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The Tamsin Language Specification, version 0.1

This document is a work in progress.

Note that this document only specifies the behaviour of Tamsin version 0.1. The reference interpreter in fact supports a few more features than are listed here. Those features are listed in the Advanced Features document, and may appear in a future version of Tamsin (like 0.2) but they are not included in version 0.1.

This document, plus the reference implementation tamsin, is as close to normative as we're going to come for the time being. But they are still a ways from being definitive.

-> Tests for functionality "Intepret Tamsin program"


A Tamsin program consists of one or more productions. A production consists of a name and a parsing rule (or just "rule" for short). Among other things, a rule may be a non-terminal, which is the name of a production, or a terminal, which is a literal string in double quotes. (A full grammar for Tamsin can be found in Appendix A.)

When run, a Tamsin program processes its input. It starts at the production named main, and evaluates its rule. A non-terminal in a rule "calls" the production of that name in the program. A terminal in a a rule expects a token identical to it to be on the input. If that expectation is met, it evaluates to that token. If not, it raises an error. The final result of evaluating a Tamsin program is sent to its output.

(If it makes it easier to think about, consider "its input" to mean "stdin", and "token" to mean "character"; so the terminal "x" is a command that either reads the character x from stdin and returns it (whence it is printed to stdout by the main program), or errors out if it read something else. Or, thinking about it from the other angle, we have here the rudiments for defining a grammar for parsing a trivial language.)

| main = blerf.
| blerf = "p".
+ p
= p

| main = blerf.
| blerf = "p".
+ k
? expected 'p' found 'k'

Productions can be written that don't look at the input. A rule may also consist of the keyword return, followed a term; this expression simply evaluates to that term and returns it. (More on terms later; for now, think of them as strings.)

So, the following program always outputs blerp, no matter what the input is.

| main = return blerp.
+ fadda wadda badda kadda nadda sadda hey
= blerp

Note that in the following, blerp refers to the production named "blerp" in one place, and in the other place, it refers to the term blerp. Tamsin sees the difference because of the context; return must be followed by a term, while a parsing rule cannot be part of a term.

| main = blerp.
| blerp = return blerp.
+ foo
+ foo
+ foo 0 0 0 0 0
= blerp

A rule may also consist of the keyword print followed by a term, which, when evaluated, sends the term to the output, and evaluates to the term. (Mostly this is useful for debugging. In the following, world is repeated because it is both printed, and the result of the evaluation.)

| main = print hello & print world.
+ ahoshoshohspohdphs
= hello
= world
= world

A rule may also consist of two subrules joined by the & operator. The & operator processes the left-hand side rule. If the LHS fails, then the & expression fails; otherwise, it continues and processes the right-hand side rule. If the RHS fails, the & expression fails; otherwise it evaluates to what the RHS evaluated to.

| main = "a" & "p".
+ ap
= p

| main = "a" & "p".
+ ak
? expected 'p' found 'k'

| main = "a" & "p".
+ ep
? expected 'a' found 'e'

If you are too used to C or Javascript or the shell, you may use && instead of &.

| main = "a" && "p".
+ ap
= p

A rule may also consist of two subrules joined by the | operator. The & operator processes the left-hand side rule. If the LHS succeeds, then the | expression evaluates to what the LHS evaluted to, and the RHS is ignored. But if the LHS fails, it processes the RHS; if the RHS fails, the | expression fails, but otherwise it evaluates to what the RHS evaluated to.

For example, this program accepts 0 or 1 but nothing else.

| main = "0" | "1".
+ 0
= 0

| main = "0" | "1".
+ 1
= 1

| main = "0" | "1".
+ 2
? expected '1' found '2'

If you are too used to C or Javascript or the shell, you may use || instead of |.

| main = "0" || "1".
+ 1
= 1

Using return described above, this program accepts 0 or 1 and evaluates to the opposite. (Note here also that & has a higher precedence than |.)

| main = "0" & return 1 | "1" & return 0.
+ 0
= 1

| main = "0" & return 1 | "1" & return 0.
+ 1
= 0

| main = "0" & return 1 | "1" & return 0.
+ 2
? expected '1' found '2'

