* Copyright (c)2014 Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
* Distributed under a BSD-style license; see LICENSE for more information.
#include <assert.h>
#include "tamsin.h"
const struct term APOS = {"'", 1, -1, NULL};
const struct term BRA = { "(", 1, -1, NULL };
const struct term KET = { ")", 1, -1, NULL };
const struct term COMMA = { ", ", 2, -1, NULL };
int tamsin_isupper(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
int tamsin_isalpha(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
int tamsin_isdigit(char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
int tamsin_isalnum(char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
void tamsin_eof(struct scanner *s) {
const struct term *t = scan(s);
if (t == &tamsin_EOF) {
result = term_new_atom("", 0);
ok = 1;
} else {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected EOF but found '");
result = term_concat(result, t);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
void tamsin_any(struct scanner *s) {
const struct term *t = scan(s);
if (t == &tamsin_EOF) {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected any token but found EOF");
ok = 0;
} else {
result = t;
ok = 1;
void tamsin_expect(struct scanner *s, const struct term *expected) {
const struct term *scanned = scan(s);
if (scanned != &tamsin_EOF && term_atoms_equal(scanned, expected)) {
result = scanned;
ok = 1;
} else {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected '");
result = term_concat(result, expected);
if (scanned == &tamsin_EOF) {
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring("' but found EOF"));
} else {
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring("' but found '"));
result = term_concat(result, scanned);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
void tamsin_alnum(struct scanner *s) {
const struct term *t = scan(s);
if (t != &tamsin_EOF && tamsin_isalnum(t->atom[0])) {
result = t;
ok = 1;
} else {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected alphanumeric but found '");
result = term_concat(result, t);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
void tamsin_upper(struct scanner *s) {
const struct term *t = scan(s);
if (t != &tamsin_EOF && tamsin_isupper(t->atom[0])) {
result = t;
ok = 1;
} else {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected uppercase but found '");
result = term_concat(result, t);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
void tamsin_startswith(struct scanner *s, const char *str) {
const struct term *t = scan(s);
if (t != &tamsin_EOF && t->atom[0] == str[0]) {
result = t;
ok = 1;
} else {
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("expected '");
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_char(str[0]));
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring("...' but found '"));
result = term_concat(result, t);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
const struct term *tamsin_unquote(const struct term *q,
const struct term *l, const struct term *r) {
int i;
int good = 1;
if (q->size < l->size + r->size) {
good = 0;
if (good) {
for (i = 0; i < l->size; i++) {
if (q->atom[i] != l->atom[i]) {
good = 0;
if (good) {
for (i = 1; i <= r->size; i++) {
if (q->atom[q->size - i] != r->atom[r->size - i]) {
good = 0;
if (good) {
ok = 1;
return term_new_atom(q->atom + l->size, q->size - (l->size + r->size));
} else {
const struct term *result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("term '");
result = term_concat(result, q);
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring(
"' is not quoted with '"
result = term_concat(result, l);
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring("' and '"));
result = term_concat(result, r);
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
return result;
const struct term *tamsin_equal(const struct term *l, const struct term *r) {
if (term_equal(l, r)) {
ok = 1;
return l;
} else {
const struct term *result;
result = term_new_atom_from_cstring("term '");
result = term_concat(result, term_flatten(l));
result = term_concat(result, term_new_atom_from_cstring(
"' does not equal '"
result = term_concat(result, term_flatten(r));
result = term_concat(result, &APOS);
ok = 0;
return result;
void tamsin_mkterm_r(struct termlist **tl, const struct term *list) {
if (term_atom_cstring_equal(list, "list") && list->subterms != NULL) {
tamsin_mkterm_r(tl, list->subterms->next->term);
termlist_add_term(tl, list->subterms->term);
const struct term *tamsin_mkterm(const struct term *atom,
const struct term *list) {
