git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Philomath / master eg / demo-proof5.c

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demo-proof5.c @masterraw · history · blame

 * Proof that
 *  (~p -> _|_) -> p
 * (a.k.a. reductio ad absurdum.  classical logic required.)

#include "formula.h"
#include "proof.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct theorem *step1 = suppose(impl(neg(var("p")), absr()), 1); /* Suppose ~p -> _|_ (1) */
    struct theorem *step2 = suppose(neg(var("p")), 2);               /* Now, suppose ~p (2) */
    struct theorem *step3 = impl_elim(step2, step1);                 /* Hence, _|_ */
    struct theorem *step4 = neg_intro(2, step3);                     /* And thus ~ our ~p, a.k.a. ~~p */
    struct theorem *step5 = double_neg_elim(step4);                  /* a.k.a. p, to a classicist */
    struct theorem *step6 = impl_intro(1, step5);                    /* So (~p -> _|_) -> p */
    return proves(
        impl(impl(neg(var("p")), absr()), var("p"))