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Commentary by Chris Pressey

This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations.


philosophy of mathematics - What is a natural number? - Philosophy Stack Exchange

  • rating: 1


lo.logic - Most \'unintuitive\' application of the Axiom of Choice? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


lo.logic - Why worry about the axiom of choice? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


set theory - How much of the axiom of choice do you need in mathematics? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


reference request - What can be preserved in mathematics if all constructions are carried out in ZF? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


reference request - Lists as a foundation of mathematics - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


lo.logic - Is there any physical or computational justification for non-constructive axioms such as AC or excluded middle? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


lo.logic - Does changing the universe of set theory change the definition of truth? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


set theory - Bourbaki\'s definition of the number 1 - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


The Origin of the Number Zero | History | Smithsonian

  • rating: 0


ct.category theory - How to rewrite mathematics constructively? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


How should a \"working mathematician\" think about sets? (ZFC, category theory, urelements) - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


set theory - Set theories without \"junk\" theorems? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


foundations - Why hasn\'t mereology succeeded as an alternative to set theory? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


logic - Which is the most powerful language, set theory or category theory? - Mathematics Stack Exchange

  • rating: 1


set theory - Defining the standard model of PA so that a space alien could understand - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


ULTRAINFINITISM, or a step beyond the transfinite - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


Set-theoretical multiverse and foundations - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


New Foundations and weaker forms of choice - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


getting rid of existential quantifiers - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


Paris--Harrington theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • rating: 1


lo.logic - What sorts of extra axioms might we add to ZFC to compute higher Busy Beaver numbers? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1


set theory - Are there first-order statements that second order PA proves that first order PA does not? - MathOverflow

  • rating: 1
