git @ Cat's Eye Technologies define-opaque / master eg / stack.scm

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

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; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: In 2023, Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, placed it into the public domain.
; For more information, please refer to <>
; SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

; example usage with Chicken Scheme: csi -q -b stack.scm

(load "define-opaque-0.2.scm")

(define-opaque stack make-stack (items) ('())
    (new (lambda (new-items)
      (make-stack new-items)))
    (push (lambda (item)
      (make-stack (cons item items))))
    (top (lambda ()
      (car items)))
    (pop (lambda ()
      (make-stack (cdr items))))

(define demo (lambda ()
  (let* (
    (stack0 (stack 'new '(4 5 6)))
    (stack1 (stack0 'pop))
    (stack2 (stack1 'push 9))
    (stack3 (stack2 'pop))
    (stack4 (stack3 'push 8))
    (display (stack0 'top)) (newline)
    (display (stack1 'top)) (newline)
    (display (stack2 'top)) (newline)
    (display (stack3 'top)) (newline)
    (display (stack4 'top)) (newline)
