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Commentary by cpressey on Electronics works

Getting Started in Electronics

A classic, with lots of cartoon capacitors etc.

Phase-Locked Loops & Their Application


Circuit Simulator Applet

An online circuit simulator implemented in JavaScript (previously implemented in a Java Applet).


A database of pinouts for many common IC's

A database of electronic components and their datasheets

A Review of Electronics

Many tested experiments, plus theory and history. Has a section on how phase-locked loops work.

Depot Repair


pcb - Environmentally sustainable electronics - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


transistors - Why does this simple circuit oscillate? (Ekasi oscillator) - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


flipflop - BJT Astable Multivibrator - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


fpga - What do HDLs compile/synthesize to? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


power supply - Is DC 5V and 2A dangerous to me? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


Operational amplifier - encyclopedia article - Citizendium


led - What\'s the intuition for reading transistor/resistor circuits? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange


digital logic - When is it appropriate to mix 74LSxx components with original TTL 74xx? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
