* maentw.c
* Maentwrog (RPN calculator & simple interpreted language)
* - derived from rpn, Aug 1993 Chris Pressey
* - updated Jul 1997 Chris Pressey, fixed minor bugs
* - updated Jul 1998 Chris Pressey, fixed more minor bugs
* - and ANSI C-ized: now case sensitive
* - updated Jul 2010 Chris Pressey, buildability w/gcc & pcc
* - updated Sep 2014 Chris Pressey, buildability and warnings avoidance
* Usage : maentw maentw-expressions executes and exits
* maentw goes into interactive mode
* maentw <maentwrog-file runs file through maentw
* This work is in the public domain. See the file UNLICENSE for more info.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define DEFSIZE 1024
struct stack /* stack structure, for values on stack */
signed long val;
struct stack *next;
} *head; /* head of stack */
struct word /* word structure, for words (pre- and user- */
{ /* defined) */
char name[80]; /* name of word */
char *macro; /* macro (user-defined; only executed if
* fcn==0) */
int fcn; /* built-in fcn or 0 for user-defined fcn */
struct word *next;
} *whead; /* head of words */
struct vari /* variable structure, for variables */
char name[80]; /* name of variable */
signed long value; /* values of variable (signed longs only) */
struct vari *next;
} *vhead; /* head of variables */
int debug=0;
/* prototypes */
/* word-handling */
struct word *addword(const char *, const char *, int);
struct word *lookup(const char *);
void initwords(void);
void makeword(void);
/* variable-handling */
struct vari *addvari(char *);
struct vari *getvari(char *);
void setvari(char *, signed long);
/* stack-handling */
void push(signed long);
signed long pop(void);
/* functions */
void dofunc(struct word *);
void words(void);
void vars(void);
signed long sizestack(void);
/* parsing and interpreting */
char *strdupe(const char *);
void process(char *);
void procstr(char *);
/* entry point */
int main(int, char **);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char s[80];
int i;
head = NULL; /* init */
whead = NULL;
vhead = NULL;
if (argc != 1)
for(i=2;i<=argc;i++) procstr(argv[i-1]);
scanf("%s", s); /* process commands/values from stdin */
while (!feof(stdin))
scanf("%s", s);
return 0;
* processes the word in s according to parsing rules.
* if word starts with a digit or a -digit, it is converted to a float and put
* on the stack.
* if word starts with a = then the variable following equals is assigned the
* last value popped off the stack.
* if word starts with a * a variable is defined using that word.
* if word starts with a @, the stack is popped, is checked for the boolean
* value, and if true, executes it. (if.)
* if word starts with a $, the stack is popped, and command is repeated
* that number of times.
* if word starts with a [, the stack is popped, is checked for the boolean
* value, and if true, executes it. Then goes back and pops the stack
* again (while.)
* if word is in words list, that function is executed.
* if word is in variables list, the value of it is pushed onto the stack.
* otherwise generates an error.
void process(char *s)
struct word *w;
struct vari *v;
int i;
if(debug) printf("%s ", s);
if (isdigit((int)s[0]) || (s[0] == '-' && isdigit((int)s[1])))
else if (s[0] == '=')
setvari(s + 1, pop());
else if ((s[0] == '*') && (isalpha((int)s[1])))
addvari(s + 1);
else if (s[0] == '@')
if (pop())
if ((w = lookup(s + 1)))
else if (s[0] == '$')
if ((w = lookup(s + 1)))
else if (s[0] == '[')
if (pop())
if ((w = lookup(s + 1)))
} else break;
else if ((w = lookup(s)))
else if ((v = getvari(s)))
printf("unknown command '%s'\n", s);
char *strdupe(const char *s)
char *t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
strcpy(t, s);
return t;
* processes each word in the string s.
* strtok doesn't work with recursion :-(
void procstr(char *s)
char *h=strdupe(s);
char *g, *gg;
g = h;
for (;;)
gg = g;
while (!isspace((int)gg[0])&&gg[0])
if (!gg[0])
gg[0] = 0;
gg[0] = ' ';
g = gg;
while (isspace((int)g[0])&&g[0])
free(h); /* called with strdupe(), so we must free */
* adds a unique word to the list of words.
struct word *addword(const char *name, const char *macro, int fcn)
struct word *new;
for (new = whead; new; new = new->next)
if (!strcmp(new->name, name))
printf("already exists\n");
return NULL;
new = (struct word *) malloc(sizeof(struct word));
strcpy(new->name, name);
new->macro = strdupe(macro);
new->fcn = fcn;
new->next = whead;
whead = new;
return new;
* attempts to find the word 'name' in the words list. returns NULL if it
* could not be found.
struct word *lookup(const char *name)
struct word *l = whead;
struct word *k = NULL;
while (l)
if (!strcmp(name, l->name))
k = l;
l = NULL;
} else
l = l->next;
return (k);
* initialize the words list with all the built-in words.
