done with numeric expressions and variables representing unknowns.

Algebraic Logic

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic

Works regarding the subject of algebraic logic, that is, treating logical systems as abstract algebraic structures, with algebraic properties.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Computational Complexity

Works regarding algorithms.


  • used-in: books

Specific books which are published once a year, usually composed around a particular theme or media franchise.

Apple II

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Retrocomputing, 6502, BASIC


Applied Mathematics

  • used-in: books

Works regarding the application of mathematical ideas to practice in concrete areas such as engineering, meteorology, sociology, and so forth.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Physics

Works regarding the study of outer space and the objects found therein. May also include works on astrophysics.


  • used-in: books

Works about art. (Constrast: not specific works of art.)

Attribute Grammars

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: PLDI, Formal Language, Compiler Construction, Parsing

Works regarding attribute grammars, a formalism which is based on context-free grammars and which adds the notion of attributes to the sentence fragments being parsed.


  • used-in: Chrysoberyl
  • see-also: Automata Theory

Specific individual automata, and works regarding these specific automata.

Automata Theory

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Automata, Theory of Computation, Formal Language

Works regarding the theoretical study of automata.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages, Retrocomputing, Apple II, Commodore 64, VIC-20, TRS-80

Works regarding the programming language BASIC.


  • used-in: bookmarks

Works regarding the application of information technology to biological science.


  • used-in: books

Works regarding methods, culture, etc. used in the world of business.

Calculus of Constructions

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Coq

Works regarding the the Calculus of [Inductive] Constructions.

Category Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics

Works regarding abstract nonsense.

Chaos Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics, Numerical Analysis

Works regarding the tendency of some systems to be extremely sensitive to initial conditions and to exhibit behaviour which cannot be easily predicted.

Character Sets

  • used-in: bookmarks

Works regarding groupings of characters, that is glyphs, into what would be called (were they to consist only of letters), an alphabet; but because they contain other symbols (such as punctuation) too, they are called character sets. May also contain works on character encoding details, and on graphemics and graphetics.


  • used-in: books

Works regarding chemistry.

Closure Systems

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Topology, Matroid Theory

Works regarding systems in mathematics and logic which involve a closure operator, which turns out to be an awful lot of them, once you start looking hard enough for them.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics

Works regarding the branch of mathematics that is concerned with arrangements of elements and counting arguments.


  • used-in: books

Works which are regarded as comic strips and single-panel cartoons and comic books.

Commodore 64

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Retrocomputing, VIC-20, 6502, BASIC


Compiler Construction

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: PLDI, Parsing

Works concerned with compiler technology (contrast: not specific compilers).

Computational Complexity

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Theory of Computation

Works regarding computational complexity.

Computer Architecture

  • used-in: books

Works regarding how computer hardware is designed and arranged to build computing systems.

Computer Science

  • used-in: books

Works regarding Computer Science.

Constraint Programming

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic Programming, Relational Programming

Works regarding programming by means of specifying constraints and having the programming language execution find solutions to those constraints.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Theorem Proving, Calculus of Constructions

Works regarding the proof assistant Coq and its language Gallina.

Database Theory

  • used-in: books

Works regarding the theory of databases, including relational algebra.


  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Retrocomputing

Works regarding the operating system DOS, including Microsoft's MS-DOS as well as clones such as PCDOS and FreeDOS.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages

Works regarding Dafny, a programming language which supports formal verification by allowing invariants to be stated within the program.

Discrete Math

  • used-in: books

Works regarding discrete mathematics (combinatorics, mathematical logic, and so forth).


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: JavaScript, Web APIs

Works regarding the Document Object Model, mostly as it pertains to JavaScript and HTML in the context of a web browser.


  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Electronics Projects

Works regarding the science of electronics, the exploiting of electric charges as signal and control mechanisms.

Electronics Projects

  • used-in: Chrysoberyl, bookmarks
  • see-also: Electronics

Specific electronics projects. Contrast with electronics the subject.


  • used-in: books

Works regarding engineering topics.

Equational Logic

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic, Term Rewriting, Universal Algebra

Works regarding the subject of equational logic, that is, logical systems based on the properties of equivalence relations (reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity) and the rule of "replacing equals with equals".


  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • title: Foundations of Mathematics
  • see-also: Mathematics, Logic, Incompleteness



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl


Formal Language

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • title: Formal Language Theory
  • see-also: Attribute Grammars, Parsing



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages


Functional Programming

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Lambda Calculus

Works regarding programming in a functional style, whether that be pure or impure, strictly typed or latently typed.

Game Assets

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Games, Game Development


Game Development

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Games, Game Design, Game Assets

Works regarding the art and science of developing video games.

Game Design

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Games, Game Development

Works regarding the art and science of designing games, with an emphasis on video games, but not excluding computer games and other kinds of games.


  • used-in: Chrysoberyl, bookmarks
  • see-also: Game Design, Game Development, Game Assets

Works that are specific games or are about specific games that don't have their own category.

Game Implementations

  • used-in: Chrysoberyl

Works that are specific implementations of games of which there can be multiple implementations (for example, "ports" of a video game to different systems).

Genetic Algorithms

  • used-in: books


Genetic Programming

  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl


Group Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks

Works pertaining to the mathematical study of groups, mathematical objects which capture a notion of reversibility.

HTML5 Installations

  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Functional Programming, Programming Languages

Works regarding the programming language Haskell. This includes, not only the programming language itself, but also its ecosystem.

