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Commentary by cpressey on JavaScript works

import - JavaScript | MDN


Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript | MDN


Spread syntax (...) - JavaScript | MDN


Error - JavaScript | MDN


Function() constructor - JavaScript | MDN


Date() constructor - JavaScript | MDN


Is it possible to send a variable number of arguments to a JavaScript function? - Stack Overflow


How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects? - Stack Overflow


Check if a variable is a string in JavaScript - Stack Overflow


JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting


Constructors Considered Mildly Confusing


functional programming - How are people implementing immutable data structures in JavaScript when the language doesn't offer any obvious way of implementing immutability? - Stack Overflow


The JavaScript Event Loop: Explained


Concurrency model and the event loop - JavaScript | MDN


Viewing Javascript\'s message queue in a browser? (Event loop) - Stack Overflow


Beginner\'s Guide to JavaScript promises


Using promises - JavaScript | MDN


We have a problem with promises


recursion - Are functions in JavaScript tail-call optimized? - Stack Overflow


Tail call optimization in ECMAScript 6


List of languages that compile to JS ยท jashkenas/coffeescript Wiki


javascript - What are lightweight lisp dialects that compile to readable js? - Stack Overflow


TypeScript: Documentation - TypeScript for JavaScript Programmers


JavaScript at quirksmode

This resource is ancient.

Speed Up Your JavaScript Load Time

This resource is ancient.