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Commentary by cpressey on Partial Evaluation works
Tutorial on Online Partial Evaluation
Definitely a tutorial, but that's good as it's easy to read and makes the basic ideas very clear. Lots of Haskell example code. Illustrates a simple application (specializing a model interpreter, in this case for models of state machines) and some of the pitfalls as well.
Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation
Partial evaluation : practice and theory
The introductory articles on partial evaluation are okay, but you can find ones that are at least as good elsewhere, I'm sure; the other articles are mostly about applications and as such seem to have mostly historical interest now.
Tutorial notes on partial evaluation
A bit dated, but some useful information in this short survey paper. Surely many of the practical applications of "online partial evaluation" have been overtaken by just-in-time (JIT) compilation.
Partial Evaluation of Computation Process—An Approach to a Compiler-Compiler
A partial evaluator for the untyped lambda-calculus
Compile-time calculation - Rosetta Code