Name Binding

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Lambda Calculus, Theorem Proving

Works regarding the issues surrounding binding names to values. This includes Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (HOAS).

Image Formats

  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: FoM, Logic

Works regarding logical incompleteness.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages, DOM, Web APIs, npm

Works regarding the programming language JavaScript. This means the programming language itself, and not its ecosystem.

Juvenile Fiction

  • used-in: books


Lambda Calculus

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Name Binding, Logic, Type Theory, Functional Programming

Works regarding the lambda calculus, a logical system that was developed in the pursuit of generalizing the idea of a quantifier.

Language Implementations

  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl

Works regarding specific individual languages.

Learn Programming

  • used-in: books



  • used-in: books, bookmarks

Works regarding the study of the human use of language. There may be an emphasis here on computational linguistics and/or natural language processing (NLP).


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages, Functional Programming, Scheme

Works regarding the programming language Lisp.


  • used-in: books, bookmarks


Literary Criticism

  • used-in: books



  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Modal Logic, Equational Logic, Algebraic Logic, Proof Theory, Lambda Calculus, FoM, Incompleteness

Works regarding the subject of logic, that is, the study of systems that allow deductions to be made, from some given positions, to obtain some further positions; a chain of such deductions being known as a proof.

Logic Programming

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Prolog, Logic, Theorem Proving, Relational Programming, Unification

Works regarding the use of logic theorem proving techniques to execute computer programs.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages

Works regarding the programming language Lua. This includes, not only the programming language itself, but also its ecosystem.


  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: FoM, Probability Theory, Combinatorics, Group Theory, Order Theory, Category Theory, Closure Systems, Topology, Matroid Theory, Numerical Analysis, Recreational Mathematics


Matroid Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Closure Systems



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Relational Programming


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic


Model Checking

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic, Formal Specification, Theorem Proving, TLA(plus)



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl


Musical Compositions

  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: books



  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: books



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: JavaScript

Works regarding the npm package manager for JavaScript.

Numerical Analysis

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics


Order Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • title: Programming Language Design and Implementation
  • see-also: Type Systems, Partial Evaluation, Compiler Construction, Programming Languages, Attribute Grammars

Works regarding the design and implementation of programming languages.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Formal Language, Compiler Construction, Attribute Grammars


Partial Evaluation

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: PLDI

Works relating to partial evaluation, a technique for transforming programs into other programs by evaluating parts of them and leaving other parts unevaluated.

Particular Languages

  • used-in: books



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages, Retrocomputing

Works regarding the programming language Pascal.


  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: books, bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Astronomy

Works regarding the study of the physical world and the rules by which it behaves. May also include works on astrophysics.


  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: books



  • used-in: bookmarks

Works pertaining to the use and study of the open-source relational database software PostgreSQL (a.k.a. Postgres).


  • used-in: books
  • boboooooooooooo: true


Probability Theory

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics


Programming Languages

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: BASIC, Dafny, Forth, Haskell, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Pascal, Prolog, Python, PLDI, Scheme, Shell Scripting

Works which are, or closely pertain to, individual particular programming languages. Contrast PLDI, which pertains to the study of programming languages as a subject.


  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic Programming, Programming Languages


Proof Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic

Works regarding the study of proofs as mathematical objects in their own right.


  • used-in: books


Public Domain

  • used-in: bookmarks

Works that are either regarding the concept of the public domain, or are (collections of) works that are in the public domain.


  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages


Reactive Systems

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Software Engineering


Recreational Mathematics

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics



  • used-in: books
  • boboooooooooooo: true


Refinement Calculus

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic, Formal Specification, Theorem Proving

Works relating to refinement calculus, a framework for transforming specifications of programs into executable programs in a stepwise and formal fashion.

Relational Programming

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: miniKanren, Logic Programming, Constraint Programming



  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: DOS, VIC-20, Commodore 64, Apple II, TRS-80, 6502



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages, Functional Programming, Lisp



  • used-in: books


Shell Scripting

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Programming Languages



  • used-in: books


Formal Specification

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Software Engineering, Logic, Refinement Calculus, Model Checking, Theorem Proving, TLA(plus)


Software Engineering

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Formal Specification, Reactive Systems, Agile Development



  • used-in: books


Systems Theory

  • used-in: books


Term Rewriting

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Equational Logic



  • title: Tandy TRS-80
  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Retrocomputing, BASIC



  • used-in: books
  • boboooooooooooo: true


Theory of Computation

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Computational Complexity, Automata Theory, Formal Language

Works regarding theory of computation, meaning models of computation and the limits they counter. This includes computability theory, including decidable and undecidable problems, also known as the theory of recursive functions. Note that "big" classes such as primitive recursive functions are regarded as complexity topics rather than computability topics here.


  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl


Theorem Proving

  • used-in: books, bookmarks
  • see-also: Formal Specification, Coq



  • title: TLA+
  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Formal Specification, Model Checking



  • used-in: Chrysoberyl



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Mathematics, Closure Systems


Type Systems

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: PLDI, Type Theory


Type Theory

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Type Systems



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: Logic Programming


User Interface

  • used-in: bookmarks



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • title: Commodore VIC-20
  • see-also: Retrocomputing, Commodore 64, 6502, BASIC


Web APIs

  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: DOM, JavaScript

Works regarding the APIs that web browsers expose to scripts (usually JavaScript) running within them; and/or the Browser Object Model (BOM), lumped in here.


  • used-in: books



  • used-in: bookmarks
  • see-also: 6502
