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/* Zplet, a Z-Machine interpreter in Java */
/* Copyright 1996,2001 Matthew T. Russotto */
/* As of 23 February 2001, this code is open source and covered by the */
/* Artistic License, found within this package */

package org.zplet.awt.screenmodel;

import java.awt.*;

import org.zplet.ZColor;

public class ZWindow {
	final static int ROMAN = 0;
	final static int REVERSE = 1;
	final static int BOLD = 2;
	final static int ITALIC = 4;
	final static int FIXED = 8;

	final static char FIRST_STYLE = '\u8000';
	final static char BUF_ROMAN = (char) (FIRST_STYLE + ROMAN);
	final static char BUF_REVERSE = (char) (FIRST_STYLE + REVERSE);
	final static char BUF_BOLD = (char) (FIRST_STYLE + BOLD);
	final static char BUF_ITALIC = (char) (FIRST_STYLE + ITALIC);
	final static char BUF_FIXED = (char) (FIRST_STYLE + FIXED);
	final static char LAST_STYLE = '\u800f';

	final static int NORMAL_FONT = 1;
	final static int PICTURE_FONT = 2;
	final static int GRAPHICS_FONT = 3;
	final static int FIXED_FONT = 4;

	final static char FIRST_FONT = '\u8010';
	final static char BUF_NORMAL_FONT = '\u8010';
	final static char BUF_PICTURE_FONT = '\u8011';
	final static char BUF_GRAPHICS_FONT = '\u8012';
	final static char BUF_FIXED_FONT = '\u8013';
	final static char LAST_FONT = '\u8013';

	ZScreen myscreen;
	int top, left, width, height;
	int cursorx, cursory;
	boolean buffer, wrap, scroll, transcriptmode;
	int curzfont = NORMAL_FONT;
	int curzstyle = ROMAN;
	Font curfont;
	String linebuffer;
	int line_counter;
	int zforeground, zbackground;
	int residual;

	public ZWindow(ZScreen screen) {
		top = 0;
		left = 0;
		width = 10;
		height = 10;
		cursorx = 0;
		cursory = 0;
		line_counter = 0;
		residual = 0;
		myscreen = screen;
		curfont = screen.fixedfont;
		buffer = true;
		wrap = true;
		scroll = true;
		transcriptmode = true;
		linebuffer = "";
		zforeground = screen.zforeground;
		zbackground = screen.zbackground;

	public void reset_line_count() {
		line_counter = 0;

	void count_line() {

	void check_for_more() {
		String more = "[MORE]";
		String blank = "         ";

		if (line_counter >= (height - 1)) {
			myscreen.settext(top + cursory, left, more.toCharArray(), 0,
					more.length(), true, myscreen.fixedfont);
			myscreen.settext(top + cursory, left, blank.toCharArray(), 0,
					blank.length(), false, myscreen.fixedfont);
			line_counter = 0;


	public void erase_line(short arg) {
		char spaces[] = new char[width];
		short i;

		for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
			spaces[i] = ' ';
		if (arg == 1)
			myscreen.settext(cursory, left + cursorx, spaces, 0, width
					- cursorx);

	public void setbuffermode(boolean buffermode) {
		if (buffer && !buffermode) {
		buffer = buffermode;

	public void setwrapmode(boolean wrapmode) {
		if (buffer) {
		wrap = wrapmode;

	public void set_transcripting(boolean transcriptmode) {
		this.transcriptmode = transcriptmode;

	public boolean transcripting() {
		return transcriptmode;

	public void setscroll(boolean newscroll) {
		scroll = newscroll;

	public void moveto(int newleft, int newtop) {
		left = newleft;
		top = newtop;

	public void resize(int newwidth, int newheight) {
		// System.err.println("resize: " + newwidth + " " + newheight );
		width = newwidth;
		height = newheight;
		if ((cursorx >= width) || (cursory >= height)) {
			movecursor_noflush(0, 0);

	public int getLeft() {
		return left;

	public int getTop() {
		return top;

	public int getWidth() {
		return width;

	public int getHeight() {
		return height;

	public int getlines() {
		return height;

	public int getchars() {
		return width;

	public int getx() {
		return cursorx;

	public int gety() {
		return cursory;

	void movecursor_noflush(int x, int y) {
		cursorx = x;
		cursory = y;

	public void movecursor(int x, int y) {
		cursorx = x;
		cursory = y;

	public void printzascii(short ascii) {
		short zascii[] = new short[1];

		zascii[0] = ascii;

	public void printzascii(short ascii[]) {
		/* short because the Z-machine can put out 10-bit codes */
		char unicode[];
		int i;

		unicode = new char[ascii.length];