Evaluation order can be altered by using parentheses, as per usual.

| main = "0" & ("0" | "1") & "1" & return ok.
+ 011
= ok

Note that if the LHS of | fails, the RHS is tried at the position of the stream that the LHS started on. This property is called "backtracking".

| ohone = "0" & "1".
| ohtwo = "0" & "2".
| main = ohone | ohtwo.
+ 02
= 2

Note that print and return never fail. Thus, code like the following is "useless":

| main = foo & print hi | return useless.
| foo = return bar | print useless.
= hi
= hi

Note that return does not exit the production immediately — although this behaviour may be re-considered...

| main = return hello & print not_useless.
= not_useless
= not_useless

Alternatives can select code to be executed, based on the input.

| main = aorb & print aorb | cord & print cord & return ok.
| aorb = "a" & print ay | "b" & print bee.
| cord = "c" & print see | eorf & print eorf.
| eorf = "e" & print ee | "f" & print eff.
+ e
= ee
= eorf
= cord
= ok

Note that the production named by a non-terminal must exist in the program, even if it is never evaluated.

| main = "k" | something_undefined.
+ k
? something_undefined

And that's the basics. With these tools, you can write simple recursive-descent parsers. For example, to consume nested parentheses containing a zero:

| main = parens & "." & return ok.
| parens = "(" & parens & ")" | "0".
+ 0.
= ok

| main = parens & "." & return ok.
| parens = "(" & parens & ")" | "0".
+ (((0))).
= ok

(the error message on this test case is a little weird; it's because of the backtracking. It tries to match (((0))) against the beginning of input, and fails, because the last ) is not present. So it tries to match 0 at the beginning instead, and fails that too.)

| main = parens & "." & return ok.
| parens = "(" & parens & ")" | "0".
+ (((0)).
? expected '0' found '('

(the error message on this one is much more reasonable...)

| main = parens & "." & return ok.
| parens = "(" & parens & ")" | "0".
+ ((0))).
? expected '.' found ')'

To consume a comma-seperated list of one or more bits:

| main = bit & {"," & bit} & ".".
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 1.
= .

| main = bit & {"," & bit} & ".".
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1.
= .

(again, backtracking makes the error a little odd)

| main = bit & {"," & bit} & ".".
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 0,,1,0.
? expected '.' found ','

| main = bit & {"," & bit} & ".".
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 0,10,0.
? expected '.' found '0'


A Tamsin comment is introduced with # and continues until the end of the line.

| # welcome to my Tamsin program!
| main = # comments may appear anywhere in the syntax
|        # and a comment may be followed by a comment
|   "z".
+ z
= z


When a production is called, the result that it evaluates to may be stored in a variable. Variables are local to the production.

| main = blerp → B & blerp & "." & return B.
| blerp = "a" | "b".
+ ab.
= a

Note that you don't have to use the Unicode arrow. You can use an ASCII digraph instead.

| main = blerp -> B & blerp & "." & return B.
| blerp = "a" | "b".
+ ab.
= a

Names of Variables must be Capitalized.

| main = blerp → b & return b.
| blerp = "b".
? Expected variable

In fact, the result of not just a production, but any rule, may be sent into a variable by . Note that has a higher precedence than &.

| main = ("0" | "1") → B & return B.
+ 0
= 0

A expression evaluates to the result placed in the variable.

| main = ("0" | "1") → B.
+ 0
= 0

This isn't the only way to set a variable. You can also do so unconditionally with set.

| main = eee.
| eee = set E = whatever && set F = stuff && return E.
+ ignored
= whatever

And note that variables are subject to backtracking, too; if a variable is set while parsing something that failed, it is no longer set in the | alternative.

| main = set E = original &
|          (set E = changed && "0" && "1" | "0" && "2") &
|        return E.
+ 01
= changed

| main = set E = original &
|          (set E = changed && "0" && "1" | "0" && "2") &
|        return E.
+ 02
= original


We must now digress for a definition of Tamsin's basic data type, the term.

