# Copyright (c) 2019 Frost Ming
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-X-Marko
Inline(span) level elements
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Pattern, Sequence
from . import patterns
from .element import Element
from .inline_parser import _Match
from .source import Source
__all__ = (
class InlineElement(Element):
"""Any inline element should inherit this class"""
#: Use to denote the precedence in parsing.
priority = 5
#: element regex pattern.
pattern: Pattern[str] | str = ""
#: whether to parse children.
parse_children = False
#: which match group to parse.
parse_group = 1
#: if True, it won't be included in parsing process but produced by
#: other elements instead.
virtual = False
#: If true, will replace the element which it derives from.
override = False
children: str | Sequence[Element]
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
"""Parses the matched object into an element"""
if not self.parse_children:
self.children = match.group(self.parse_group)
def find(cls, text: str, *, source: Source) -> Iterator[_Match]:
"""This method should return an iterable containing matches of this element."""
if isinstance(cls.pattern, str):
cls.pattern = re.compile(cls.pattern)
return cls.pattern.finditer(text)
class Literal(InlineElement):
"""Literal escapes need to be parsed at the first."""
priority = 7
pattern = re.compile(r'\\([!"#\$%&\'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~])')
def strip_backslash(cls, text: str) -> str:
return cls.pattern.sub(r"\1", text) # type: ignore[unio]
class LineBreak(InlineElement):
"""Line breaks:
Soft: '\n'
Hard: ' \n'
priority = 2
pattern = r"( *|\\)\n(?!\Z)"
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
self.soft = not match.group(1).startswith((" ", "\\"))
self.children = "\n"
class InlineHTML(InlineElement):
priority = 7
pattern = re.compile(
r"(<%s(?:%s)* */?>" # open tag
r"|</%s *>" # closing tag
r"|<!--(?:>|->|[\s\S]*?-->)" # HTML comment
r"|<\?[\s\S]*?\?>" # processing instruction
r"|<![A-Z]+ +[\s\S]*?>" # declaration
r"|<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>)" # CDATA section
% (patterns.tag_name, patterns.attribute, patterns.tag_name)
class StrongEmphasis(InlineElement):
"""Strong emphasis: **sample text**"""
virtual = True
parse_children = True
class Emphasis(InlineElement):
"""Emphasis: *sample text*"""
virtual = True
parse_children = True
class AsteriskEmphasis(Emphasis):
"""Emphasis: *sample text*"""
class UnderscoreEmphasis(Emphasis):
"""Emphasis: _sample text_"""
class Link(InlineElement):
"""Link: [text](/link/destination)"""
virtual = True
parse_children = True
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
if match.group(2) and match.group(2)[0] == "<" and match.group(2)[-1] == ">":
self.dest = match.group(2)[1:-1]
self.dest = match.group(2) or ""
self.dest = Literal.strip_backslash(self.dest)
self.title = (
Literal.strip_backslash(match.group(3)[1:-1]) if match.group(3) else None
class Image(InlineElement):
"""Image: ![alt](/src/address)"""
virtual = True
parse_children = True
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
if match.group(2) and match.group(2)[0] == "<" and match.group(2)[-1] == ">":
self.dest = match.group(2)[1:-1]
self.dest = match.group(2) or ""
self.dest = Literal.strip_backslash(self.dest)
self.title = (
Literal.strip_backslash(match.group(3)[1:-1]) if match.group(3) else None
class CodeSpan(InlineElement):
"""Inline code span: `code sample`"""
priority = 7
pattern = re.compile(r"(?<!`)(`+)(?!`)([\s\S]+?)(?<!`)\1(?!`)")
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
self.children = match.group(2).replace("\n", " ")
if self.children.strip() and self.children[0] == self.children[-1] == " ":
self.children = self.children[1:-1]
class AutoLink(InlineElement):
"""Autolinks: <http://example.org>"""
priority = 7
pattern = re.compile(rf"<({patterns.uri}|{patterns.email})>")
def __init__(self, match: _Match) -> None:
self.dest = match.group(1)
if re.match(patterns.email, self.dest):
self.dest = "mailto:" + self.dest
self.children = [RawText(match.group(1))]
self.title = ""
class RawText(InlineElement):
"""The raw text is the fallback for all holes that doesn't match any others."""
virtual = True
children: str
def __init__(self, match: str, escape: bool = True) -> None:
self.children = match
self.escape = escape