# Copyright (c) 2019 Frost Ming
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-X-Marko
Block level elements
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Match, NamedTuple, Sequence, cast
from . import inline, inline_parser, patterns
from .element import Element
from .helpers import find_next, partition_by_spaces
from .source import Source
__all__ = (
class BlockElement(Element):
"""Any block element should inherit this class"""
#: An attribute to hold the children
children: Sequence[Element] = []
#: Use to denote the precedence in parsing
priority = 5
#: if True, it won't be included in parsing process but produced by other elements
#: other elements instead.
virtual = False
#: If not empty, the body needs to be parsed as inline elements
inline_body: str = ""
#: If true, will replace the element which it derives from.
override = False
_prefix = ""
def match(cls, source: Source) -> Any:
"""Test if the source matches the element at current position.
The source should not be consumed in the method unless you have to.
:param source: the ``Source`` object of the content to be parsed
raise NotImplementedError()
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> Any:
"""Parses the source. This is a proper place to consume the source body and
return an element or information to build one. The information tuple will be
passed to ``__init__`` method afterwards. Inline parsing, if any, should also
be performed here.
:param source: the ``Source`` object of the content to be parsed
raise NotImplementedError()
def __lt__(self, o: BlockElement) -> bool:
return self.priority < o.priority
class LinkRefDefs:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.store: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {}
def _normalize_label(self, label: str) -> str:
"""Return the normalized form of link label."""
return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", label).strip().casefold()
def add(self, label: str, dest: str, title: str) -> None:
normalized_label = self._normalize_label(label)
if normalized_label not in self.store:
self.store[normalized_label] = (dest, title)
def get(self, label: str) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
normalized_label = self._normalize_label(label)
return self.store.get(normalized_label)
def find(self, dest: str, title: str):
label = next(
for k, v in self.store.items()
if v == (dest, title)
return label
class Document(BlockElement):
"""Document node element."""
_prefix = ""
virtual = True
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.link_ref_defs: LinkRefDefs = LinkRefDefs()
class BlankLine(BlockElement):
"""Blank lines"""
priority = 5
def __init__(self, start: int) -> None:
self._anchor = start
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
line = source.next_line()
return line is not None and not line.strip()
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> int:
start = source.pos
while not source.exhausted and cls.match(source):
return start
class Heading(BlockElement):
"""Heading element: (### Hello\n)"""
priority = 6
pattern = re.compile(
r" {0,3}(#{1,6})((?=\s)[^\n]*?|[^\n\S]*)(?:(?<=\s)(?<!\\)#+)?[^\n\S]*$\n?",
def __init__(self, match: Match[str]) -> None:
self.level = len(match.group(1))
self.inline_body = match.group(2).strip()
def match(cls, source: Source) -> Match[str] | None:
return source.expect_re(cls.pattern)
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> Match[str] | None:
m = source.match
return m
class SetextHeading(BlockElement):
"""Setext heading: (Hello\n===\n)
It can only be created by Paragraph.parse.
