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Ratings by cpressey of Computational Complexity works
Computers and Tractability
- rating: classic
Computational Complexity (Papadimitriou)
- rating: 1
Computational Complexity (Wagner and Wechsung)
- rating: TODO
Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity
- rating: 3
Protein folding is NP-hard
- rating: 1
Complexity Hierarchies Beyond Elementary
- rating: TODO
The Typed Lambda Calculus is not Elementary Recursive
- rating: 1
Computability and Complexity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- rating: 3
Descriptive Complexity
- rating: 2
Theory of Computing: An Open Access Electronic Journal in Theoretical Computer Science
- rating: 1
hierarchy theorems - Examples of collapsing hierarchies - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange
- rating: 1
lower bounds - Law of the Excluded Middle in complexity theory - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange
- rating: 1
Galactic algorithm - Wikipedia
- rating: TODO
P, NP, and beyond
- rating: TODO
turing machines - Do I need to consider instance restrictions when showing a language is in P? - Computer Science Stack Exchange
- rating: 1
Cobham\'s thesis - Wikipedia
- rating: TODO
. theory - Are there any computational problems in groups that are harder than P? - MathOverflow
- rating: 1
cc.complexity theory - Subexponentially solvable hard graph problems - Theoretical Computer Science
- rating: 0
cc.complexity theory - A category of NP-complete problems? - Theoretical Computer Science
- rating: 0
P versus NP
- rating: TODO
P-versus-NP page
- rating: 1
Computational Complexity: So You Think You Settled P verus NP
- rating: 3
About P=NP and SAT « Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP
- rating: 1
- rating: TODO
Computational Complexity: A Simple PSPACE-Complete Problem
- rating: 3
- rating: TODO
computability theory - Inverse Ackermann - primitive recursive or not? - MathOverflow
- rating: 1
Between mu- and primitive recursion - MathOverflow
- rating: 1
computability theory - Is the collection of primitive recursive functions a lower set in the poset of computable functions? - MathOverflow
- rating: 0