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; total.scm - kernel of totality checker
; Total Procedures in Scheme, May 2006, Chris Pressey
; For license information, see the file LICENSE in this directory.

; Create initial environment from the list of arguments of the lambda
; expression and from the environment of previously gathered critical
; arguments.  Each argument which is found in the critical arguments
; gets a type apropos to its critical nature; arguments that are not
; found in the critical argument environment get the type 'unknown'.
(define-total make-initial-args
  (lambda (formals crit-args env)
    (if (acyclic? formals)
        ((null? formals)
          (let* ((formal (car formals))
                 (rest   (cdr formals))
                 (type   (get-env crit-args formal)))
                (make-initial-args rest crit-args (extend-env env formal type)))
                (make-initial-args rest crit-args (extend-env env formal 'unknown))))))))))

; Create a new 'this' type.
(define-total make-this
  (lambda (formals crit-args acc)
    (if (acyclic? formals)
        ((null? formals)
          (cons 'this (reverse acc)))
          (let* ((formal   (car formals))
                 (rest     (cdr formals))
                 (this-arg (or (get-env crit-args formal) 'unknown)))
            (make-this rest crit-args (cons this-arg acc))))))))

; Create a new environment that is suited for a base for the
; environments of a set of mutually recursive procedures.
; This environment has one 'this' in it for each procedure.
; These procedures can call each other, and so must be informed
; of each others' critical arguments.
(define-total make-mutual-env
  (lambda (proc-names expr-reps env)
    (if (acyclic? proc-names)
        ((null? proc-names)
          (let* ((proc-name (car proc-names))
                 (expr-rep  (car expr-reps))
                 (formals   (cadr expr-rep)) ; get-lambda-args
                 (crit-args (find-crit expr-rep proc-names))
                 (this      (make-this formals crit-args '()))
                 (new-env   (extend-env env proc-name this)))
            (make-mutual-env (cdr proc-names) (cdr expr-reps) new-env)))))))

; A list of built-in functions that, when applied to an acyclic list
; (list or reduced-list type) always result in a reduced-list.
(define reducing-procs '(

; Determine the type of an expression, with respect to totality analysis.
; If the expression is (- foo 1) where foo is a critical natural number,
; the type is a reduced natural number.
; If the expression is (cdr foo) where foo is a critical list, the
; type is a reduced list.
(define-total get-expr-type
  (lambda (expr-rep env)
      ((is-call? expr-rep)
        (let* ((proc-name (car expr-rep))
               (proc-args (cdr expr-rep))
               (proc-type (get-env env proc-name)))
            ((eq? proc-name '-)
                ((and (eq? (get-env env (car proc-args)) 'crit-nat)
                      (eq? (cadr proc-args) 1))
            ((memv proc-name reducing-procs)
                ((or (eq? (get-env env (car proc-args)) 'crit-list)
                     (eq? (get-env env (car proc-args)) 'reduced-list))

; When encountering a self-recursive call, check that each passed
; argument coincides with an identified critical argument.
(define-total check-recurse-args
  (lambda (actuals formal-types env)
    (if (acyclic? actuals)
        ((null? actuals)
          (let* ((actual      (car actuals))
                 (actual-type (get-env env actual))
                 (formal-type (car formal-types)))
              ((and (eq? formal-type 'crit-nat) (not (eq? actual-type 'reduced-nat)))
              ((and (eq? formal-type 'crit-list) (not (eq? actual-type 'reduced-list)))
                (check-recurse-args (cdr actuals) (cdr formal-types) env)))))))))

; Create a new abstract environment from the existing one, in the context
; of the abstract execution of the body of the let.
(define-total make-let-env
  (lambda (names vals orig-env new-env)
    (if (acyclic? names)
        ((null? names)
          (merge-envs orig-env new-env))
          (let* ((first-name (car names))
                 (rest-names (cdr names))
                 (first-val  (car vals))
                 (rest-vals  (cdr vals))
                 (first-type (get-expr-type first-val orig-env))
                 (new-env    (extend-env new-env first-name first-type)))
                (make-let-env rest-names rest-vals orig-env new-env))

(definerec-total (

; Determine if all bindings in a let-expression are total.
  (lambda (bindings env)
    (if (acyclic? bindings)
        ((null? bindings)
          (let* ((binding    (car bindings))
                 (rest       (cdr bindings))
                 (name       (car binding))
                 (val        (cadr binding)))
              ((expr-total? val env)
                (bindings-total? rest env))

