The Unlikely Programming Language
Unlikely is a programming language with the following traits:
- Unlikely conflates objects with continuations, and methods with
labels. All classes are subclasses of the root class
. Every object can be continued at any method. Every method, except for thecontinue
method on the built-in classStop
, must continue some other method at the end of its definition. - All Unlikely program structures are exposed as objects with
commensurate inheritance relationships. For example, every Unlikely
program is a subclass of
, and the classesIf
are both subclasses of the abstract base classBranch
. - Unlikely takes dependency injection to the logical extreme. Dependency injection is an increasingly popular modern object-oriented program construction technique which allows the specific classes which will be used by some class ("dependencies") to be specified ("injected") when that class is instantiated. Unlikely goes one step further by requiring that all specific classes used by some class are specified during instantiation.
A class is a schema describing a set of objects. Instantiating a class produces a new object of that class. When a class is instantiated, all classes that are referenced by the class (dependant classes) must be named (injected) by the instantiating code (the instantiator). For each requested dependant class, any subclass of it may be supplied by the instantiator, further specifying and constraining behaviour (a technique called dependency injection). In this way, classes are inherently parameterized.
When a class refers to itself, it is considered a dependant class of itself; it (or a subclass) must be injected by the instantiator.
All specified dependant classes must be unique (no dependant class may be specified more than once.) Final classes need not and may not be specified as dependant classes because, being final, there is no subclass that the instantiator could possibly substitute for them.
Each class may define zero or more properties and zero or more methods.
Whenever a class is defined in Unlikely source code, a superclass must be named; the class being defined is thus a subclass that inherits from that superclass. Its inheritance consists of the properties and methods defined by the superclass and all of its ancestors (i.e. including all properties and methods that the superclass inherited from its own superclasses) as well as the dependant classes of the superclass. The subclass may not inject dependencies when inheriting from a superclass. Only single inheritance is supported.
A subclass may override methods that it inherits from its superclass. It may access the method definition of its direct superclass (or any indirect ancestor class) by naming that superclass explicitly in a continue.
A class may be declared as final, in which case it may not be subclassed. In addition, final dependant classes may not be injected.
A class may also be declared as saturated, in which case it can be
subclassed, but subclasses of it must also be declared as saturated, and
they cannot define any new methods. They can only override existing
methods. In fact, the root class Continuation
is declared saturated,
so really, all objects have exactly one method, continue
If a class defines or inherits any abstract methods, that class must be declared as abstract. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Any subclass of an abstract class must define all inherited abstract methods in order to be considered concrete and thus instantiatable.
Each property has a particular type, which is a class. The values it may take on are objects of that class, or of its subclasses.
Each object has its own instances of the properties defined on the class, and each of these properties may take on different values.
All state of an object is stored in its properties. Properties are effectively public; they can be modified by code in any method in any class.
The root class Continuation
defines one property, accumulator
, of
type Passive
, which all classes inherit.
Subclasses may not override inherited properties.
A method is a label on a piece of code inside a class. The methods of a class are shared by all objects of that class.
A method may be declared abstract instead of defining code for it. Classes which contain abstract methods must themselves be declared abstract.
Only one thing may be done to a method in code, which is to continue it with respect to some object; this is described in the next section.
A method may declare zero or more arguments. Each argument has a type, which is a class. When a method is continued, a value of the corresponding type (or some subclass of that type) must be given for each argument. In actuality, the arguments merely name properties of the object; they must already be declared in the class before they are listed in the declaration of the method. Passing values in arguments is just shorthand for assigning these properties before continuing the method.
Methods do not have local variables, so for storage must use the properties of the object on which they were continued.
The root class Continuation
defines one abstract method which
subclasses must implement, called continue(Passive accumulator)
. By
convention, this method is what other methods continue. The accumulator
is passed from continuation to continuation, manipulated as execution
The code inside a class labelled by a method consists of a series of assignments followed by a continue.
Each assignment consists of an object property on the left-hand side, and an expression on the right-hand side. The the property so named will take on the value resulting from evalulating the given expression. Expressions consist of instantiations of new objects, and references to other object properties.
The continue names a method on an object to which control flow will immediately pass. It may also pass values as arguments to that method; however, this is mere shorthand for assigning properties of the object on which the method being continued is defined. See above under "Methods" for more details.
Passive Data
Passive data values, such as integers and strings, are modelled somewhat specially in Unlikely, in order to strike a balance in language design between "too straightforward" and "too convoluted".
All passive data values are instances of some subclass of the abstract
class Passive
, which is itself a subclass of Chain
. When a passive
data value is continued, it passes its own value into the accumulator of
the "next" continuation. (It is not necessary, however, to continue the
passive data value to obtain its value in all cases.)
Each immediate subclass of Passive
gives a data type of values, such
as Integer
or String
. Each of these type-classes has a countably
infinite number of subclasses, one for each possible value of that type.
