import os
import re
import sys
from subprocess import check_call
class BaseProcessor(object):
def __init__(self, config, exe=None, tqdm=None):
self.config = config
self.exe = exe or Executor()
if not tqdm:
def tqdm(x, **kwargs): return x
self.tqdm = tqdm
def items(d):
return d.iteritems()
except AttributeError:
return d.items()
def zrange(*args):
return xrange(*args)
except NameError:
return range(*args)
def load_config_file(filename):
return load_config_files([filename])
def load_config_files(filenames):
import yaml
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader
config = {}
for filename in filenames:
match = re.match(r'^\+(.*?)\=(.*?)$', filename)
if match:
config[] = float(
with open(filename, 'r') as file_:
config.update(yaml.load(file_, Loader=Loader))
config['libdir'] = os.path.dirname(filename) or '.'
config['start'] = float(config.get('start', 0.0))
config['stop'] = float(config.get('stop', 1.0))
config['fps'] = float(config.get('fps', 25.0))
config['width'] = float(config.get('width', 320.0))
config['height'] = float(config.get('height', 200.0))
duration = config['duration']
start = config['start']
stop = config['stop']
fps = config['fps']
config['start_time'] = start * duration
config['stop_time'] = stop * duration
config['requested_duration'] = config['stop_time'] - config['start_time']
config['num_frames'] = int(config['requested_duration'] * fps)
config['t_step'] = 1.0 / (duration * fps)
return config
class Executor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.log = sys.stdout
def do_it(self, cmd, shell=True, **kwargs):
disp_cmd = cmd if shell else ' '.join(cmd)
self.log.write('>>> {}\n'.format(disp_cmd))
check_call(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=self.log, stderr=self.log, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
def cleanup(self, exc):
def close(self):
class LoggingExecutor(Executor):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.log = open(filename, 'w')
print("logging to {}".format(self.filename))
def cleanup(self, exc):
check_call(["tail", self.filename])
def close(self):
def fmod(n, d):
return n - d * int(n / d)
def tween(t, *args):
"""Format: after t, each arg should be like
((a, b), c)
which means: when t >= a and < b, return c,
or like
((a, b), (c, d))
which means:
when t >= a and < b, return a value between c and d which is proportional to the
position between a and b that t is,
or like
((a, b), (c, d), f)
which means the same as case 2, except the function f is applied to the value between c and d
before it is returned.
nargs = []
for x in args:
a = x[0]
b = x[1]
if not isinstance(x[1], tuple):
b = (x[1], x[1])
if len(x) == 2:
f = lambda z: z
f = x[2]
nargs.append((a, b, f))
for ((low, hi), (sc_low, sc_hi), f) in nargs:
if t >= low and t < hi:
pos = (t - low) / (hi - low)
sc = sc_low + ((sc_hi - sc_low) * pos)
return f(sc)
raise ValueError(t)