; Given a canonicalized representation of an expression and a type
; environment, return #t if we can establish that this expression is total
; (always terminates for any input,) or #f if we cannot establish that.
  (lambda (expr-rep env)
    (if (acyclic? expr-rep)
        ; Branch never taken but convinces analysis that we're total.
        ((null? expr-rep)
        ; a) If we see a 'let', we abstractly evaluate each of its
        ;    initial values in the current environment; then we
        ;    create a new environment where each name is bound to its
        ;    newly associated (abstract) value, and abstractly evaluate
        ;    the body in the new environment.
        ((is-let? expr-rep)
          (let* ((bindings  (cadr expr-rep))
                 (names     (bindings->names bindings))
                 (vals      (bindings->values bindings))
                 (body-rep  (caddr expr-rep))
                 (new-env   (make-let-env names vals env '())))
                (and (bindings-total? bindings env)
                     (expr-total? body-rep new-env)))
                (display expr-rep)
        ; b) If we see an 'if', we abstractly evaluate the test
	;    and both branches; the procedure is only total if
	;    all of these are total.
        ((is-if? expr-rep)
          (let* ((test-expr-rep (cadr expr-rep))  ; get-test-expr
                 (then-expr-rep (caddr expr-rep)) ; get-then-expr
                 (else-expr-rep (cadddr expr-rep)) ; get-else-expr
		 (test-total    (expr-total? test-expr-rep env))
                 (then-total    (expr-total? then-expr-rep env))
                 (else-total    (expr-total? else-expr-rep env)))
            (and test-total then-total else-total)))
        ; c) A sequence is only total if all of its constituent
        ;    expressions are total.
        ((is-begin? expr-rep)
          (let* ((first-expr (cadr expr-rep))     ; get-begin-first
                 (second-expr (caddr expr-rep)))  ; get-begin-second
          (and (expr-total? first-expr env)
               (expr-total? second-expr env))))
        ; d) If we see a call to a procedure, we insist that the
        ;    called procedure must be total as well.  There are three
        ;    sub-cases to consider here:
        ((is-call? expr-rep)
          (let* ((proc-name (car expr-rep))
                 (proc-type (get-env env proc-name))
                 (proc-args (cdr expr-rep)))
              ; d.1) It's a call to a function that we already know is total.
              ((eq? proc-type 'total-proc)
              ; d.2) It's a recursive call - either self-recursive or
              ;      to one of any number of mutually recursive procedures.
              ;      In either case, we must check that the arguments being
              ;      passed to the critical arguments of the procedure are
              ;      those that monotonically decrease.
              ((is-recursable? proc-type)
                (check-recurse-args proc-args (this-args proc-type) env))
              ; d.3) It's a call to a function that we know nothing about.
              ;      Perhaps it is an external function which was not
              ;      given in the list of known-total functions, or perhaps
              ;      it was passed to this function as a parameter.  Either
              ;      way, because of this call, we must assume that our
              ;      function might not be total.
        ; e) Otherwise, the expression is an atom, number, lambda, or
        ;    other primitive, and as such, is certainly total.


; Given the name of a procedure, a canonicalized, syntax-checked S-expression
; representing that procedure, and a type environment, return #t if we can
; establish that this procedure is total (always terminates for any input,)
; or #f if we cannot establish that.
; We create a new environment from the given environment, which we use while
; checking the representation of the procedure.  In this new environment,
; each of the arguments of the procedure is associated with its type, and
; the name of the procedure is associated with a 'this' type, which knows
; the types that each of the arguments should be.
(define-total proc-total?
  (lambda (proc-name expr-rep env)
      ((is-lambda? expr-rep)
        (let* ((crit-args (find-crit expr-rep (list proc-name)))
               (body-rep  (caddr expr-rep)) ; get-canonicalized-lambda-body
               (formals   (cadr expr-rep))  ; get-lambda-args
               (inner-env (make-initial-args formals crit-args '()))
               (this      (make-this formals crit-args '()))
               (outer-env (extend-env env proc-name this))
               (new-env   (merge-envs outer-env inner-env)))
          (expr-total? body-rep new-env)))

; Given a set of (possibly mutually recursive) procedures, determine if
; they are all total.  First form the mutual environment, then call
; each-proc-total? on the list of procedures, with that environment.
(define procs-total?
  (lambda (proc-names expr-reps env)
    (let* ((canon-expr-reps (canonicalize-all expr-reps env '()))
           (mutual-env      (make-mutual-env proc-names canon-expr-reps (make-empty-env))))
      (each-proc-total? proc-names canon-expr-reps (merge-envs env mutual-env)))))

; Do the actual work required by procs-total?.
(define-total each-proc-total?
  (lambda (proc-names expr-reps env)
    (if (acyclic? expr-reps)
        ((null? expr-reps)
          (let* ((proc-name (car proc-names))
                 (expr-rep  (car expr-reps))
                 (body-rep  (caddr expr-rep)) ; get-canonicalized-lambda-body
                 (formals   (cadr expr-rep))  ; get-lambda-args
                 (crit-args (find-crit expr-rep proc-names))
                 (inner-env (make-initial-args formals crit-args '()))
                 (new-env   (merge-envs env inner-env)))
              (expr-total? body-rep new-env)
              (each-proc-total? (cdr proc-names) (cdr expr-reps) env))))))))