git @ Cat's Eye Technologies The-Dipple / master csharp / Makefile

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, has dedicated it to the public domain.
# For more information, please refer to <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense


all: test.exe pair.exe ref.exe

test.exe: test.cs
	$(CSC) test.cs -out:test.exe

# I would have thought /r:System.Numeric.dll would work with Mono, but no.
bigint.exe: bigint.cs
	$(CSC) bigint.cs -out:bigint.exe

pair.exe: pair.cs
	$(CSC) pair.cs -out:pair.exe

ref.exe: ref.cs
	$(CSC) ref.cs -out:ref.exe

	rm -f *.exe