git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Pixley / master src / tower.scm

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

tower.scm @masterraw · history · blame

; A driver for running interpreters (on interpreters...) on Scheme.

; This is a sexp-based tower implementation.  This is like what is
; done in pixley.scm; the S-expression at the "top" of the tower,
; which we can think of as the program is wrapped, zero or more times,
; by each successively "lower" S-expression in the tower, we can think
; of as interpreters.  The final result is an S-expression that can be
; evaluated as a Scheme program.

; It is also possible to write a lambda-based tower implementation,
; where we load the S-expressions from the "bottom up", creating a
; function from each of them as we go, and using that function to
; interpret the next "higher" level S-expression.  However, this method
; runs into the problem that Pixley functions do not have the same
; representation, in Scheme, as Scheme procedures do.  If you're
; interested in this approach anyway, you can look at earlier revisions
; of this file in the repository -- but you are probably not *that*
; interested.

; The pseudocode is:
; pop the top sexp off the tower -> current sexp
; while there are sexps remaining on the tower:
;     pop the top sexp off the tower
;     wrap the current sexp with it as an interpreter -> current sexp
; you now have a sexp that you can evaluate as Scheme

; This is to support Scheme implementations that can't handle quasiquote
(define subst
  (lambda (sexp src dest)
      ((equal? sexp src)
      ((null? sexp)
      ((list? sexp)
        (cons (subst (car sexp) src dest) (subst (cdr sexp) src dest)))

(define wrap-sexp
  (lambda (wrapee-sexp wrapper-sexp)
      (subst (quote (let* ((interpret wrapper-sexp)
                           (sexp      (quote wrapee-sexp)))
                      (interpret sexp)))
             (quote wrapper-sexp) wrapper-sexp)
      (quote wrapee-sexp) wrapee-sexp)))

(define tower-rec
  (lambda (sexp-tower sexp)
    (if (null? sexp-tower)
      (let* ((interpreter-sexp (car sexp-tower))
             (rest             (cdr sexp-tower)))
        (tower-rec rest (wrap-sexp sexp interpreter-sexp))))))

(define make-tower
  (lambda (sexp-tower)
    (let* ((sexp-tower (reverse sexp-tower)))
      (if (null? sexp-tower)
        (let* ((sexp (car sexp-tower))
               (rest (cdr sexp-tower)))
          (tower-rec rest sexp))))))