struct termlist *tl = NULL;
tamsin_mkterm_r(&tl, list);
return term_new_constructor(atom->atom, atom->size, tl);
const struct term *tamsin_reverse(const struct term *list, const struct term *sentinel) {
const struct term *res = sentinel;
const struct term *head = list; /* save */
while (list->subterms != NULL && term_atoms_equal(list, head)) {
const struct term *new;
struct termlist *tl = NULL;
/*term_fput(list, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");*/
termlist_add_term(&tl, res);
termlist_add_term(&tl, list->subterms->term);
new = term_new_constructor(head->atom, head->size, tl);
res = new;
if (list->subterms->next == NULL) {
list = list->subterms->next->term;
if (term_equal(list, sentinel)) {
ok = 1;
return res;
} else {
res = term_new_atom_from_cstring("malformed list ");
res = term_concat(res, term_flatten(head));
ok = 0;
return res;
static int counter = 0;
static char buffer[80];
const struct term *tamsin_gensym(const struct term *base) {
const struct term *t = term_flatten(base);
/* snprintf(buffer, 79, "%d", counter); */
sprintf(buffer, "%d", counter);
t = term_concat(t, term_new_atom_from_cstring(buffer));
return t;
int hexdigit_to_int(char hd) {
if (hd >= '0' && hd <= '9') return hd-'0';
if (hd >= 'a' && hd <= 'f') return hd-'a' + 10;
if (hd >= 'A' && hd <= 'F') return hd-'A' + 10;
return 0;
const struct term *tamsin_hexbyte(const struct term *high, const struct term *low) {
const struct term *h = term_flatten(high);
const struct term *l = term_flatten(low);
int hi, lo;
assert(h->size > 0);
assert(l->size > 0);
hi = hexdigit_to_int(h->atom[0]);
lo = hexdigit_to_int(l->atom[0]);
return term_new_atom_from_char((char)(hi * 16 + lo));
/* uses same buffer as gensym because to do otherwise would be less awesome */
const struct term *tamsin_format_octal(const struct term *chr) {
const struct term *t = term_flatten(chr);
assert(t->size > 0);
/* snprintf(buffer, 79, "%o", (unsigned char)t->atom[0]); */
sprintf(buffer, "%o", (unsigned char)t->atom[0]);
return term_new_atom_from_cstring(buffer);
/* uses same buffer as gensym because to do otherwise would be less awesome */
const struct term *tamsin_length(const struct term *t) {
t = term_flatten(t);
/* snprintf(buffer, 79, "%lu", t->size); */
sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t->size);
return term_new_atom_from_cstring(buffer);
/** repr **/
* Returns the number of extra bytes we'll need to allocate to escape
* this string. 0 indicates it does not need to be escaped.
* control/high character = +3 (\xXX)
* apos or backslash = +1 (\\, \')
static int escapes_needed(const char *text, size_t size) {
int i;
int needed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (text[i] < 32 || text[i] > 126) {
needed += 3;
} else if (text[i] == '\'' || text[i] == '\\') {
needed += 1;
return needed;
static int all_bareword(const char *text, size_t size) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (tamsin_isalnum(text[i]) || text[i] == '_') {
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
const char *HEX = "0123456789abcdef";
static const struct term *term_escape_atom(const struct term *t) {
int needed;
if (t->size == 0) {
return term_new_atom("''", 2);
needed = escapes_needed(t->atom, t->size);
if (needed > 0) {
const struct term *r;
char *buffer = malloc(t->size + needed);
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) {
if (t->atom[i] < 32 || t->atom[i] > 126) {
buffer[j++] = '\\';
buffer[j++] = 'x';
buffer[j++] = HEX[(t->atom[i] >> 4) & 0x0f];
buffer[j++] = HEX[t->atom[i] & 0x0f];
} else if (t->atom[i] == '\'' || t->atom[i] == '\\') {
buffer[j++] = '\\';
buffer[j++] = t->atom[i];
} else {
buffer[j++] = t->atom[i];
assert(j == t->size + needed);
r = term_new_atom("'", 1);
r = term_concat(r, term_new_atom(buffer, t->size + needed));
r = term_concat(r, term_new_atom("'", 1));
return r;
} else if (all_bareword(t->atom, t->size)) {
/* TODO: can we eliminate this copy? */
return term_new_atom(t->atom, t->size);
} else {
const struct term *r;
r = term_new_atom("'", 1);
r = term_concat(r, t);
r = term_concat(r, term_new_atom("'", 1));
return r;
const struct term *tamsin_repr(const struct term *t) {
struct termlist *tl;
if (t->subterms == NULL) { /* it's an atom */
return term_escape_atom(t);
} else { /* it's a constructor */
const struct term *n;
n = term_concat(term_escape_atom(t), &BRA);
for (tl = t->subterms; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next) {
n = term_concat(n, tamsin_repr(tl->term));
if (tl->next != NULL) {
n = term_concat(n, &COMMA);
n = term_concat(n, &KET);
return n;