A term T is defined inductively as follows:

  • An atom, written as a character string, is a term;
  • A special, unique symbol called EOF is a term;
  • A constructor, written S(T1, T2, ... Tn) where S is a character string and T1 through Tn are terms (called the subterms of T), is a term;
  • A variable, written as a character string where the first character is a capital Latin letter, is a term;
  • Nothing else is a term.

In fact, there is little theoretical difference between an atom and a constructor with zero subterms, but they are considered different things for conceptual clarity.

Note that EOF is not at atom.

A term is called ground if it does not contain any variables.

Terms support an operation called expansion, which also requires a context C (a map from variable names to ground terms.)

  • expand(T, C) when T is an atom or EOF evaluates to T;
  • expand(T, C) when T is a constructor S(T1,...,Tn) evaluates to a new term S(expand(T1, C), ... expand(Tn, C));
  • expand(T, C) when T is a variable looks up T in C and, if there is a ground term T' associated with T in C, evaluates to T'; otherwise the result is not defined.

The result of expansion will always be a ground term.

Ground terms support an operation called flattening (also sometimes called stringification).

  • flatten(T) when T is an atom, results in that atom;
  • flatten(T) when T is a constructor results in

    S · "(" · flatten(T1) · "," · ... · "," · flatten(Tn) · ")"

    where · is string concatenation; * flatten(EOF) is not defined.

The result of flattening is always an atom.

The input to a Tamsin production is, in fact, an atom (although it's hardly atomic; "atom" is sort of a quaint moniker for the role these objects play.)

The contexts in Tamsin which expect a term expression are return, set, and arguments to productions (but you haven't seen those yet.) In these contexts, a bareword evaluates to an atom (rather than a non-terminal.)

| main = return hello.
= hello

But an atom can contain arbitrary text. To write an atom which contains spaces or other things which are not "bareword", enclose it in single quotes.

| main = return Hello, world!
? Expected '.' at ', world!'

| main = return 'Hello, world!'.
= Hello, world!

Note that the atom 'X' is not the same as the variable X. Nor is the atom 'tree(a,b)' the same as the constructor tree(a,b).

In a term context, a constuctor may be given with parentheses after the string.

| main = return hello(world).
= hello(world)

The bareword rule applies in subterms.

| main = return hello(beautiful world).
? Expected ')' at ' world).'

| main = return hello('beautiful world').
= hello(beautiful world)

In a term context, variables may be given. The term is always expanded during evaluation.

| main = set E = world & return hello(E).
= hello(world)

A term expression may also contain a + operator, which evaluates and flattens both its arguments and concatenates the resulting atoms.

| main = set E = world & return 'hello, ' + E + '!'.
= hello, world!

And note, underscores are allowed in production and variable names, and atoms without quotes.

| main = this_prod.
| this_prod = set Var_name = this_atom & return Var_name.
= this_atom

Escape Sequences

A literal string may contain escape sequences. Note, I hate escape sequences! So I might not leave this feature in, or, at least, not quite like this.

| main = "a" & "\"" & "b" & return 'don\'t'.
+ a"b
= don't

| main = "a" & "\\" & "b" & return 'don\\t'.
+ a\b
= don\t

| main = "a" & "\n" & "b" & return 'don\nt'.
+ a
+ b
= don
= t

| main = "a" & "\t" & "b" & return 'don\tt'.
+ a b
= don   t

Examples using Terms

This program accepts a pair of bits and evaluates to a term, a constructor pair, with the two bits as subterms.

| main = bit → A & bit → B & return pair(A, B).
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 10
= pair(1, 0)

| main = bit → A & bit → B & return pair(A, B).
| bit = "0" | "1".
+ 01
= pair(0, 1)

This program expects an infinite number of 0's. It will be disappointed.

| main = zeroes.
| zeroes = "0" & zeroes.
+ 00000
? expected '0' found 'EOF'

This program expects a finite number of 0's, and returns a term representing how many it found. It will not be disappointed.

| main = zeroes.
| zeroes = ("0" & zeroes → E & return zero(E)) | return nil.
+ 0000
= zero(zero(zero(zero(nil))))

We can also use concatenation to construct the resulting term as an atom.

