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package Encounter;
@ISA = qw( Cloneable Saveable );

# Encounter Drivers for CARPE DIEM

# Copyright (c)2000-2013, Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under a BSD-style license; see the file LICENSE for more info.

use Carp;

my %fields =
  'actors'       => [],
  'message'      => "There's something odd going on here.",
  'lore'         => qq("Lovely weather we're having isn't it?"),
  'persistent'   => 0,
  'friendly'     => 0,
  'itemseller'   => 0,
  'itembuyer'    => 0,
  'serviceseller'=> 0,
  'servicebuyer' => 0,

  'purchasing'   => undef,
  'bribeable'    => undef,

sub new
  my $class = shift;
  my %params = @_;
  my $self =
    '_permitted' => \%fields,
   'purchasing'   => {},
  bless $self, $class;

sub auto
  my $self = shift;
  my $m = shift;
  $self->{message} = "The $m->{name} eyes you suspiciously.";
  return $self;

sub begin
  my $self = shift;
  my $host = shift;
  my $done = 0;

  if (defined $host and ref($host) eq 'Actor')
    $self->{actors} = [$host];
  if (not defined $self->{actors}[0])
    carp "Need 0th actor";

  my @w = ('Show Item');
  if (defined $self->{bribeable}) { push @w, 'Bribe'; }
  if ($self->{itemseller})        { push @w, 'Buy Items'; }
  if ($self->{serviceseller})     { push @w, 'Buy Services'; }
  if ($self->{itembuyer})         { push @w, 'Sell Items'; }
  if ($self->{servicebuyer})      { push @w, 'Sell Services'; }

