Try it online @ | See also: Peterson's algorithm (WP)
Matchbox is a tool which finds race conditions. It is currently a work in progress.
It is not a production-quality tool; rather, it is more of a demonstration. For that reason, it is implemented in Javascript and runs in a web browser. It may be educational for understanding what a race condition is, and the sort of reasoning that is needed to find and prevent them.
Matchbox takes, as input, two programs written in a toy assembly-like language. These two program each have their own set of registers, but the main memory which they write to and read from is shared between them.
It then computes all possible interleavings of these two programs, and executes them all, each on freshly-zeroed registers and shared memory. Unless all the possible interleavings leave the memory in exactly the same state after execution, the programs have a race condition.
Basic Examples
These two programs do not have a race condition. The reason is that
Matchbox's INC
instruction atomically updates memory; two INC
s cannot
run at the same time.
But the following two programs do have a race condition:
MOV M0, R0
MOV R0, M0
MOV M0, R0
MOV R0, M0
The reason is that the second program's MOV M0, R0
might happen before
the first program's MOV R0, M0
— in which case M0 = 1 at the end — or it
might happen after — in which case M0 = 2.
Syntax and Semantics
Each line may contain a pragma, an instruction, a comment, or be blank.
Comments and blank lines are ignored. Comments begin with a ;
in the
first column.
There are two pragmas. The first, DESC
, indicates a section of the
program which contains a human-readable (and computer-ignored) description
of the following program(s). This description is not free-form; it should be
given in terms of comments.
The other pragma, PROG
, is followed by an integer which specifies which
program is being given next in the file.
These pragmas are only used when the source is a single text file; if the two programs are being given separately, for example in individual textboxes in a GUI, they are not used (and in fact their presence is an error.)
Instructions consist of an opcode which is followed by zero, one, or two data references.
A data reference may be an immediate value (denoted by an integer
literal,) a register reference (denoted by an R
immediately followed
by an integer literal,) or a memory reference (denoted by an M
immediately followed by an integer literal.)
When an instruction has two data references, often the first data reference is called the source and the second is called the destination. In this case, the destination may not be an immediate value.
All instructions are atomic in their execution.
takes 2 data references. It reads a value from the source,
and writes that value into the destination. Thus it can write a
constant value into a register or memory, copy a register to
another register or to a memory location, or copy a memory
location to another location in memory or to a register.
takes one data reference, which may not be an immediate value.
It increments the value stored at the given register or memory
takes a memory reference and an immediate value, and simulates
a busy wait for that memory location to contain that value. Note that
this is merely a simulation: if the memory location does not contain that
value when WAIT
is executed, the program run is merely discarded.
This is justified on the grounds that, if it were a busy wait for that
value, the present interleaving would simply never have occurred.
(This doesn't entirely make sense if WAIT
is the final instruction in
a program, though.)
Advanced Examples
There are some classic synchronization algorithms in computer science. We can try some of them here, and see if Matchbox can tell us if they work.
Peterson's algorithm is implemented in eg/petersons-no-race.mbox
Inside the critical sections, the programs shown above, the ones which
have the race condition, are embedded. Matchbox takes a while to find
all the interleavings, but once it does, it confirms that there is no
race condition.
Dekker's algorithm will not be possible to implement in Matchbox,
because it contains a nested while
loop (see "Limitations", below.)
Note that these algorithms are generally not needed on modern computer architectures which provide operations like atomic test-and-set. They are demonstrated here for their beauty as algorithms and their historical importance only.
Why should I care? I don't program in assembly language!
Doesn't matter; you still face race conditions. Race conditions are everywhere, and every software developer should be familiar with them (I like to use the questions "Can you tell me what a race condition is? Can you give me an example? Can you tell me about one you had to find and fix?" during phone screens.)
A glaring example that is relevant to virtually every programmer is the filesystem. It's a big, shared, mutable store. There are often some operations, like renaming a file, that are guaranteed to be atomic; but most filesystem operations do not have this guarantee.
There are of course two significant limitations to this toy machine language: it has no loops, and no indirect references.
This is because both of those features would add significantly more dynamic factors to the run. Taking account of them would add a lot of overhead, while not adding much to the basic presentation.
However, to consider how they might work:
To handle loops, we would probably want to split each program up into basic blocks, and run every basic block alongside every other basic block, to see if there are any race conditions there.
Even that is not quite enough in practice, for there is nothing stopping there from being, for example, a loop in-between two mutexes. In this case, we would probably report some false positives — race conditions which look like they can happen, in theory, but would never happen in practice.
To handle indirect references (computed offsets, like arrays with indexes,) would not be terribly difficult — unless they were combined with loops. Then we would need to determine the entire range of possible memory locations that could be affected, and check all of them.
These features would be better handled with abstract interpretation, than with direct simulation like we're doing here.
- improve error-checking subsystem to report the program and line number
- better output on "Find RCs" -- explain why it failed
- animation style selector: staggered, black + white, no animation
- when finding a "(can't happen)", strip all further interleavings which have the same prefix
- ability to break on first inconsistent result (for long programs)
- add sufficient instructions to implement Szymanski's algorithm?
Commit History
git clone
- Arrange licensing info in repo according to REUSE 3.2 convention. Chris Pressey 6 months ago
- Update "see-also bar". Chris Pressey 1 year, 4 months ago
- Load example programs from JSONP file instead of XHR'ing each one. Chris Pressey 1 year, 7 months ago
- Improve "see-also bar" at top of README. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
- Add "see also bar" to top of README. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
- Added tag 1.0 for changeset 11da4dac5387 Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Place Matchbox in the public domain. Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- A lame way to deal with the aesthetics, but for now, I don't care. Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Attempt to style it slightly more nicerly. Not really successful. Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Some small tidying up. Chris Pressey 10 years ago