		for (i = 0; i < unicode.length; i++) {
			unicode[i] = ZScreen.zascii_to_unicode(ascii[i]);

		if (buffer) {
		} else {
			drawchars(unicode, 0, unicode.length);

	public void flush() {
		residual = charsWidth(linebuffer.toCharArray(), 0, linebuffer.length());
		linebuffer = "";
		// System.err.println();
		// System.err.println("linebuffer.length() = " + linebuffer.length());

	public void newline() {

	protected void newline(boolean flushbuffer) {
		if (myscreen.zforeground != zforeground)
		if (myscreen.zbackground != zbackground)

		if (flushbuffer)

		residual = 0;

		if (cursory == height - 1) {
			if (scroll)
				myscreen.scrollLines(top, height, 1);
			movecursor_noflush(0, cursory);
		} else {
			movecursor_noflush(0, cursory + 1);
		// System.err.println();

	public synchronized void bufferchars(char chars[]) {
		int last;
		int space;
		String printstring;

		// linebuffer = linebuffer + chars;
		linebuffer = new StringBuffer(linebuffer).append(chars).toString();

		if (wrap) {
			last = linebuffer.length();
			while ((residual + charsWidth(linebuffer.toCharArray(), 0, last)) > (myscreen
					.getSize().width)) {
				space = linebuffer.lastIndexOf(' ', last);
				if (space == -1) {
					while ((residual + charsWidth(linebuffer.toCharArray(), 0,
							last)) > (width * myscreen.charwidth()))
					drawchars(linebuffer.toCharArray(), 0, last);
					linebuffer = linebuffer.substring(last);
					last = linebuffer.length();
				} else if ((residual + charsWidth(linebuffer.toCharArray(), 0,
						space)) <= (myscreen.getSize().width)) {
					printstring = linebuffer.substring(0, space);
					while ((space < linebuffer.length())
							&& (linebuffer.charAt(space) == ' ')) {
					linebuffer = linebuffer.substring(space);
					last = linebuffer.length();
				} else
					last = space - 1;

	public void clear() {
		int i;
		char spaces[] = new char[width];

		for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
			spaces[i] = ' ';

		for (i = top; i < top + height; i++) {
			myscreen.settext(i, left, spaces, 0, width);

	private void calculate_font() {
		Font basefont;
		int style = Font.PLAIN;

		basefont = myscreen.fixedfont;

		if ((curzstyle & BOLD) != 0)
			style |= Font.BOLD;
		if ((curzstyle & ITALIC) != 0)
			style |= Font.ITALIC;

		curfont = new Font(basefont.getName(), style, basefont.getSize());

	public void set_color(int foreground, int background) {
		// System.err.println("fg = " + foreground + ", bg = " + background);
		if (foreground != ZColor.Z_CURRENT)
			zforeground = foreground;
		if (background != ZColor.Z_CURRENT)
			zbackground = background;

	public void set_text_style(int style) {
		set_text_style(style, false);

	protected void set_text_style(int style, boolean immediate) {
		char thecode[] = new char[1];

		if (immediate || !buffer) {
			if (style == ROMAN)
				curzstyle = ROMAN;
				curzstyle |= style;
		} else {
			thecode[0] = (char) (style | BUF_ROMAN);

	private boolean is_control(char ch) {
		return (ch >= FIRST_STYLE);

	private void parse_control(char control) {
		if ((control >= FIRST_STYLE) && (control <= LAST_STYLE)) {
			set_text_style(control & ~BUF_ROMAN, true);

	public void drawchars(char chars[], int offset, int length) {
		int firstchar;
		int runlength;
		int i;
		char control = 0;

		// System.err.println("offset length top left cy cx " + offset + " " +
		// length + " " + top + " " + left + " " +
		// cursory + " " + cursorx);
		if (length != 0) {
			if (myscreen.zforeground != zforeground)
			if (myscreen.zbackground != zbackground)

			if (scroll && (cursorx == 0))

			firstchar = offset;
			runlength = 0;
			while (firstchar < (offset + length)) {
				for (i = (firstchar - offset); i < length; i++, runlength++) {
					if (is_control(chars[offset + i])) {
						control = chars[offset + i];
				myscreen.settext(top + cursory, left + cursorx, chars,
						firstchar, runlength, (curzstyle & REVERSE) == REVERSE,
				control = 0;
				firstchar += runlength + 1;
				cursorx += runlength;
				runlength = 0;
			// System.err.print(new String(chars, offset, length));

	public void drawstring(String text) {
		drawchars(text.toCharArray(), 0, text.length());

	public int charsWidth(char line[], int offset, int length) {
		return myscreen.charwidth() * length;