git @ Cat's Eye Technologies The-Dipple / master perl / asplode

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, has dedicated it to the public domain.
# For more information, please refer to <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

# Script to extract all files from a set of .d64 disk images, putting the
# files from each disk into its own folder.  Also, detokenize every file,
# (on the assumption that it is a BASIC file) putting the detokenized
# version in a common LISTING directory.

sub cleanout ($) {
    my $dir = shift;
    if (-e $dir) {
        if (!-d $dir) {
           die "$dir is not a directory";
        system "rm -r '$dir'";
    mkdir $dir;

opendir DIR, ".";
open LISTING, ">d64.lst";
cleanout "COMMON";
cleanout "LISTING";
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
    if ($file =~ /\.d64$/ and $file !~ /^ACS_/ and $file !~ /^AGCK_/) {
        print LISTING "$file\n";
        print "$file:\n";

        my $listing = `c1541 '$file' -list`;
        print LISTING $listing;

        my $root = $file;
        $root =~ s/\.d64$//;
        my $dir = $root . ".DIR";
        cleanout $dir;
        chdir $dir;
        system "c1541 '../$file' -extract";
        opendir SUBDIR, ".";
        my @subfiles = readdir(SUBDIR);
        closedir SUBDIR;
        foreach my $extfile (@subfiles) {
            next if -d $extfile;
            my $newfile = $extfile;
            $newfile =~ s/\'/\_/g;
            rename $extfile, $newfile;  # avoid problems with horrid characters
            system "cp -P './$newfile' '../COMMON/$newfile ($root)'";
            if ($newfile !~ /\.dig$/ and $newfile !~ /^l\d\dt$/) {
                print "listing $newfile...\n";
                system "petcat '$newfile' >'../LISTING/$newfile ($root).txt'";
        chdir '..';

        print "\n";
        print LISTING "\n";
closedir DIR;