| main = zeroes.
| zeroes = ("0" & zeroes → E & return E + 'Z') | return ''.
+ 0000

Implicit set and return

Unquoted atoms and constructors ("barewords") can have the same names as productions. If they are used in rule context, they are assumed to refer to productions. If they are used in term context, they are assumed to refer to terms.

| main = blerf.
| blerf = return blerf.
= blerf

Because variable names cannot be mistaken for productions, if they are used in rule context and followed by , this is equivalent to set.

| main = S ← blerf & "x" & return S.
+ x
= blerf

There is of course an ASCII digraph for the left-pointing arrow. (The right-pointing symbol in the input in this test is just to get keep my text editor's syntax highlighting under control.)

| main = S <- blerf & "x" & return S.
+ x->
= blerf

If the variable name is not followed by , this is an implied return of the variable's value.

| main = S ← blerf & "x" & S.
+ x
= blerf

If a quoted term (atom or constructor) is used in rule context, this too cannot be mistaken for a production. So this, too, implies a return of that term.

| main = S ← blerf & "x" & 'frelb'.
+ x
= frelb

| main = S ← blerf & "x" & 'frelb'(S).
+ x
= frelb(blerf)

But it must be quoted, or Tamsin'll think it's a production.

| main = S ← blerf & "x" & frelb.
+ x
? no 'frelb' production defined

Aside: ← vs. →

One may well ask why Tamsin has both , to send the result of a rule into a variable, and , to send a term into a variable, when both of these could be done with one symbol, in one direction, and in fact most languages do it this way (with a symbol like =, usually.)

Two reasons:

This way gives us two disjoint syntax contexts (rule context and term context) which lets us re-use the same symbols (such as lowercased barewords) for dual purposes. Which in turn lets us write more compact code.

And also, parsing is a linear process. When we consume tokens from the input, whether directly with a terminal, or indirectly via a non-terminal, we want them to be easily located. We want all our ducks to be in a row, so to speak. This setup ensures that the focus of parsing is always on the left and not nested inside a term. Like so:

| main = "(" &
|        expr → S &
|        "," &
|        expr → T &
|        U ← pair(S,T) &
|        ")" &
|        U.
| expr = "a"
|      | "b"
|      | "c".
+ (b,c)
= pair(b, c)

That said, it is possible to use only the → if you like, by using return (or implicit return!) instead of set. Like so:

| main = "(" &
|        expr → S &
|        "," &
|        expr → T &
|        return pair(S,T) → U &
|        ")" &
|        U.
| expr = "a"
|      | "b"
|      | "c".
+ (b,c)
= pair(b, c)

| main = "(" &
|        expr → S &
|        "," &
|        expr → T &
|        'pair'(S,T) → U &
|        ")" &
|        U.
| expr = "a"
|      | "b"
|      | "c".
+ (b,c)
= pair(b, c)

In my opinion, this style is not as clear, because at the rule which updates U, U itself is the focus and should be on the left.

What about the other way around? We could introduce some symbol (say, /) which allows a rule in what would otherwise be a term context, for example

main = "(" &
       S ← /expr &
       "," &
       T ← /expr &
       U ← pair(S,T) &
       ")" &
expr = "a"
     | "b"
     | "c".

This would also work, and is more similar to conventional programming languages; however, in my opinion, it is not as clear either, because in the rules which parse the sub-expressions, it is expr that is the focus of the logic, rather than the variables the results are being sent into.

Advanced Parsing


If there is more input available than what we wrote the program to consume, the program still succeeds.

| main = "a" & "p".
+ apparently
= p

The built-in production eof may be used to match against the end of the input (colloquially called "EOF".)

| main = "a" & "p" & eof.
+ ap

This is how you can make it error out if there is extra input remaining.

| main = "a" & "p" & eof.
+ apt
? expected EOF found 't'

The end of the input is a virtual infinite stream of EOF's. You can match against them until the cows come home. The cows never come home.

| main = "a" & "p" & eof & eof & eof.
+ ap


The built-in production any matches any token defined by the scanner except for EOF. (Remember that for now "token defined by the scanner" means "character", but that that can be changed, as you'll see below.)

