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Commentary by Chris Pressey

This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations.


The Cognitive Connection: Thought and Language in Man and Machine

  • rating: 3

Begins with a disclaimer that it contains at least one error — which turns out to be a giant understatement. The book is riddled with errors, but has a great attitude. Touches on many of the weirder beliefs people have held about logic and language through history (for example, the "logic machines" of Ramon Llull.)

Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community

  • rating: 3

By he of "worse is better" fame.

Kind of goes all over the place, but worthwhile for its comparison of object-oriented programming to poetic compression, and for making a case that beauty may not be subjective.

Tossing Algebraic Flowers down the Great Divide

  • rating: 3


The \"Self-Valorizing Vanity\" of Philosophers - Daily Nous

  • rating: 0


What, if anything, can be said about what is unsayable? | Aeon Essays

  • rating: 3


HTMLGIANT / The Beginner's Guide to Hegel

  • rating: 3


What does post-truth mean for a philosopher? - BBC News

  • rating: 0


What does meta-philosophy have to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers?

  • rating: 1


The Philosophy of Computer Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

  • rating: 2
  • useful: true


Alan Kay on Marshal McLuhan and the Personal Computer

  • rating: 1


The Deep Insights of Alan Kay - mythz blog

  • rating: 3