void initwords()
addword("bye", "", 200);
addword("rem", "", 199);
addword("debug", "", 198);
addword("vars", "", 101);
addword("words", "", 100);
addword("free", "", 91);
addword("alloc", "", 90);
addword(";", "", 81);
addword(":", "", 80);
addword("size", "", 50);
addword("dup", "", 51);
addword("swap", "", 52);
addword("pop", "", 53);
addword("get", "", 45);
addword("put", "", 44);
addword("rnd", "", 40);
addword(">", "", 22);
addword("<", "", 21);
addword("==", "", 20);
addword(".", "", 1);
addword("..", "", 6);
addword("mod", "", 30);
addword("/", "", 5);
addword("*", "", 4);
addword("-", "", 3);
addword("+", "", 2);
* makes a word, reading between the : and ;, defining the new word's macro,
* and adds it.
void makeword()
char s[80];
char t[80];
char *y;
unsigned int size = DEFSIZE;
y = (char *)malloc(size);
scanf("%s", s);
strcpy(y, "");
scanf("%s", t);
while (strcmp(t, ";"))
if ((strlen(y)+strlen(t))>size)
printf("out of memory\n");
strcat(y, t);
strcat(y, " ");
scanf("%s", t);
char *n = (char *)malloc(strlen(y)+1);
/* printf("(usage : %d bytes)\n", strlen(y)+1); */
strcpy(n, y);
y = n;
addword(s, y, 0);
* pushes a value onto the stack.
void push(signed long val)
struct stack *s;
s = (struct stack *) malloc(sizeof(struct stack));
s->val = val;
s->next = head;
head = s;
* pops a value off the stack. generates error and returns 0.0 in case of
* underflow.
signed long pop()
signed long v;
struct stack *s = head;
if (s)
v = head->val;
head = head->next;
return v;
} else
printf("stack underflow\n");
return 0;
* adds a unique variable to the vari list.
struct vari *addvari(char *name)
struct vari *v;
for (v = vhead; v; v = v->next)
if (!strcmp(v->name, name))
printf("already exists\n");
return NULL;
v = (struct vari *) malloc(sizeof(struct vari));
strcpy(v->name, name);
v->next = vhead;
vhead = v;
return v;
* gets the value of a variable off the variable list.
struct vari *getvari(char *name)
struct vari *l = vhead;
struct vari *k = NULL;
while (l)
if (!strcmp(name, l->name))
k = l;
l = NULL;
} else
l = l->next;
return (k);
* sets the value of a variable
void setvari(char *name, signed long value)
struct vari *l = vhead;
while (l)
if (!strcmp(name, l->name))
l->value = value;
l = NULL;
} else
l = l->next;
* lists all words in mw's words list
void words()
struct word *w;
for (w = whead; w; w = w->next)
printf("%s ", w->name);
signed long sizestack()
signed long total = 0;
struct stack *s = head;
return total;
* list all variables in mw's vari list
void vars()
struct vari *v;
for (v = vhead; v; v = v->next)
printf("%-16s %ld\n", v->name, v->value);
* execute function of a word. if w->fcn is 0, it will run processtr on the
* word. otherwise, a built-in function will be called. see the rpn
* documentation on built-in functions.
void dofunc(struct word * w)
signed long a, b;
signed long *ax;
switch (w->fcn)
case 1: /* output (.) */
printf("%ld\n", pop());
case 2: /* add (+) */
push(pop() + pop());
case 3: /* subtract (-) */
a = pop();
b = pop();
push(b - a);
case 4: /* multiply (*) */
push(pop() * pop());
case 5: /* divide (/) */
a = pop();
b = pop();
push(b / a);
case 6: /* output ASCII (..) */
printf("%c", (char)pop());
case 20:
push(!pop() == !pop());
case 21:
case 22:
case 30:
a = pop();
b = pop();
push(b % a);
case 40:
push(a); /* something random */
case 44: /* put */
a = pop();
b = pop();
if (b % 4)
printf("must be longword boundary\n"); else
ax = (signed long *)b;
*ax = a;
case 45:
a = pop();
if (a % 4)
printf("must be longword boundary\n"); else
ax = (signed long *)a;
case 50:
push(sizestack()); /* size of stack (size) */
case 51: /* duplicate top element (dup) */
a = pop();
push(a); push (a); break;
case 52: /* swap top elements (swap) */
a = pop();
b = pop();
push(a); push (b);
case 53: /* pop element (pop) */
case 80: /* define word (: ... ;) */
case 81: /* null (;) */
case 90:
a = pop();
push((signed long)malloc(a*sizeof(signed long)));
case 91:
free((void *)pop());
case 100: /* list known words (words) */
case 101: /* list variables (vars) */
case 198:
debug = 1;
case 199: /* rem */
char t[80];
scanf("%s", t);
while (strcmp(t, ";"))
scanf("%s", t);
case 200: /* exit mw (bye) */
default: /* user-defined word */