| main = any & any & any.
+ (@)
= )

| main = any & any.
+ a
? expected any token, found EOF

Optional rules

The rule [FOO] is a short form for (FOO | return nil).

| main = ["0"].
+ 0
= 0

| main = ["0"].
= nil

So we can rewrite the "zeroes" example to be simpler:

| main = zeroes.
| zeroes = ["0" & zeroes → E & return zero(E)].
+ 0000
= zero(zero(zero(zero(nil))))

Iterated rules

The rule {FOO} is what it is in EBNF, and/or a while loop. Like [], we don't strictly need it, because we could just write it as recursive BNF. But it's handy. Like while loops are handy. It returns the result of the last successful rule applied, or nil if none were successful.

| main = {"0"}.
+ 0 0 0 0
= 0

| main = {"0"}.
+ 1 2 3 4
= nil

Backtracking applies to {} too.

| zeroesone = {"0"} & "1".
| zeroestwo = {"0"} & "2".
| main = zeroesone | zeroestwo.
+ 000002
= 2

So we can rewrite the "zeroes" example to be even... I hesistate to use the word "simpler", but we can... write it differently.

| main = zeroes.
| zeroes = set Z = nil & {"0" && set Z = zero(Z)} & return Z.
+ 0000
= zero(zero(zero(zero(nil))))


The built-in production fail always fails. This lets you establish global flags, of a sort. It takes a term, which it uses as the failure message.

| debug = return ok.
| main = (debug & return walla | "0").
+ 0
= walla

| debug = fail notdebugging.
| main = (debug & return walla | "0").
+ 0
= 0

| main = set E = 'Goodbye, world!' & fail E.
+ hsihdsihdsih
? Goodbye, world!


The ! ("not") keyword is followed by a rule. If the rule succeeds, the ! expression fails. If the rule fails, the ! expression succeeds. In neither case is input consumed — anything the rule matched, is backtracked. Thus ! should almost always be followed by & and something which consumes input, such as any.

| main = !"k" & any.
+ l
= l

| main = !"k" & any.
+ k
? expected anything except

| main = !("k" | "r") & any.
+ l
= l

| main = !("k" | "r") & any.
+ k
? expected anything except

| main = !("k" | "r") & any.
+ r
? expected anything except

This is particularly useful for parsing strings and comments and anything that contains arbitrary text terminated by a sentinel.

| main = "'" & T ← '' & {!"'" & any → S & T ← T + S} & "'" & return T.
+ 'any bloody
+   gobbledegook *!^*(^@)(@* (*@#(*^*(^(!^
+ you like.'
= any bloody
=   gobbledegook *!^*(^@)(@* (*@#(*^*(^(!^
= you like.

Dynamic Terminals

As mentioned, the terminal "foo" matches a literal token foo in the buffer. But what if you want to match something dynamic, something you have in a variable? You can do that with «»:

| main = set E = f & «E».
+ f
= f

| main = set E = f & «E».
+ b
? expected 'f' found 'b'

Note that you don't have to use the Latin-1 guillemets. You can use the ASCII digraphs instead.

| main = set E = f & <<E>>.
+ b
? expected 'f' found 'b'

Terms are flattened for use in «». So in fact, the "foo" syntax is just syntactic sugar for «'foo'».

| main = «'f'».
+ f
= f

Oh, and since we were speaking of sentinels earlier...

| main = {sentineled → A & print A & {" "}} & return ok.
| sentineled =
|    "(" &
|    any → S &
|    T ← '' & {!«S» & any → A & T ← T + A} & «S» &
|    ")" &
|    T.
+ (!do let's ))) put &c. in this string!)   (&and!this!one&)
= do let's ))) put &c. in this string
= and!this!one
= ok


This section needs to be written. Basically, a module is a set of productions inside a namespace. In the future you may be able to write and import modules, but for now, there is one built-in module called $ and it is always in scope.

The module $ contains a number of built-in productions which would not be possible or practical to implement in Tamsin. See Appendix C for a list.

