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Collapsiv is a methodology for allocating term data structures in a space-efficient manner. It implements maximal sharing in the same manner that hash consing does, but without the overhead of a hash table. Instead, terms are constructed on a stack, the bottom of which serves to persist term structures; this storage is searched recursively whenever a new term is created, and aliases (pointers into the stack) are returned when an existing identical term structure is found therein.
In this respository is a proof-of-concept implementation of Collapsiv in
C99 as a shared library. The included GNU-compatible Makefile will build
static and dynamically linked versions of this library, as well as the
executable test_collapsiv
which will run the tests.
- better documentation
- more tests
- better naming convention for functions
- convert to C89 aka ANSI C
- translate to 6502 assembly language