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package Party;
@ISA = qw( Cloneable Saveable );

# Copyright (c)2000-2013, Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under a BSD-style license; see the file LICENSE for more info.

use Carp;

# our $AUTOLOAD;  # it's a package global

my %fields =
  'name'         => undef,
  'leader'       => undef,
  'actors'       => [],

sub new
  my $class = shift;
  my $leader = shift;
  my $name = shift || 'Untitled Party';
  my $self = {};
  $self->{_permitted}   = \%fields;
  $self->{name}         = $name;
  $self->{leader}       = $leader;
  $self->{actors}       = [ $leader ];
  $self->{vehicles}     = [];
  bless $self, $class;
  $leader->{party} = $self;
  return $self;

sub add
  my $self = shift;
  my $char = shift;
  if (ref($char) eq 'Actor')
    push @{$self->{actors}}, $char;
    $char->{party} = $self;
    croak("Can only add Actor to Party, not " . ref($char));

sub remove
  my $self = shift;
  my $char = shift;
  if (ref($char) eq 'Actor')
    my $a; @noo = ();
    foreach $a (@{$self->{actors}})
      if ($a eq $char)
        $char->{party} = undef;
      } else
        push @noo, $a;
    $self->{actors} = [ @noo ];
    croak("Can only remove Actor from Party, not " . ref($char));

sub count
  my $self = shift;
  return $#{$self->{actors}} + 1;

sub view
  my $self = shift;
  ::gotoxy($::pref{map_width}+2,2); ::display($self->{name});
  ::gotoxy($::pref{map_width}+2,3); ::display($::leader->{location}{name});
  # ::display(" (" . $::leader->location->{worldx} . ", " . $::leader->location->{worldy} . ")");

  my $minute =           $::game_time % 60;
  my $hour   = int($::game_time / 60) % 24;

  my $day    = int($::game_time / (60 * 24));
  my $wday   = $day % 7;
  my $mday   = $day % 27;
  my $month  = int($::game_time / (60 * 24 * 27)) % 12;
  my $year   = int($::game_time / (60 * 24 * 27 * 12)) + 786;

  my @wd = ('Solday', 'Lunday', 'Thoday', 'Woday', 'Tyrday', 'Venday', 'Daytag');
  my @md = ('Hominary', 'Eluary', 'Bince',
            'Binget', 'Bremeny', 'Issuary',
            'Amnet', 'Corcuary', 'Tressel',
            'Nabillary', 'Jammusary', 'Vench');

  my $time = sprintf("%2d:%02d", $hour, $minute);

  ::gotoxy($::pref{map_width}+2,4); ::display("$time $wd[$wday]");
  ::gotoxy($::pref{map_width}+2,5); ::display("$md[$month] $mday $year");

  my $j = 0;
  while ($j < $self->count)
