git @ Cat's Eye Technologies klaus / master klaus /

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz) @masterraw · history · blame

import os
import io
import stat
import subprocess

from dulwich.objects import S_ISGITLINK
from dulwich.object_store import tree_lookup_path
from dulwich.objects import Blob
from dulwich.errors import NotTreeError
import dulwich, dulwich.patch

from klaus.utils import force_unicode, parent_directory, encode_for_git, decode_from_git
from klaus.diff import render_diff

class FancyRepo(dulwich.repo.Repo):
    """A wrapper around Dulwich's Repo that adds some helper methods."""
    # TODO: factor out stuff into dulwich
    def name(self):
        """Get repository name from path.

        1. /x/y.git -> /x/y  and  /x/y/.git/ -> /x/y//
        2. /x/y/ -> /x/y
        3. /x/y -> y
        return self.path.replace(".git", "").rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep)[-1]

    def get_last_updated_at(self):
        """Get datetime of last commit to this repository."""
        refs = [self[ref_hash] for ref_hash in self.get_refs().values()]
        refs.sort(key=lambda obj:getattr(obj, 'commit_time', float('-inf')),
        for ref in refs:
            # Find the latest ref that has a commit_time; tags do not
            # have a commit time
            if hasattr(ref, "commit_time"):
                return ref.commit_time
        return None

    def cloneurl(self):
        """Retrieve the gitweb notion of the public clone URL of this repo."""
        f = self.get_named_file('cloneurl')
        if f is not None:
        c = self.get_config()
            return force_unicode(c.get(b'gitweb', b'url'))
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def get_description(self):
        """Like Dulwich's `get_description`, but returns None if the file
        contains Git's default text "Unnamed repository[...]".
        description = super(FancyRepo, self).get_description()
        if description:
            description = force_unicode(description)
            if not description.startswith("Unnamed repository;"):
                return force_unicode(description)

    def get_commit(self, rev):
        """Get commit object identified by `rev` (SHA or branch or tag name)."""
        for prefix in ['refs/heads/', 'refs/tags/', '']:
            key = prefix + rev
                obj = self[encode_for_git(key)]
                if isinstance(obj, dulwich.objects.Tag):
                    obj = self[obj.object[1]]
                return obj
            except KeyError:
        raise KeyError(rev)

    def get_default_branch(self):
        """Tries to guess the default repo branch name."""
        for candidate in ['master', 'trunk', 'default', 'gh-pages']:
                return candidate
            except KeyError:
            return self.get_branch_names()[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def get_ref_names_ordered_by_last_commit(self, prefix, exclude=None):
        """Return a list of ref names that begin with `prefix`, ordered by the
        time they have been committed to last.
        def get_commit_time(refname):
            obj = self[refs[refname]]
            if isinstance(obj, dulwich.objects.Tag):
                return obj.tag_time
            return obj.commit_time

        refs = self.refs.as_dict(encode_for_git(prefix))
        if exclude:
            refs.pop(prefix + exclude, None)
        sorted_names = sorted(refs.keys(), key=get_commit_time, reverse=True)
        return [decode_from_git(ref) for ref in sorted_names]

    def get_branch_names(self, exclude=None):
        """Return a list of branch names of this repo, ordered by the time they
        have been committed to last.
        return self.get_ref_names_ordered_by_last_commit('refs/heads', exclude)

    def get_tag_names(self):
        """Return a list of tag names of this repo, ordered by creation time."""
        return self.get_ref_names_ordered_by_last_commit('refs/tags')

    def get_tag_and_branch_shas(self):
        """Return a list of SHAs of all tags and branches."""
        tag_shas = self.refs.as_dict(b'refs/tags/').values()
        branch_shas = self.refs.as_dict(b'refs/heads/').values()
        return set(tag_shas) | set(branch_shas)

    def history(self, commit, path=None, max_commits=None, skip=0):
        """Return a list of all commits that affected `path`, starting at branch
        or commit `commit`. `skip` can be used for pagination, `max_commits`
        to limit the number of commits returned.