In fact, we have been using the $ module already! But our usage of it has been hidden under syntactic sugar (which you'll learn more about in the "Aliases" section below.)

| main = $.expect(k).     # same as "k"
+ k
= k

| main = $.expect(k).     # same as "k"
+ l
? expected 'k' found 'l'

The section about aliases needs to be written too.

Here's $.alnum, which only consumes alphanumeric tokens.

| main = "(" & {$.alnum → A} & ")" & A.
+ (abc123deefghi459876jklmnopqRSTUVXYZ0)
= 0

| main = "(" & {$.alnum → A} & ")" & A.
+ (abc123deefghi459876!jklmnopqRSTUVXYZ0)
? expected ')' found '!'

Here's $.upper, which only consumes uppercase alphabetic tokens.

| main = "(" & {$.upper → A} & ")" & A.
= Z

| main = "(" & {$.upper → A} & ")" & A.
? expected ')' found 'o'

Here's $.startswith, which only consumes tokens which start with the given term. (For a single-character scanner this isn't very impressive.)

| main = "(" & {$.startswith('A') → A} & ")" & A.
+ (AAAA)
= A

| main = "(" & {$.startswith('A') → A} & ")" & A.
? expected ')' found 'B'

Here's $.mkterm, which takes an atom and a list and creates a term.

| main = $.mkterm(atom, list(a, list(b, list(c, nil)))).
= atom(a, b, c)

Here's $.unquote, which takes a term which begins and ends with a quote symbol (TODO: should be the given quote symbol) and returns the contents.

| main = $.unquote('"hello"').
= hello


Arguments to Productions

A production may be called with arguments.

| main = blerf(world).
| blerf(X) = return hello(X).
= hello(world)

No variables from the caller leak into the called production.

| main = set FizzBuzzWhatever = whatever & donkey(world).
| donkey(E) = return hello(FizzBuzzWhatever).
? FizzBuzzWhatever

Note that this makes the «»-form more interesting.

| main = bracketed(a) & bracketed(b) & return ok.
| bracketed(X) = «X» & "S" & «X».
+ aSabSb
= ok

| main = bracketed(a) & bracketed(b) & return ok.
| bracketed(X) = «X» & "S" & «X».
+ aSabSa
? expected 'b' found 'a'

We need to be able to test arguments somehow. We can do that with pattern-matching, which works in Tamsin very similarly to how it works in Erlang (except here, there are no guards or list sugar.)

| main = blerf(tree(a, b)).
| blerf(tree(X, Y)) = return X.
= a

| main = blerf(c).
| blerf(a) = return zzrk.
| blerf(b) = return zon.
| blerf(c) = return zzt.
= zzt

| main = blerf(d).
| blerf(a) = return zzrk.
| blerf(b) = return zon.
| blerf(c) = return zzt.
? No 'blerf' production matched arguments

Thus, we can write productions that recursively call themselves, and terminate on the base case.

| main = blerf(tree(tree(tree(a,b),c),d)).
| blerf(tree(L,R)) = blerf(L).
| blerf(Other) = return Other.
= a

What does this get us? Functional programming! Let's parse a tree, then return the rightmost bottommost leaf.

| main = tree → T & rightmost(T).
| tree = "t" & "r" & "e" & "e" &
|        "(" & tree → L & "," & tree → R & ")" & return tree(L, R)
|      | "0" | "1" | "2".
| rightmost(tree(L,R)) = rightmost(R).
| rightmost(X) = return X.
+ tree(tree(0,1),tree(0,tree(1,2)))
= 2

Advanced Scanning

Changing the scanner in use

There is an implicit scanner in effect at any given point in the program. As you have seen, the default scanner returns single characters.

| main = "a" & "b" & "c".
+ abc
= c

| main = "abc".
+ abc
? expected 'abc' found 'a'

You can select a different scanner for a rule with using. There is at least one built-in scanner in the built-in $ module: the default character scanner. It is available as $.char.

| main = ("a" & "b" & "c") using $.char.
+ abc
= c

| main = "abc" using $.char.
+ abc
? expected 'abc' found 'a'

You can also define your own scanner by defining a production designed to return tokens. Each time it is called, it should return an atom, which the user of your scanner will see as a scanned token.

