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Commentary by cpressey on Computational Complexity works

Computers and Tractability

The classic work presenting a compilation of many NP-complete problems.

Computational Complexity (Papadimitriou)

Really quite good book on the subject. One memory I have from it is the economical definition of Turing machines; they're defined as a 4-tuple (in contrast to other author's definitions using, say, a 7-tuple); another is the discussion early on of what metrics can be used for complexity and what can't, and how one can define pathological metrics.

Computational Complexity (Wagner and Wechsung)

Gosh, this is incredibly heavy. It's hard to imagine any individual ever owning this book; I can only imagine it belonging to a university library. That sort of book.

Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity

There's some good stuff here, but it's not all good stuff.

Mainly, this is where I discovered Cobham's P-complete formulation. It comes via another paper via another paper though, so it should really be described there.

There are a few other interesting things in this essay though. The "waterfall as computation" example, for example.

Protein folding is NP-hard


Complexity Hierarchies Beyond Elementary

I need to skim this and take some notes.

The Typed Lambda Calculus is not Elementary Recursive


Computability and Complexity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)


Descriptive Complexity


Theory of Computing: An Open Access Electronic Journal in Theoretical Computer Science

Articles are CC-BY-something licensed.

hierarchy theorems - Examples of collapsing hierarchies - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange


lower bounds - Law of the Excluded Middle in complexity theory - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange


Galactic algorithm - Wikipedia


P, NP, and beyond


turing machines - Do I need to consider instance restrictions when showing a language is in P? - Computer Science Stack Exchange


Cobham\'s thesis - Wikipedia

. theory - Are there any computational problems in groups that are harder than P? - MathOverflow


cc.complexity theory - Subexponentially solvable hard graph problems - Theoretical Computer Science


cc.complexity theory - A category of NP-complete problems? - Theoretical Computer Science


P versus NP


P-versus-NP page


Computational Complexity: So You Think You Settled P verus NP


About P=NP and SAT « Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP




Computational Complexity: A Simple PSPACE-Complete Problem




computability theory - Inverse Ackermann - primitive recursive or not? - MathOverflow


Between mu- and primitive recursion - MathOverflow


computability theory - Is the collection of primitive recursive functions a lower set in the poset of computable functions? - MathOverflow