        Similar to `git log [branch/commit] [--skip skip] [-n max_commits]`.
        # XXX The pure-Python/dulwich code is very slow compared to `git log`
        #     at the time of this writing (mid-2012).
        #     For instance, `git log .tx` in the Django root directory takes
        #     about 0.15s on my machine whereas the history() method needs 5s.
        #     Therefore we use `git log` here until dulwich gets faster.
        #     For the pure-Python implementation, see the 'purepy-hist' branch.

        cmd = ['git', 'log', '--format=%H']
        if skip:
            cmd.append('--skip=%d' % skip)
        if max_commits:
            cmd.append('--max-count=%d' % max_commits)
        if path:
            cmd.extend(['--', path])

        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.path))
        sha1_sums = output.strip().split(b'\n')
        return [self[sha1] for sha1 in sha1_sums]

    def blame(self, commit, path):
        """Return a 'git blame' list for the file at `path`: For each line in
        the file, the list contains the commit that last changed that line.
        # XXX see comment in `.history()`
        cmd = ['git', 'blame', '-ls', '--root', decode_from_git(, '--', path]
        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.path))
        sha1_sums = [line[:40] for line in output.strip().split(b'\n')]
        return [None if self[sha1] is None else decode_from_git(self[sha1].id) for sha1 in sha1_sums]

    def get_blob_or_tree(self, commit, path):
        """Return the Git tree or blob object for `path` at `commit`."""
            (mode, oid) = tree_lookup_path(self.__getitem__, commit.tree,
        except NotTreeError:
            # Some part of the path was a file where a folder was expected.
            # Example: path="/path/to/foo.txt" but "to" is a file in "/path".
            raise KeyError
        return self[oid]

    def listdir(self, commit, path):
        """Return a list of directories and files in given directory."""
        submodules, dirs, files = [], [], []
        for entry in self.get_blob_or_tree(commit, path).items():
            name, entry = entry.path, entry.in_path(encode_for_git(path))
            if S_ISGITLINK(entry.mode):
                    (name.lower(), name, entry.path, entry.sha))
            elif stat.S_ISDIR(entry.mode):
                dirs.append((name.lower(), name, entry.path))
                files.append((name.lower(), name, entry.path))

        if path:
            dirs.insert(0, (None, '..', parent_directory(path)))

        return {'submodules': submodules, 'dirs' : dirs, 'files' : files}

    def commit_diff(self, commit):
        """Return the list of changes introduced by `commit`."""
        from klaus.utils import guess_is_binary

        if commit.parents:
            parent_tree = self[commit.parents[0]].tree
            parent_tree = None

        summary = {'nfiles': 0, 'nadditions':  0, 'ndeletions':  0}
        file_changes = []  # the changes in detail

        dulwich_changes = self.object_store.tree_changes(parent_tree, commit.tree)
        for (oldpath, newpath), (oldmode, newmode), (oldsha, newsha) in dulwich_changes:
            summary['nfiles'] += 1
                oldblob = self.object_store[oldsha] if oldsha else Blob.from_string(b'')
                newblob = self.object_store[newsha] if newsha else Blob.from_string(b'')
            except KeyError:
                # newsha/oldsha are probably related to submodules.
                # Dulwich will handle that.

            # Check for binary files -- can't show diffs for these
            if guess_is_binary(newblob) or \
                    'is_binary': True,
                    'old_filename': oldpath or '/dev/null',
                    'new_filename': newpath or '/dev/null',
                    'chunks': None

            additions, deletions, chunks = render_diff(
                oldblob.splitlines(), newblob.splitlines())
            change = {
                'is_binary': False,
                'old_filename': oldpath or '/dev/null',
                'new_filename': newpath or '/dev/null',
                'chunks': chunks,
                'additions': additions,
                'deletions': deletions,
            summary['nadditions'] += additions
            summary['ndeletions'] += deletions

        return summary, file_changes

    def raw_commit_diff(self, commit):
        if commit.parents:
            parent_tree = self[commit.parents[0]].tree
            parent_tree = None
        bytesio = io.BytesIO()
        dulwich.patch.write_tree_diff(bytesio, self.object_store, parent_tree, commit.tree)
        return bytesio.getvalue()