Version 2.0 | Entry @ catseye.tc | Wiki entry @ esolangs.org | See also: Squishy2K ∘ Nested Modal Transducers
β-Juliet is a minimal event-oriented language which, as of version 2.0 (see historical note below), is probably Turing-complete.
β-Juliet is a fairly minimal event-oriented language. In β-Juliet, the world
is modelled as a set of events which have no inherent organization or order.
Each event can be denoted with a symbol, such as DominoFalls
, CatMeows
or SunSets
, or (in version 2.0) a string of symbols, such as Address Line
Six Goes High
or Greengrocer Falls Asleep on Subway
Each event can cause other events to occur — these are termed consequences of the event. In addition, this causation may be conditional, but the only condition that is possible to check is: given two events, which one happened more recently?
// Description of a weather-sensitive robot tarpaulin in beta-Juliet
event RainBegins;
event RainEnds;
event SystemActivated;
event SystemDeactivated;
event CloseTarpaulin,
caused after RainBegins when SystemActivated > SystemDeactivated;
event OpenTarpaulinTimer,
duration 10 m,
caused after RainEnds when SystemActivated > SystemDeactivated;
event OpenTarpaulin,
caused after OpenTarpaulinTimer.
Basic Grammar
The basic grammar of β-Juliet is given here in EBNF. Version 1.0 uses this grammar as it stands; version 2.0 extends many of the productions.
betaJuliet ::= Decl {";" Decl} ".".
Decl ::= Event.
Event ::= "event" EventDecl {"," Property}.
EventDecl ::= Symbol.
Property ::= Caused | Causes | Duration.
Caused ::= "caused" TimePrep EventAppl {WhenTerm}.
Causes ::= "causes" EventAppl ["immediately"] {WhenTerm}
Duration ::= "duration" TimeSpec.
TimePrep ::= "before" | "after" | "by".
TimeSpec ::= RationalNumber TimeUnit.
TimeUnit ::= "ms" | "s" | "m" | "h" | "d".
EventAppl ::= Symbol.
WhenTerm ::= "when" EventAppl ">" EventAppl.
Symbol ::= <<one or more alphanumeric characters>>.
Number ::= <<rational number in decimal format>>.
Some Explanations
The syntax A > B
can be read as "A
has occurred more recently than B
If A
has occurred but B
has never occurred, A > B
is still true;
however, if neither event has ever occurred, both A > B
and B > A
and causes
are two equivalent ways of expressing the causality
rules between events. If we say one event is caused by
or caused after
some other event, that is equivalent to saying the other event causes
one event. Similarly, if we say one event is caused before
some other
event, that is equivalent to saying the other event causes
the one event
When we define an event like
event Foo,
causes Bar,
causes Baz.
or like this
event Bar, caused by Foo;
event Baz, caused by Foo.
...and during execution, after Foo
happens, it is not guaranteed that
either Baz > Bar
or Bar > Baz
is true; the order in which these two
consequences occur does not necessarily follow source code order. (But it
is guaranteed that one or the other will be true, as both events will have
If you require an ordering guarantee in a case like this, you should use an intermediate event, like
event Foo,
causes Temp,
causes Bar;
event Temp,
causes Baz.
After Temp
happens, Baz > Bar
should be true.
caused before
Alternately, in theory, you can use caused before
, as in:
event Bar, caused before Foo;
event Baz, caused after Foo.
After Foo
happens, Baz > Bar
should be true.
Some words on the purpose of caused before
are in order. In the original
vision, after
and by
were synonyms, but before
was meant to actually
cause the event on which the caused before
clause was attached, strictly
before the event named in the clause.
However, unless the event being caused can somehow cancel the event that
it's being caused before, there is no semantic difference between before
and after
when it comes to "when" the event is triggered -- except, as we
note here, the ordering guarantee.
So before
does not now necessarily mean strictly before the event; it could
mean after the event, but before any other consequences that are given in
Still, multiple before
consequences are nondeterministic, so in
event Bar, caused before Foo;
event Baz, caused before Foo.
...after Foo
happens, it is still not guaranteed that either Baz > Bar
or Bar > Baz
is true.
Portia is a pre-processor language designed specifically for β-Juliet
version 1.0. It is solely concerned with expanding parameterized events
into series of concrete events, for example creating events DominoOneFalls
, etc., from the generalized event schema
where Domino
is an alphabet over the range of
This mechanism (in fact, an extended form of it) is included in version 2.0 of the β-Juliet language itself, so no pre-processor is needed for it.
Computational Power
The state space of a system described in β-Juliet version 1.0 is always finite, so β-Juliet version 1.0 cannot be Turing-complete. The state space of a system described using Portia and β-Juliet version 1.0 may be much, much bigger than one described using just β-Juliet version 1.0, but it is still finite.
Since β-Juliet version 2.0 allows unbounded sets of events to be described, it is more likely that it is Turing-complete.
β-Juliet version 2.0 introduces event patterns. When the name of an event is given by a string of symbols, some of those symbols may actually be parameters which act something like wildcards. Each parameter ranges over a specified alphabet. When an event occurs which matches the name of an event, the parameters in that name are bound to the literal symbols in the occurring event. These bound parameters may then be used in substitutions in the consequences.
For example, if we have an alphabet called Animal
that consists of the
symbols Dog
, we can have an event (X=Animal) Licks Itself
which has, as a consequence, (X) Becomes Clean
. Here X
is a parameter.