It is these classes that are instantiated to acquire a passive value
object. For example, three = new 3()
instantiates the value 3. When
the continue
method on this object is continued, the value that it
represents will be passed down the chain to the continuation assigned to
its next
property. For example, = new Print()
would cause
3 to be printed when three
was continued.
None of the direct subclasses of Passive
can be further subclassed. In
effect, they are final (despite being abstract!) because all possible
subclasses of them already exist.
The overall schema of a class definition is:
class ClassName(ClassName,ClassName) extends ClassName {
ClassName propname;
method methodname(ClassName propname, ClassName argname) {
propname = new ClassName(ClassName,ClassName);
propname.propertyname = argname;
goto expr.methodname(expr,expr);
A somewhat more formal definition of the syntactic structure of Unlikely code is given in the following EBNF-like grammar.
ClassBase ::= {ClassDefn}.
ClassDefn ::= "class" ClassName<NEW> "(" [ClassName {"," ClassName}] ")" "extends" ClassName
["{" {PropDefn} {MethodDefn} "}"] ["is" ClassMod {"and" ClassMod}].
ClassMod ::= "final" | "saturated" | "abstract".
PropDefn ::= ClassName PropName<NEW> ";".
MethodDefn ::= "method" MethodName<NEW> "(" [ParamDecl {"," ParamDecl}] ")"
("{" {Assignment} Continue "}" | "is" "abstract").
ParamDecl ::= ClassName PropName.
Assignment ::= QualName "=" Expr ";".
Continue ::= "goto" PropName "." MethodName "(" [Expr {"," Expr}] ")" ";".
Expr ::= ConstrExpr | QualName.
ConstrExpr ::= "new" (ClassName | Constant) "(" [ClassName {"," ClassName}] ")".
QualName ::= PropName {"." PropName}.
ClassName ::= <<sequence of alphabetic characters>> | Constant.
Constant ::= <<sequence of decimal digits>> | <<sequence of arbitrary characters between double quotes>>.
Note that multiple ClassDefns for a single class may appear; each may partially define the class. In this way a "forward declaration" of a class may occur. This may give its name, superclass, and dependant classes, so these can be consumed by some following class that requires them, before the methods of this class are defined. The dependant classes are cumulative over successive partial definitions; they need not be repeated. However the same superclass must be specified for all partial definitions of a class.
Built-in Classes
The abstract base class that is the superclass of all Unlikely classes, and which can't be instantiated. Declares the property
Passive accumulator
, and the abstract methodcontinue(Passive accumulator)
, which all concrete subclasses must implement. Is declaredsaturated
, so no subclass may declare or define any additional methods.-
An abstract continuation that provides the guarantee that it can be started (that is, that its
method can be initially continued) from the operating system. It can be reasonably expected that theaccumulator
will be assigned a value provided by the user, perhaps via a command-line argument.-
A concrete continuation which exits to the operating system when continued. The accumulator is used as the exit code, assuming the operating system supports this.
An abstract continuation which defines the property
Continuation next
. When a subclass ofChain
is continued, it will generally continue the continuation assigned to itsnext
property after doing something.-
The abstract final base class representing passive data values. Discards whatever accumulator was passed to it, and passes its own value into the accumulator when it continues the continuation assigned to its
The abstract final base class representing boolean values.
Final classes representing particular boolean values.
The abstract final base class representing integer values.
...Final classes representing particular integer values. Note that only positive constants are available; negative values must be computed by subtracting from 0.
The abstract final class representing string values.
...Final classes representing particular string values.
A continuation which posesses a property
and which yields a value when continued by applying some operation tovalue
(treated as LHS) and the accumulator (treated as RHS.)-
A concrete binary operation which adds
to the accumulator and passes the result when continuingnext
. -
A concrete binary operation which subtracts the accumulator from
and passes the result when continuingnext
. -
A concrete binary operation which multiplies
by the accumulator and passes the result when continuingnext
. -
A concrete binary operation which divides
by the accumulator and passes the result when continuingnext
. -
A BinaryOperation which yields a boolean value.
A concrete binary operation which compares
to the accumulator and passes True when continuingnext
only if they are equal. -
A concrete binary operation which compares
to the accumulator and passes True when continuingnext
only ifvalue
is greater.
A concrete continuation which displays the value of the accumulator to the user before continuing its
property. -
A concrete continuation which obtains a value from the user, and passes this value in the accumulator when continuing its
property. -
An abstract continuation which continues one of the continuations assigned to its properties, based on some other information. Defines the
which represents the basic alternate continuation that can be continued instead ofnext
A continuation which continues one of two continuations assigned to its properties,
, based on whether the accumulator is an instance ofTrue
. -
An abstract continuation whose behaviour differs on subsequent times it is continued. This is implemented by means of a
property which changes values each time the switch is continued; depending on the value ofstate
, different things happen.-
An abstract continuation which is intended to implement a loop. However, this is not automatic; some continuation chain leading from this continuation must lead back to this continuation in order for actual repetition to take place.
