Tree @47c464d (Download .tar.gz)
The Dipple
Welcome to the Dipple, where code goes when its home planet has been destroyed. (With apologies to Andre Norton.)
You'll meet a range of characters here, from the banal to the exceptional to the shrouded-in-mystery. Sources are categorized by language, and are in the public domain unless otherwise specified.
Commit History
git clone
- Add implementations of Aubergine and Combinatory Logic. catseye 12 years ago
- Reduce amount of Perl in the Dipple by... converting it to Rust! catseye 12 years ago
- This will become something more, someday... catseye 12 years ago
- Remove unneeded Javascript imports. catseye 12 years ago
- Use env to start perl interpreter. Add usage. catseye 12 years ago
- Add older waveform generator; converted visualizer; fix catseye 12 years ago
- Real simple experiment in synthesizing waveforms "from scratch". catseye 12 years ago
- These have employment in yoob.js now. catseye 12 years ago
- Make canvas focusable, cancel bubbling on keys we care about. catseye 12 years ago
- LineInputBuffer object. catseye 12 years ago