When you name a production in the program with using, that production should return a token each time it is called. We call this scanner a "production-defined scanner" or just "production scanner". In the following, we use a production scanner based on the scanner production.

We'll use the following scanner in the next few examples. It accepts only the tokens cat and dog, and no other symbols. Note that we are not using it yet in this example; this example just demonstrates that the token production returns tokens.

| main = {token → A & print A} & 'ok'.
| token = ("c" & "a" & "t" & 'cat' | "d" & "o" & "g" & 'dog') using $.char.
+ catdogdogcatcatdog
= cat
= dog
= dog
= cat
= cat
= dog
= ok

(works OK from the command line but DOESN'T work ok from Falderal? weird.)

  | main = {token → A & print A} & 'ok'.
  | token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
  | word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
  + cabbage( bag     gaffe fad ) ()) bag(bagbag bag)
  = cabbage
  = (
  = bag
  = gaffe
  = fad
  = )
  = (
  = )
  = )
  = bag
  = (
  = bagbag
  = bag
  = )
  = ok

There is one guideline to follow: your production which implements a scanner should itself say what scanner it is using. For example, the token scanner above is implemented using the character scanner. If this is missing, the scanner will try to use itself as a scanner, with hilarious and generally unproductive results.

Here is how you would use the above scanner, as a scanner, in a program:

| main = ("(" & "cons" & ")" & 'ok') using token.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
+ ( cons )
= ok

| main = ("(" & "cons" & ")" & 'ok') using token.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
+ ( quote )
? expected 'cons' found 'quote'

Note that while it's conventional for a production scanner to return terms similar to the strings it scanned, this is just a convention, and may be subverted:

| main = ("meow" & "woof") using token.
| token = ("c" & "a" & "t" & 'meow' | "d" & "o" & "g" & 'woof') using $.char.
+ catdog
= woof

If a production scanner fails to match the input text, it will return an EOF. The justification for this is that it's the end of the input, as far as the scanner can understand it.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = "a" | "b" | "@".
| program = "a" & "@" & "b" & return ok.
+ x
? expected 'a' found 'EOF'

If you don't like that, you can write your scanner to fail the way you want.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = "a" | "b" | "@" | return bleah.
| program = "a" & "@" & "b" & return ok.
+ x
? expected 'a' found 'bleah'

On the other hand, if the scanner understands all the tokens, but the parser doesn't see the tokens it expects, you get the usual error.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = "a" | "b" | "@".
| program = "a" & "@" & "b" & return ok.
+ b@a
? expected 'a' found 'b'

Parsing using a production scanner ignores any extra text given to it, just like the built-in parser.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = (
|            "c" & "a" & "t" & return cat | "d" & "o" & "g" & return dog
|        ).
| program = "cat" & "dog".
+ catdogfoobar
= dog

The production scanner properly handles backtracking on a per-token basis.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = (
|            "c" & "a" & "t" & return cat | "d" & "o" & "g" & return dog
|        ).
| program = "cat" & print 1 &
|           ("cat" & print 2 | "dog" & print 3) &
|           "dog" & print 4 & return ok.
+ catcatdog
= 1
= 2
= 4
= ok

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = (
|            "c" & "a" & "t" & return cat | "d" & "o" & "g" & return dog
|        ).
| program = "cat" & print 1 &
|           ("cat" & print 2 | "dog" & print 3) &
|           "dog" & print 4 & return ok.
+ catdogdog
= 1
= 3
= 4
= ok

You can mix two scanners in one production.

| main = "dog" using token & ("!" & "!" & "!") using $.char & return ok.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
+ dog!!!
= ok

Note that the token scanner we've defined doesn't consume spaces after a token, and that the char scanner doesn't skip spaces.

| main = "dog" using token & ("c" & "a" & "t") using $.char & return ok.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
+ dog cat
? expected 'c' found ' '

But we can convince it to skip those spaces...

| main = "dog" using token
|      & ({" "} & "c" & "a" & "t") using $.char
|      & return ok.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
+ dog        cat
= ok

Note that the scanner in force is lexically contained in the using. Outside of the using, scanning returns to whatever scanner was in force before the using.

| main = "dog" using token
|      & ({"."} & "c" & "a" & "t")
|      & return ok.
| token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
| word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
= ok

On the other hand, variables set when one scanner is in effect can be accessed by rules with another scanner in effect, as long as they're in the same production.