virtual = True
def __init__(self, lines: list[str]) -> None:
self.level = 1 if lines.pop().strip()[0] == "=" else 2
self.inline_body = "".join(line.lstrip() for line in lines).strip()
class CodeBlock(BlockElement):
"""Indented code block: ( this is a code block\n)"""
priority = 4
def __init__(self, lines: str) -> None:
self.children = [inline.RawText(lines, False)]
self.lang = ""
self.extra = ""
def match(cls, source: Source) -> str:
line = source.next_line(False)
prefix = source.prefix + " {4}"
if isinstance(source.state, Quote):
# requires five spaces to prefix
prefix = source.prefix[:-1] + " {4}"
line = cls.strip_prefix(line, prefix)
source.context.code_line = line
return line
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> str:
prefix = source.prefix + " {4}"
lines = [source.context.code_line]
while not source.exhausted:
line = source.next_line()
if line is not None and not line.strip():
stripped_line = cls.strip_prefix(line, prefix)
if stripped_line:
elif cls.match(source):
return "".join(lines).rstrip("\n") + "\n"
def strip_prefix(line: str, prefix: str) -> str:
match = re.match(prefix, line.expandtabs(4))
if not match:
return ""
end = match.end()
for i in range(len(line)):
expanded = line[: i + 1].expandtabs(4)
if len(expanded) < end:
d = len(expanded) - end
if d == 0:
return line[i + 1 :]
return expanded[-d:] + line[i + 1 :]
return ""
class FencedCode(BlockElement):
"""Fenced code block: (```python\nhello\n```\n)"""
priority = 7
pattern = re.compile(r"( {,3})(`{3,}|~{3,})[^\n\S]*(.*?)$", re.M)
class ParseInfo(NamedTuple):
prefix: str
leading: str
lang: str
extra: str
def __init__(self, match: tuple[str, str, str]) -> None:
self.lang = inline.Literal.strip_backslash(match[0])
self.extra = match[1]
self.children = [inline.RawText(match[2], False)]
def match(cls, source: Source) -> Match[str] | None:
m = source.expect_re(cls.pattern)
if not m:
return None
prefix, leading, info = m.groups()
if leading[0] == "`" and "`" in info:
return None
lang, _, extra = partition_by_spaces(info)
source.context.code_info = cls.ParseInfo(prefix, leading, lang, extra)
return m
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
lines = []
parse_info: FencedCode.ParseInfo = source.context.code_info
while not source.exhausted:
line = source.next_line()
if line is None:
m = re.match(r" {,3}(~+|`+)[^\n\S]*$", line, flags=re.M)
if m and parse_info.leading in m.group(1):
prefix_len = source.match_prefix(parse_info.prefix, line)
if prefix_len >= 0:
line = line[prefix_len:]
line = line.lstrip()
return parse_info.lang, parse_info.extra, "".join(lines)
class ThematicBreak(BlockElement):
"""Horizontal rules: (----\n)"""
priority = 8
pattern = re.compile(r" {,3}([-_*][^\n\S]*){3,}$\n?", flags=re.M)
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
m = source.expect_re(cls.pattern)
if not m:
return False
return len(set(re.sub(r"\s+", "", m.group()))) == 1
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> ThematicBreak:
return cls()
class HTMLBlock(BlockElement):
"""HTML blocks, parsed as it is"""
priority = 5
def __init__(self, lines: str) -> None:
self.body = lines
def match(cls, source: Source) -> int | bool:
source.context.html_end = None
if source.expect_re(r"(?i) {,3}<(script|pre|style|textarea)[>\s]"):
assert source.match
source.context.html_end = re.compile(rf"(?i)</{source.match.group(1)}>")
return 1
if source.expect_re(r" {,3}<!--"):
source.context.html_end = re.compile(r"-->")
return 2
if source.expect_re(r" {,3}<\?"):
source.context.html_end = re.compile(r"\?>")
return 3
if source.expect_re(r" {,3}<!"):
source.context.html_end = re.compile(r">")
return 4
if source.expect_re(r" {,3}<!\[CDATA\["):
source.context.html_end = re.compile(r"\]\]>")
return 5
block_tag = r"(?:{})".format("|".join(patterns.tags))
if source.expect_re(r"(?im) {,3}</?%s(?: +|/?>|$)" % block_tag):
source.context.html_end = None
return 6
if source.expect_re(
r"(?m) {,3}(<%(tag)s(?:%(attr)s)*[^\n\S]*/?>|</%(tag)s[^\n\S]*>)[^\n\S]*$"
% {"tag": patterns.tag_name, "attr": patterns.attribute_no_lf}
source.context.html_end = None
return 7
return False
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> str:
lines = []
while not source.exhausted:
line = source.next_line()
if line is None:
if source.context.html_end is not None:
if source.context.html_end.search(line):
elif line.strip() == "":
return "".join(lines)
class Paragraph(BlockElement):
"""A paragraph element"""
priority = 1
pattern = re.compile(r"[^\n]+$\n?", flags=re.M)
def __init__(self, lines: list[str]) -> None:
str_lines = "".join(line.lstrip() for line in lines).rstrip("\n")
self.inline_body = str_lines
self._tight = False
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
return source.expect_re(cls.pattern) is not None
def is_setext_heading(line: str) -> bool:
return re.match(r" {,3}(=+|-+)[^\n\S]*$", line) is not None
def break_paragraph(cls, source: Source, lazy: bool = False) -> bool:
parser = source.parser
prev_match = source.match
if (
or parser.block_elements["Heading"].match(source)
or parser.block_elements["BlankLine"].match(source)
or parser.block_elements["FencedCode"].match(source)
return True
if (
and isinstance(source.state, List)
and parser.block_elements["ListItem"].match(source)
return True
if parser.block_elements["List"].match(source):
result = cast(
"type[ListItem]", parser.block_elements["ListItem"]
).parse_leading(source.next_line().rstrip(), 0)
if lazy or (result[1][:-1] == "1" or result[1] in "*-+") and result[3]:
return True
html_type = parser.block_elements["HTMLBlock"].match(source)
if html_type and html_type != 7:
return True
if parser.block_elements["ThematicBreak"].match(source):
if not lazy and cls.is_setext_heading(source.next_line()):
return False
return True
return False
source.match = prev_match
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> list[str] | SetextHeading:
lines = [cast(str, source.next_line())]
end_parse = False
while not source.exhausted and not end_parse:
if cls.break_paragraph(source):
line = source.next_line()
# the prefix is matched and not breakers
if line:
if cls.is_setext_heading(line):
return cast(
# check lazy continuation, store the previous state stack
states = source._states[:]
while len(source._states) > 1:
next_line = source.next_line()
if next_line:
# matches the prefix, quit the loop
if cls.break_paragraph(source, True):
# stop the whole parsing
end_parse = True
source._states = states
return lines
class Quote(BlockElement):
"""block quote element: (> hello world)"""
priority = 6
_prefix = r" {,3}>[^\n\S]?"
def match(cls, source: Source) -> Match[str] | None:
return source.expect_re(r" {,3}>")
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> Quote:
state = cls()
with source.under_state(state):
state.children = source.parser.parse_source(source)
return state
class List(BlockElement):
"""List block element"""
priority = 6
_prefix = ""
pattern = re.compile(r" {,3}(\d{1,9}[.)]|[*\-+])[ \t\n\r\f]")
class ParseInfo(NamedTuple):
bullet: str
ordered: bool
start: int
def __init__(self, info: List.ParseInfo) -> None:
self.bullet, self.ordered, self.start = info
self.tight = True
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
m = source.expect_re(cls.pattern)
if not m:
return False
bullet, ordered, start = m.group(1), False, 1
if bullet[:-1].isdigit():
ordered = True
start = int(bullet[:-1])
source.context.list_info = cls.ParseInfo(bullet, ordered, start)
return m is not None
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> List:
state = cls(source.context.list_info)
children = []
tight = True
has_blank_line = False
parser = source.parser
with source.under_state(state):
while not source.exhausted:
if parser.block_elements["ListItem"].match(source):
el = parser.block_elements["ListItem"].parse(source)
if not isinstance(el, BlockElement):
el = cast("type[ListItem]", parser.block_elements["ListItem"])(
if has_blank_line:
tight = False
elif BlankLine.match(source):
has_blank_line = True
