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Commentary by cpressey on Mathematics works

The Magical Maze


Archimedes' Revenge


Compactness and Contradiction


Infinity - A simple, but not too simple introduction

Before you do any serious thinking about mathematics you should probably try to decide what your feelings towards infinity are.

Practice of mathematics


Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics. - MathOverflow


soft question - Math papers where the only issue is that someone else could\'ve done it but didn\'t - MathOverflow


soft question - When has the scaffolding been more important than the completed building? - MathOverflow


soft question - Big ideas that began small or small ideas that became big - MathOverflow


reference request - Proofs of theorems that proved more or deeper results than what was first supposed or stated as the corresponding theorem - MathOverflow


big list - Every mathematician has only a few tricks - MathOverflow


Poincaré on intuition in mathematics - MacTutor History of Mathematics


There's more to mathematics than rigour and proofs | What\'s new


soft question - Is an interpretation mathematics (fit for publication)? - MathOverflow


mathematics education - Are hypergeometric series not taught often at universities nowadays, and if so, why? - MathOverflow


calculus - Is there a reason it is so rare we can solve differential equations? - Mathematics Stack Exchange


logic - How many words (i.e. not \"math\" symbols\") should I use in my proofs? - Mathematics Stack Exchange


fa.functional analysis - Why do we have two theorems when one implies the other? - MathOverflow


soft question - Theorems with many distinct proofs - MathOverflow


\"Strange\" proofs of existence theorems - MathOverflow


Studying mathematics


mathematical pedagogy - Why\'s math way more puzzling, abstruse than law and medicine? - Mathematics Educators Stack Exchange


Why there is no Hitchhiker's Guide to Mathematics for Programmers | Math ∩ Programming


mathematics - How can I counter a student response saying \"Why are we bothered to reinvent the wheel when proving mathematical identities?\" - Academia Stack Exchange


secondary education - Response to Students Who Say \"This Is Not Important\" - Mathematics Educators Stack Exchange


soft question - Daunting papers/books and how to finally read them - MathOverflow


books - Learning mathematics in an \"independent and idiosyncratic\" way - MathOverflow


Mathematical Rigour


Why is writing down mathematical proofs more fault-proof than writing computer code? - Computer Science Stack Exchange


soft question - Consequences of lack of rigour - MathOverflow


history - Soft question: Examples where lack of mathematical rigour cause security breaches? - Cryptography Stack Exchange


Controversy in mathematics


research - Replication crisis in mathematics - MathOverflow


Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture | Quanta Magazine


The ABC conjecture has (still) not been proved | Persiflage


Notes on the Oxford IUT workshop by Brian Conrad | mathbabe


ho.history overview - Endless controversy - MathOverflow


independent researcher - Why are most cranks old men? - Academia Stack Exchange




Paul du Bois-Reymond - Wikipedia


James Dugundji - Wikipedia




abstract algebra - Can we define algebraic structures (group, rings, modules, fields) via their arrows? - Mathematics Stack Exchange


algebra precalculus - If two pairs of numbers have equal sums and products, what can we conclude about the pairs? - Mathematics Stack Exchange


Readings | Mathematics for Computer Science | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