(another one that doesn't work under Falderal? am I using the subprocess module subtly incorrectly, I wonder?)

    | main = ("c" & "a" & "t" → G) using $.char
    |      & ("dog" & return G) using token.
    | token = ({" "} & ("(" | ")" | word)) using $.char.
    | word = $.alnum → L & {$.alnum → M & set L = L + M} & L.
    + cat dog
    = t

Note: you need to be careful when using using! Beware putting using inside a rule that can fail, i.e. the LHS of | or inside a {}. Because if it does fail and the interpreter reverts the scanner to its previous state, its previous state may have been with a different scanning logic. The result may well be eurr.

Advanced use of using

A production scanner may contain an embedded using and use another production scanner.

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c" | "(" & other & ")" & return list.
| other = xyz using scanner2.
| xyz = "1" & "1" | "1" & "2" | "2" & "3".
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & "list" & "a".
+ c(xx)a
= a

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c" | "(" & other & ")" & return list.
| other = xyz using scanner2.
| xyz = "1" & "1" | "1" & "2" | "2" & "3".
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & "list" & "a".
+ c(yy)a
? expected 'list' found 'EOF'

Maybe an excessive number of minor variations on that...

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c" | "(" & xyz using scanner2 & ")" & return list.
| xyz = "1" & "1" | "1" & "2" | "2" & "3".
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & "list" & "a".
+ c(xx)a
= a

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c" | "(" & {other} & ")" & return list.
| other = xyz using scanner2.
| xyz = "1" & "1" | "1" & "2" | "2" & "3".
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & "list" & "a".
+ c(xxxyyzxy)a
= a

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c" | "(" & {xyz using scanner2} & ")" & return list.
| xyz = "1" & "1" | "1" & "2" | "2" & "3".
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & "list" & "a".
+ c(xxxyyzxy)a
= a

| main = program using scanner1.
| scanner1 = scan1 using $.char.
| scan1 = "a" | "b" | "c"
|       | "(" & {xyz → R using scanner2} & ")" & return R.
| xyz = "1" & "1" & return 11 | "1" & "2" & return 12 | "2" & "3" & return 23.
| scanner2 = scan2 using $.char.
| scan2 = "x" & return 1 | "y" & return 2 | "z" & return 3.
| program = "c" & ("11" | "12" | "23") → R & "a" & return R.
+ c(xxxyyzxy)a
= 12

The production being applied with the production scanner can also switch its own scanner. It switches back to the production scanner when done.

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = {" "} & set T = '' & {("a" | "b" | "c") → S & set T = T + S}.
| program = "abc" & "cba" & "bac".
+ abc    cba bac
= bac

| main = program using scanner.
| scanner = scan using $.char.
| scan = {" "} & set T = '' & {("a" | "b" | "c") → S & set T = T + S}.
| program = "abc" & (subprogram using subscanner) & "bac".
| subscanner = subscan using $.char.
| subscan = {" "} & set T = '' & {("s" | "t" | "u") → S & set T = T + S}.
| subprogram = "stu" & "uuu".
+ abc    stu   uuu bac
= bac

Appendix A. Grammar

Here we give an approximation of Tamsin's grammar, in EBNF. Note however that this is non-normative; the canonical grammar definition for Tamsin is written in Tamsin and can be found in eg/tamsin-parser.tamsin.

Grammar    ::= {"@" Pragma "."} Production {Production "."}.
Production ::= ProdName ["(" [Term {"," Term} ")" | "[" Expr0 "]"] "=" Expr0.
Expr0      ::= Expr1 {("||" | "|") Expr1}.
Expr1      ::= Expr2 {("&&" | "&") Expr2}.
Expr2      ::= Expr3 ["using" ProdRef].
Expr3      ::= Expr4 [("→" | "->") