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`relwrite` relates strings to strings via a grammar in the Chomsky hierarchy.

What does "relate" mean in this context?

*   Given a grammar and a string of terminals, it can _parse_ that string, and
    report if is in the language of the grammar or not.
*   Given a grammar and a nonterminal, it can _generate_ a string of terminals
    from them.

The relational engine in `relwrite` is a very general one, based on string rewriting.
There are therefore no restrictions on the input grammar -- it may be **regular**,
**context-free**, **context-sensitive**, or **unrestricted**.  If the grammar is
ambiguous, then all possible parses (or generations) can be returned.

It should be understood that `relwrite` trades off performance and small
memory footprint in favour of generality, so in general usage, it works
best on small inputs.

There are, however, features intended to improve performance in the case of very
long derivations.  Search strategies can be used to enable a **beam search** algorithm
which aggressively focuses on derivations with a desired propery, e.g. a particular
minimum length.  This does sacrifice completeness however -- only a handful of all
the possible results will be returned.

The grammar must be provided in the form of a JSON file.  There are example
grammar files in the `eg/` directory of this repo.

### Example usage

Generate a string from a starting non-terminal in a grammar:

./bin/relwrite complete eg/recursive-grammar.json \
               --start "<Sentence>" --max-derivations=1

Parse a string w.r.t. a grammar:

./bin/relwrite complete eg/recursive-grammar.json \
               --parse --start "a penguin sees a penguin then sees a dog" \
               --goal "<Sentence>"

Use the `complete` strategy to generate all possible strings from a
starting non-terminal in a grammar.  NOTE that this can use unreasonable
amounts of resources, with possibly adverse effects on your system.

./bin/relwrite complete eg/sample-grammar.json --start "<Sentence>"

Use the `expand` strategy to generate a really long string from a non-terminal
in a grammar, without running out of memory and only taking a few hours of
processor time:

./bin/relwrite expand eg/recursive-grammar.json \
               --start "<Sentence>" --max-derivations=1 --expand-until=3000 \

Use the `contract` strategy to parse a really long string from a non-terminal
in a grammar, without running out of memory and only taking a few hours of
processor time.  This assumes the string to be parsed is in JSON format in
the file `out.json` -- the generation example above would produce this.

./bin/relwrite contract eg/recursive-grammar.json \
               --parse --start-set-file=out.json

### Detailed usage

Run `relwrite --help` for a description of all the possible command-line options.  Note that
these are somewhat provisional and subject to change.

### Notes

`relwrite` uses the term "derivation" as a generic term meaning "a parse or a generated utterance".
It also uses the term "utterance" to mean "any string of terminals and non-terminals".

### TODO

Analyze the input grammar and classify it in the Chomsky hierarchy.

If the input grammar is context-free, use a chart parsing algorithm to
efficiently parse it, or an incremental algorithm to generate from it.

Allow strategies to be defined richly, perhaps in JSON files, and let
them configure parameters like beam width, max rewrites per utterance, etc.

For max rewrites per utterance, allow them to be taken from random
points (or at least from a randomly-chosen start point) in the utterace.

Support random search.  For `contract` strategy, it should be sufficient to
identify the subset of the next states that is sufficiently contracting
(this is not a "beam width" so much as a "pre-filter"),
then select a single instance from it at random (beam width of 1).