A concrete
which, on odd visits continues itstest
property. It is assumed that some continuation down that chain continues thisWhileLoop
object with a boolean value in the accumulator. On these even visits, it will behave like anIf
: when the boolean is aTrue
is continued, otherwiseelse
. -
A concrete
which definesvalue
, andfinish
properties, allInteger
s. On each visit, it checks ifvalue
; if not, it addsdelta
and continuesnext
. But if so, it simply continueselse
There is not currently a reference implementation of Unlikely. Any contradictions and/or grey areas in this document will therefore have nowhere to turn to to be cleared up.
There is, however, a partial and non-normative implementation of Unlikely, a static analyzer written in Python called Coldwater. It parses Unlikely programs and identifies many type errors and other statically-detectable invalid programs. It is meant to give some body to the ideas present in Unlikely, without actually going so far as implementing it in full.
The construction of Coldwater helped clear up some of the fuzzier corners of the language. However, there are probably several areas that remain fuzzy and render the language unsuitable for anything but the most trivial programming. Extending Coldwater to be a full-fledged Unlikely interpreter will probably help define the language. However that project has been deferred as future work, and any clarifications that come from it will be incorporated only in a future language version.
This section contains some random thoughts and reflections on the Unlikely programming language.
There is a rough analogy between Unlikely's requisite dependency
injection class parameters, and value parameters in languages without
global variables. There is no implicit referent when you say Foo
must name some parameter that has been passed into scope.
Because all the parts of the language are modelled as objects, the language's execution model has some resemblance to an object-oriented AST interpreter for itself. Except, of course, these objects are continuations, so it is not like a recursive, depth-first walk of the AST; it is much closer to the technique of threading the AST and following that thread.
At one point I included the constraint that the set of dependant classes specified by a class must be mutually disjoint; that is, no dependant class in the set could be a subclass of some other dependant class in the set. I am not entirely sure why I introduced that constraint, since it could well be valuable to refine two classes by injection even when one of those classes is a subclass of the other. I took it out.
Because properties cannot be redefined in subclasses, and because
parameters to methods are just syntactic sugar for properties, methods
cannot be overloaded. In particular continue
must always work on a
parameter, although of course it is mere convention that the
method works on the accumulator
property anyway.
Unlikely is Turing-complete. (I will assert this because it seems
reasonable to me, but I do not have a proof, so I may be wrong.) The
Unlikely language is not minimal. In particular, the Loop
class and
its subclasses WhileLoop
and ForLoop
could be removed, and the
resulting language would still be Turing-complete. In fact, WhileLoop
and ForLoop
could probably be implemented in Unlikely and provided in
an extension class library.
The idea to conflate contintuations and objects was inspired by the
data-structure representation of continuations in Chapter 7 of
Essentials of Programming Languages, 2nd
ed., which embodies a tiny measure of
inheritance. The idea that language constructs have commensurate
inheritance relationships (WhileLoop
and ForLoop
are subclasses of
, etc.) was borrowed from Steve Yegge's article Scheming is
The idea that all programs are subclasses of Program
, which dovetails
so nicely with that, was borrowed from Brian Connors' "Sulawesi"
language design. The idea that every concrete value has its own class,
leading to abstract final classes with countably infinite subclasses,
was pure desperation.
For the purpose of defining computable functions, the Unlikely-Calculus
could be considered as a variant of Unlikely without Print
or Input
classes. The Stop
class would be there redefined to yield the value
passed to the accumulator as the result of evaluation, rather than as an
operating system exit code.
It's a safe bet that there is at least one person out there who will be disappointed that this language is named Unlikely yet contains no probabilistic design features.
Happy object-method-continuing!
Chris Pressey
March 15, 2009
Bellevue, WA
Commit History
git clone
- Mercurial is no longer supported here. Rename `*.markdown` to `*.md`. Chris Pressey 2 years ago
- Merge pull request #2 from catseye/support-python-3 Chris Pressey (commit: GitHub) 2 years ago
- Run tests under Python 2, or 3, or both, depending on what's installed. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
- Adapt code to run under both Python 2 and Python 3. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
- Added tag rel_1_0_2014_0819 for changeset d1e706f743d9 Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Add rudimentary Falderal tests, test driver, .{hg,git}ignore. Cat's Eye Technologies 10 years ago
- Attempts at intepreter and Fibonacci, dug out of the crawlspace. catseye 11 years ago
- Added tag rel_1_0_2013_1014 for changeset fccf574a3531 catseye 11 years ago
- Place under a BSD license (I thought it already was...) catseye 12 years ago
- Make non-executables non-executable. catseye 12 years ago