  while (not $done)
    my $q = Menu->new(
                       'label' => [ 'Talk', @w, 'Attack',
                                    $self->{friendly} ? 'Leave' : 'Flee' ],
    if ($q eq 'Show Item')
      my $i = $::leader->choose_item();
    elsif ($q eq 'Bribe')
      my $i = $::leader->choose_item();
      my $mx = $i->{count};
      next if not defined $i;
      if (not exists $self->{bribeable}{$i->{name}})
        ::msg('There is no response.');
        $self->attack($host) if not $self->{friendly}; $done = 1;
      my $min = $self->{bribeable}{$i->{name}};
      ::msg('How many of these will you tempt with?');
      ::gotoxy(60, 25);
      my $n = int(::readstring(3, '\d') || 0);
      if ($n > $mx or $n <= 0)
        ::msg('Even corruption is subject to the basic laws of accounting.');
      $i->{count} -= $n;
      if ($i->{count} == 0)
      if ($n < $min)
        ::msg('Seems it was not enough!');
        $self->attack($host) if not $self->{friendly};
        $done = 1;
      ::msg('The bribe was accepted and you are left in peace.'); $done = 1;
    elsif ($q eq 'Buy Items')
      my $i = $self->{actors}[0]->choose_item('sell!');
      next if not defined $i;
      if (not defined $i->{value})
        ::msg('"That\'s not for sale."');
      ::msg('"And I ask only ' . $i->{value}{count} . ' '. $i->{value}{name} . 's for each!  How many?"');
      ::gotoxy(60, 25);
      my $n = int(::readstring(3, '\d') || 0);
      if ($n > $i->{count} or $n <= 0)
        ::msg('"Sorry, no rainchecks; on-hand inventory only!"');
      my $cost = $i->{value}->clone;  $cost->{count} *= $n;
      my $payment;
      if ($payment = $::leader->has($cost))
        $payment->{count} -= $cost->{count};
        if ($payment->{count} == 0)
        push @{$::leader->{belongings}}, $i->bunch($n)->clone;
        # combine like items
        $i->{count} -= $n;
        if ($i->{count} == 0)
        ::msg('"Sold!  A pleasure doing business with you."');
      } else
        ::msg('"Sorry, you don\'t seem to have sufficient funds."');
    elsif ($q eq 'Buy Services')
      my $t = $self->{actors}[0]->choose_talent('sell!');
      next if not defined $t;
      if (not defined $t->{value})
        ::msg('"That\'s not for sale."');
      ::msg('"And I ask only ' . $t->{value}{count} . ' '. $t->{value}{name} . ' for this service!  Buy?"');
      ::gotoxy(60, 25);
      my $n = uc(::readstring(1, '[ynYN]')) || 'N';
      my $cost = $t->{value}->clone;
      my $payment;
      if ($payment = $::leader->has($cost))
        $::full_refund = 0;
        $t->use($self->{actors}[0], undef, $::leader);
        if ($::full_refund)
          ::msg('"Sorry it didn\'t work out."');
        } else
          $payment->{count} -= $cost->{count};
          if ($payment->{count} == 0)
          ::msg('"There you are!  It\'s been a pleasure to serve."');
        $::full_refund = 0;
      } else
        ::msg('"Sorry, you don\'t seem to have sufficient funds."');
    elsif ($q eq 'Sell Items')
      my $i = $::leader->choose_item();
      my $gi;
      my $mx = $i->{count};
      next if not defined $i;
      if (not exists $self->{purchasing}{$i->{name}})
        ::msg('"I\'m not really interested in that."');
      $gi = $self->{purchasing}{$i->{name}};
      ::msg('"I\'ll give you ' . $gi->{count} . ' '. $gi->{name} . 's for each!  How many?"');
      ::gotoxy(60, 25);
      my $n = int(::readstring(3, '\d') || 0);
      if ($n > $mx or $n <= 0)
        ::msg('"I was actually more interested in a plausible transaction."');
      my $cost = $gi->bunch($gi->{count} * $n);
      my $payment;
      if ($payment = $self->{actors}[0]->has($cost))
        $payment->{count} -= $cost->{count};
        if ($payment->{count} == 0)
        push @{$self->{actors}[0]->{belongings}}, $i->bunch($n)->clone;
        # combine like items
        $i->{count} -= $n;
        if ($i->{count} == 0)
        ::msg('"Thank you kindly!  A pleasure doing business with you."');
      } else
        ::msg('"Sorry, I don\'t seem to have sufficient funds for that many."');
    elsif ($q eq 'Sell Services')
    elsif ($q eq 'Flee' or $q eq 'Cancel' or $q eq 'Leave')
      if ($self->{friendly})
        $done = 1;
      } else
        if (::d(1,25) <= $::leader->{op}{dexterity})
          ::msg("You begin to escape...");
          my $ro = ::d(1,25);
          my $targ = $self->{actors}[0]{max}{dexterity}->roll;
          if ($ro <= $targ)
            ::msg("...and somehow, you got away!"); # [$ro and $targ]");
            $done = 1; next;
          } else
            ::msg("...but you are outmanouevered!"); # [$ro and $targ]");
            $done = 1;
        } else
          ::msg("You fail to find an escape route.");
          $self->attack($host); $done = 1;
    elsif ($q eq 'Attack')
      $self->attack($host); $done = 1;
    elsif ($q eq 'Talk')
      if ($self->{friendly})
      } else
        my $style = Menu->new( 'indent' => 1, 'display_help' => 1,
                               'label' => ['Haughty','Scary','Abusive','Disdainful','Neutral','Respectful','Friendly','Familiar','Grovelling'],
                               'help'  => ['Act officiously and with considerable snobbery.',
                                           'Try to frighten others away.',
                                           'Bully and strongarm others into compliance.',
                                           'Show disrespect and lack of regard for others stature and ability.',
                                           'Remain detached and uninvolved.',
                                           'Show due repect for others rank and abilities.',
                                           'Show courtesy, kindness, repentance, and forgiveness.',
                                           'Treat others as old friends.',
                                           'Supplicate yourself and apologize considerably.'],
        if (defined $self->{actors}[0]{negotiate}{$style} and
            ::d(1,100) <= ($self->{actors}[0]{negotiate}{$style} + int($::leader->{op}{charisma}/2)))
          ::msg("Negotiations succeed and you manage to avoid combat.");
          $done = 1;
        } else
          ::msg("Your attempts to negotiate have failed.");
          $self->attack($host); $done = 1;


sub attack
  my $self = shift;
  my $host = shift;
  if (defined $host)
    $host->{target} = $::leader;
    $host->{encounter} = '';
  } else
    my $a;
    foreach $a (@{$self->{actors}})
      my $b = $a->clone;
      $b->{target} = $::leader;
      $::leader->{location}->enter($b, $::leader);
      my $li = ::d(1,$::leader->{op}{dexterity});
      my $ai = ::d(1,$b->{op}{dexterity});
      if ($li > $ai)
        # $b->seen("<self> loses the initiative. [$ai to $li]");
        $b->{using_talent} = [1, undef, undef];  # you get initiative; delay by one move
      } else
        # $b->seen("<self> gets the initiative. [$ai to $li]");
