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Commentary by cpressey on Commodore 64 works

Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide

It's a classic, from the point of view of esolang studies. I urge you to read the "crunching" guide on pages 24-27, how the screen editor works on pages 94-97, the vaguely condescending paragraph at the top of page 153, and the comment on program line 20 on page 148, and tell me that the Commodore 64 isn't an esoteric architecture.

1001 Things to Do With your Commodore 64

Basically a font of mathematical/engineering/physical trivia and random ideas for what could be done with a computer. Although, I'm pretty sure they re-published effectively the same book of ideas and BASIC program fragments for every microcomputer on the market at the time, and this just happened to the be Commodore 64 one.



Commodore 64 screen codes


Commodore 64 Resources


\"Micro-Lisp\" a lisp for the C64 - Google Groups
