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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# - Yet Another End Of Line Converter
# v2003.0402 Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, has dedicated it to the public domain.
# For more information, please refer to <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

# Why
# - Needed script to massage Befunge source files to sensible EOLs.
# - Needed conversion for mounting MS-DOS partition under FreeBSD.
# - For both of these tasks it is extremely useful to have a script
#   which just "readjusts" all text files in the current directory
#   to the EOL convention which makes the most sense under the
#   current operating system.

# How differs from other utilities like it:
# - if no file names are given, converts every file in the current dir
# - recurses into directories if -r switch is given
# - auto-detects file types - will not convert files which look like
#   binary or directory files unless they're explicitly forced with -f
# - always converts files to what it considers the current native EOL
# - -crcrlf looks for and xlates the mangled marker 'CR CR LF' => EOL

# usage: [perl] yaeolc[.pl] [-f] [-q] [-r] [-crcrlf] {files}

# history:
#  v0.7  Jul 17 2000 - hacked together in primary form.
#  v2000.07.18       - added recursive operation into subdirs.
#                    - improved (GNUified) switches somewhat.
#  v2003.0402        - fixed small bug involving -quiet mode

### GLOBALS ###

my $switch = '';
my $force  = 0;
my $crcrlf = 0;
my $quiet  = 0;
my $recur  = 0;

my $file   = '';
my $count  = 0;

### SUBS ###

sub convert
  my $file = shift;
  my @char = ();
  my $q; my $i;
  open FILE, $file;
  binmode FILE;
  while (read(FILE, $q, 1))
    push @char, ord($q);
  close FILE;

  $i = 0;
  while ($i <= $#char)
    if($char[$i] == 13)      # Mac or MS-DOS EOL
      if($char[$i+1] == 10)  # MS-DOS EOL
        $char[$i] = -2; $i++;
      } else                 # Mac or Mangled EOL
        if($char[$i+1] == 13 and $char[$i+2] == 10 and $crcrlf)
        {                    # Mangled EOL
          $char[$i] = -3; $i += 2;
        } else               # Mac EOL
          $char[$i] = -1;
    } elsif($char[$i] == 10) # Unix EOL
      $char[$i] = -1;

  open FILE, ">$file";  # overwrite file
  while (defined($q = shift @char))
    if ($q < 0)
      print FILE "\n";
      if ($q == -2)
        $q = shift @char;  # ignore second char in EOL
      elsif ($q == -3)
        $q = shift @char;  # ignore second and third chars
        $q = shift @char;
    } else
      print FILE chr($q);
  close FILE;

sub convertdir
  my $dir = shift;
  my $fh = shift;
  my $file;
  print "Processing directory: $dir\n" if not $quiet;
  opendir $fh, $dir;
  while (defined($file = readdir $fh))
    next if $file eq '..' or $file eq '.';
    if (-d "$dir/$file")
      convertdir("$dir/$file", "_$fh") if $recur;
    if(not -T "$dir/$file")
      print "* $dir/$file does not look like a text file\n" if not $quiet;
      next if not $force;
    print "Converting $dir/$file...\n" if not $quiet;
    convert "$dir/$file";  $count++;
  closedir $fh;

### MAIN ###

while (defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] =~ /^\-\-?(\w+?)$/)
  $switch = $1; shift @ARGV;
  if    ($switch eq 'f' or $switch eq 'force') { $force = 1 }
  elsif ($switch eq 'q' or $switch eq 'quiet') { $quiet = 1 }
  elsif ($switch eq 'r' or $switch eq 'recurse') { $recur = 1 }
  elsif ($switch eq 'crcrlf') { $crcrlf  = 1 }
    die "Usage: [perl] yaeolc[.pl] [-q] [-f] [-r] [-crcrlf] {files}\n";

print " v2000.07.18 Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies\n" if not $quiet;

if (defined $ARGV[0])
  while (defined $ARGV[0])
    $file = shift @ARGV;
    if (-d $file)
      convertdir($file, 'DIR') if $recur;
    if(not -T $file)
      print "* $file does not look like a text file\n" if not $quiet;
      next if not $force;
    print "Converting $file...\n" if not $quiet;
    convert $file;  $count++;
} else
  convertdir('.', 'DIR');
print "Done processing, $count files converted.\n" if not $quiet;

### END ###