-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Chris Pressey, the creator of this work, has dedicated it to the public domain.
-- For more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org/>
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
module Main where
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Language.Turmac.Model
import Language.Turmac.IR
import Language.Turmac.Parser
import Language.Turmac.Analyzer (isComplete)
import Language.Turmac.Simulator
import Language.Turmac.GenTape
import Language.Turmac.Normalizer
import Language.Turmac.Backend.Python
import Language.Turmac.Backend.Turmac
import Language.Turmac.Backend.IRDump
-- Command-line flags
data Flags = Flags {
backend :: String,
checkComplete :: Bool,
initialTape :: [Symbol],
maxSteps :: Integer,
trace :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
defaultFlags = Flags{
backend = "",
checkComplete = False,
initialTape = [],
maxSteps = 0,
trace = False
parseFlags flags ("--backend":s:rest) =
parseFlags flags{ backend = s } rest
parseFlags flags ("--check-complete":rest) =
parseFlags flags{ checkComplete = True } rest
parseFlags flags ("--initial-tape":s:rest) =
parseFlags flags{ initialTape = words [if c == ',' then ' ' else c|c <- s] } rest
parseFlags flags ("--max-steps":n:rest) =
parseFlags flags{ maxSteps = read n } rest
parseFlags flags ("--trace":rest) =
parseFlags flags{ trace = True } rest
parseFlags flags other = (flags, other)
-- Parse to IR
parse :: Bool -> String -> Either String [TMRule]
parse True input =
let rules = parseRules input
in if null rules
then Left "No valid rules found in input"
else if not (isComplete rules)
then Left "Incomplete Turmac description: missing state-symbol combinations"
else Right $ rules
parse False input = Right $ parseRules input
compileTo :: String -> ([TMRule] -> String)
compileTo "python" = compileToPython
compileTo "turmac" = compileToTurmac
compileTo "normalized-turmac" = compileToNormalizedTurmac
compileTo "ir-dump" = compileToIRDump
compileTo _ = error "--backend must be given when compiling, and must be one of: 'python', 'turmac', 'ir-dump'"
-- Driver
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (flags, args') = parseFlags defaultFlags args
case args' of
["simulate", fileName] -> do
turmacText <- readFile fileName
case parse (checkComplete flags) turmacText of
Right tmRules ->
config = initConfigurationWithInput (initialTape flags)
(configs, finalConfig) = simulate tmRules config
in do
case trace flags of
True -> do
putStrLn "Simulation History:"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show) configs
putStrLn "\nFinal Configuration:"
False -> do
return ()
putStrLn $ (show finalConfig) ++ ", Halted: " ++ show (tmHalted finalConfig)
exitWith ExitSuccess
["compile", fileName] -> do
turmacText <- readFile fileName
case parse (checkComplete flags) turmacText of
Right tmRules -> do
putStr $ compileTo (backend flags) tmRules
exitWith ExitSuccess
Left errMsg -> do
putStrLn $ "Error parsing input file: " ++ errMsg
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
["gentape", str] -> do
putStr $ generateTapeWriter str
exitWith ExitSuccess
_ -> do
putStrLn "Usage: turmac {flags} simulate <turmac-description-file>"
putStrLn " turmac {flags} compile <turmac-description-file>"
putStrLn " turmac {flags} gentape <string-of-digits>"
putStrLn " where flags are:"
putStrLn " --backend : when compiling, specifies backend to use"
putStrLn " --check-complete : check description is complete beforehand"
putStrLn " --initial-tape : comma-seperated symbols initially on tape"
putStrLn " --trace : when simulating, display each step taken"
exitWith $ ExitFailure 2