tight = tight and not any(
isinstance(e, BlankLine) for item in children for e in item.children
if tight:
for item in children:
item._tight = tight
for child in item.children:
if isinstance(child, Paragraph):
child._tight = tight
state.children = children
state.tight = tight
return state
class ListItem(BlockElement):
"""List item element. It can only be created by List.parse"""
virtual = True
_tight = False
pattern = re.compile(r" {,3}(\d{1,9}[.)]|[*\-+])[ \t\n\r\f]")
class ParseInfo(NamedTuple):
indent: int
bullet: str
mid: int
def __init__(self, info: ListItem.ParseInfo) -> None:
indent, bullet, mid = info
self._prefix = " " * indent + re.escape(bullet) + " " * mid
self._second_prefix = " " * (len(bullet) + indent + (mid or 1))
def parse_leading(cls, line: str, prefix_pos: int) -> tuple[int, str, int, str]:
stripped_line = line[prefix_pos:].expandtabs(4).lstrip()
indent = len(line) - prefix_pos - len(stripped_line)
bullet, spaces, tail = partition_by_spaces(stripped_line)
mid = len(spaces)
if mid > 4:
mid = 1
return indent, bullet, mid, tail
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
if source.parser.block_elements["ThematicBreak"].match(source):
return False
if not source.expect_re(cls.pattern):
return False
next_line = cast(str, source.next_line(False)).expandtabs(4)
prefix_pos = 0
m = re.match(source.prefix, next_line)
if m is not None:
prefix_pos = m.end()
indent, bullet, mid, _ = cls.parse_leading(next_line.rstrip(), prefix_pos)
parent = source.state
assert isinstance(parent, List)
if (
and not bullet[:-1].isdigit()
or bullet[-1] != parent.bullet[-1]
return False
if not parent.ordered and bullet != parent.bullet:
return False
source.context.list_item_info = cls.ParseInfo(indent, bullet, mid)
return True
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> ListItem:
state = cls(source.context.list_item_info)
state.children = []
with source.under_state(state):
if not source.next_line().strip(): # type: ignore[union-attr]
if not source.next_line() or not source.next_line().strip(): # type: ignore[union-attr]
return state
state.children = source.parser.parse_source(source)
if isinstance(state.children[-1], BlankLine):
# Remove the last blank line from list item
blankline = cast(BlankLine, state.children.pop())
if state.children:
source.pos = blankline._anchor
return state
class LinkRefDef(BlockElement):
"""Link reference definition:
[label]: destination "title"
pattern = re.compile(r" {,3}(\[[\s\S]*?)(?=\n\n|\Z)", flags=re.M)
class ParseInfo(NamedTuple):
link_label: inline_parser.Group
link_dest: inline_parser.Group
link_title: inline_parser.Group
end: int
def __init__(self, label: str, text: str, title: str | None = None) -> None:
self.label = label
self.dest = text
self.title = title
def match(cls, source: Source) -> bool:
m = source.expect_re(cls.pattern)
if not m:
return False
text = source._buffer
link_label = inline_parser._parse_link_label(text, m.start(1))
if not link_label: # no ending bracket
return False
if link_label.end >= len(text) or text[link_label.end] != ":":
# no colon after the ending bracket
return False
i = inline_parser._parse_link_separator(text, link_label.end + 1)
link_dest, link_title = inline_parser._parse_link_dest_title(text, i)
except inline_parser.ParseError:
return False
i = max(link_dest.end, link_title.end)
end = find_next(text, "\n", i)
if end >= 0:
end += 1
end = i
if text[i:end].strip():
if link_title.text and "\n" in text[link_dest.end : link_title.start]:
link_title = inline_parser._EMPTY_GROUP
end = find_next(text, "\n", link_dest.end) + 1
# There is content after the link title
return False
source.context.linkref_info = cls.ParseInfo(
link_label, link_dest, link_title, end
return True
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> LinkRefDef:
label, dest, title, pos = source.context.linkref_info
source.root.link_ref_defs.add(label.text[1:-1], dest.text, title.text)
source.pos = pos
return cls(label, dest.text, title.text)