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Commentary by cpressey on Physics works

The Trouble with Physics

I read this a few years ago and it is not bad. It asks some hard questions about where physics is going.

The God Particle

I read this a long time ago. It's about the hunt for the Higgs particle. The viewpoint of an experimental (rather than theoretical) physicist is refreshing.

thermodynamics - The Sun is giving us a low entropy, not energy - Physics Stack Exchange


thermodynamics - Why does sunlight have low entropy? - Physics Stack Exchange


Hans Grassmann - Contributions to physics


mp.mathematical physics - Water at the scale of a cell should feel more like tar? - MathOverflow


quantum mechanics - Have researchers managed to \"reverse time\"? If so, what does that mean for physics? - Physics Stack Exchange


quantum mechanics - Can elementary particles be explained adequately by a wave-only model? - Physics Stack Exchange


astrophysics - What is happening when magnetic field lines snap or break? - Physics Stack Exchange


astrophysics - How do scientists know that distant parts of the universe obey the physical laws exactly as we observe around us? - Astronomy Stack Exchange


audio - Why can so little digital information be stored on a cassette tape? - Signal Processing Stack Exchange


thermodynamics - Placed in equivalent freezers, would a liter of water or a liter of lava turn from liquid to solid first? (question from a 6 year old) - Chemistry Stack Exchange


fuel - Why do jet engines use kerosene rather than gasoline? - Aviation Stack Exchange


Why do helicopters have skids? - Aviation Stack Exchange


LHC machine challenges leading theory of physics - BBC News


optics - What wavelengths of light does a banana reflect? - Physics Stack Exchange


quantum mechanics - When will a wave function collapse if the observer was only a camera and the video was watched later in time? - Physics Stack Exchange


power - If we increased the frequency of HV-AC lines, could we get atmospheric air to excite and illuminate? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
