git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Pail / rel_1_0_2019_0326 tests / Pail.markdown

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Test Suite for Pail

This test suite is written in the format of Falderal 0.7. It is far from exhaustive, but provides a basic sanity check that the language I've designed here comes close to what I had in mind.

Pail Tests

-> Tests for functionality "Evaluate Pail Expression"

A symbol reduces to that symbol.

| fst
= fst

| plains-of-leng?
= plains-of-leng?

A symbol must begin with a letter and contain only letters, digits, hyphens, and question marks.

| ^hey
= %(line 1, column 1):
= unexpected "^"
= expecting white space, "*", "#", "[" or letter

A pair reduces to that pair.

| [a b]
= [a b]

| [fst [a b]]
= [fst [a b]]

| [*fst [a b]]
= [*fst [a b]]

Square brackets must be properly matched.

| [a b
= %(line 1, column 5):
= unexpected end of input
= expecting letter or digit, "-", "?", "_", white space or "]"

Evaluation of a symbol reduces to that to which it is bound.

| *fst
= <fst>

Evaluation of a pair recursively reduces its contents.

| *[*fst [a b]]
= [<fst> [a b]]

| *[*fst *snd]
= [<fst> <snd>]

| *[*fst *[*snd *fst]]
= [<fst> [<snd> <fst>]]

Evaluation of a pair w/a fun on the lhs applies the fun.

| **[*fst [a b]]
= a

| **[*snd [a b]]
= b

Reducing an evaluation of a pair can accomplish a cons.

| *[**[*fst [a b]] **[*snd [c d]]]
= [a d]

Reducing on the lhs of a pair can obtain a fun to apply.

| **[**[*fst [*snd *fst]] [a b]]
= b

Applying uneval reduces to an evaluation.

| **[*uneval hello]
= *hello

The form #x is syntactic sugar for **[*uneval x].

| #hello
= *hello

Syntactic sugar is expanded at parse time.

| [#fst [a b]]
= [**[*uneval fst] [a b]]

It is possible to uneval a fun.

| #*fst
= *<fst>

Reduction of an uneval'ed symbol can be used to obtain an eval'ed symbol.

| *[#fst [a b]]
= [*fst [a b]]

Reduction of uneval'ed symbol can be used to obtain a fun.

| **[#fst [a b]]
= [<fst> [a b]]

Reduction of uneval'ed symbol can be used to apply the obtained fun.

| ***[#fst [a b]]
= a

Positive test of if-equal? on symbols.

| **[*if-equal? [[a a] [one two]]]
= one

Negative test of if-equal? on symbols.

| **[*if-equal? [[a b] [one two]]]
= two

Negative test of if-equal? on evals.

| ***[*if-equal? [[*a *b] [fst snd]]]
= <snd>

Let can bind a symbol to a symbol.

| **[*let [[a b] *a]]
= b

Let can bind a symbol to a pair.

| **[*let [[g [x y]] **[*snd *g]]]
= y

Let can bind a symbol to an expression containing an uneval, which can at a later point be eval'ed and reduced.

| **[*let [
|      [sndg *[**[*uneval snd] **[*uneval g]]]
|      **[*let [
|           [g [x y]]
|           ***sndg
|        ]]
|   ]]
= y

| **[*let [
|      [cadrg *[#fst ##*[#snd #g]]]
|      **[*let [
|           [g [x [y z]]]
|           ***cadrg
|        ]]
|   ]]
= y

Let can bind uneval'ed expression; prior bindings are honoured.

| **[*let [
|      [g moo]
|      **[*let [
|           [consnull *[#g null]]
|           ***consnull
|        ]]
|   ]]
= [moo null]

Let can bind uneval'ed expression; prior bindings are shadowed.

| **[*let [
|      [g moo]
|      **[*let [
|           [consnull *[#g null]]
|           **[*let [
|                [g k]
|                 ***consnull
|             ]]
|        ]]
|   ]]
= [k null]