This event will happen should some other event cause Cat Licks Itself
, and
in this case, X
will be bound to Cat
, and this event will thus
subsequently cause the event Cat Becomes Clean
Unlike events, alphabets are ordered. Each symbol (except the first) in an alphabet has one and only one predecessor, and each symbol (except the last) has one and only one successor.
So the range of symbols in an alphabet is bounded. However, when considering a string of symbols (which I'll call a symbol-string), such as the name of an event, we can use lexicographic ordering to concoct something resembling Peano arithmetic to generate an unbounded sequence of symbol-strings, so long as each symbol in a string is in the same alphabet.
Thus, for some alphabet, every symbol-string has one and only one successor. Again, though, there is one symbol-string which has no predecessor — the symbol-string which is one symbol long, where that symbol is the first symbol of the alphabet.
These concepts are implemented in β-Juliet version 2.0 with modifiers. When a parameter is named in a consequence, it is replaced by the value it is bound to, and this can be altered by one of the following modifiers:
— assuming the value is a single symbol, use the next symbol in its alphabet instead;prev
— assuming the value is a single symbol, use the previous symbol in its alphabet instead;succ
— assuming the value is a symbol-string, use the successor symbol-string over its alphabet;pred
— assuming the value is a symbol-string, use the predecessor symbol-string over its alphabet instead.
Note that all of these modifiers (except succ
) can fail. In this case,
an alternate or failure-mode
modifier or symbol can be given, and this
will be used instead.
Extended Grammar
The grammar for β-Juliet version 2.0 builds on the productions from version 1.0, while replacing or adding the following productions.
First, it allows alphabets as well as events to be declared. It also explicitly reserves syntax for implementation-specific pragmas and system events (but does not define the meaning of any of these itself.)
Decl ::= Pragma | Alphabet | Event.
Pragma ::= "pragma" <<<implementation-specific>>>.
Alphabet ::= "alphabet" AlphabetName {"," Symbol}.
AlphabetName ::= Symbol.
It extends the causes
syntax to include specifying a duration as part
of it, using the after
keyword. The duration
syntax is still supported;
if it is given as a property of an event, the duration specified in it will
be applied to all causes
clauses on the event which do not include their
own after
Note also that caused
clauses do not support an after
Causes ::= "causes" EventAppl ["after" TimeSpec] {WhenTerm}.
Lastly, it significantly extends the syntax for declaring, and using, an event, to include multi-symbol events and event patterns.
EventDecl ::= EventDeclComp {EventDeclComp}.
EventDeclComp ::= Symbol | "(" ParamName "=" MatchExpr ")".
ParamName ::= Symbol.
MatchExpr ::= AlphabetName ["+"].
EventAppl ::= EventApplComp {EventApplComp}.
EventApplComp ::= SymbolName | "(" AlphabetExpr ")".
AlphabetExpr ::= AlphabetTerm {"|" AlphabetTerm}.
AlphabetTerm ::= "succ" ParamName
| "pred" ParamName
| "next" ParamName
| "prev" ParamName
| "first" AlphabetName
| "last" AlphabetName
| SymbolName
Extra conditions, however, are placed on caused by
clauses. Both the name
of the event which is the cause, and the name of the event which is being
caused, must be literal symbol strings, not patterns.
There is a crude implementation of β-Juliet version 1.0 in the form of a
Perl 5 script. It does not implement delays, but it does implement the
ordering guarantees between caused before
and caused after
The reference implementation of β-Juliet version 2.0, called 2iota
, is
written in C. It implements delays (when compiled as ANSI C they have
second granularity; when compiled as C99 with POSIX, they have millisecond
granularity.) It does not yet, however, properly implement the ordering
guarantees between caused before
and caused after
clauses; nor does it
parse immediately
Historical Note
In 2012 I decided that the languages β-Juliet and 2Iota are really too similar to be seperate languages. So, as of this repo, they've been merged like this:
- This language is called β-Juliet (a.k.a. beta-Juliet).
- The language previously referred to as β-Juliet is now β-Juliet 1.0.
- The language previously referred to as 2Iota (plus minor modifications) is now β-Juliet 2.0.
- The reference interpreter for β-Juliet 2.0 is called
. - The file extension of a β-Juliet source file is typically
, although you may see.2i
used as well. The latter suggests that the source relies on features only in version 2.0. - The optional pre-processor for β-Juliet 1.0 is still called Portia. Portia is not needed with β-Juliet 2.0, and may or may not work with it; I don't know yet.
Commit History
git clone https://git.catseye.tc/beta-Juliet/
- Update links in "see-also bar". Chris Pressey 1 year, 4 months ago
- Update README. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
- Added tag rel_2_0_2014_0819 for changeset 903b8774c1db Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Playing around with alternate C compilers, without much success. Cat's Eye Technologies 10 years ago
- Update .hgignore, add .gitignore. Cat's Eye Technologies 11 years ago
- Avoid assigned by unused variable warning. catseye 12 years ago
- Added tag rel_2_0_2012_0714 for changeset 3e85004540b2 Cat's Eye Technologies 12 years ago
- Minor edits & clarifications. Cat's Eye Technologies 12 years ago
- Update documentation to try to resolve issues of ambiguity. Cat's Eye Technologies 12 years ago
- Fix license verbiage (no "REGENTS".) catseye 12 years ago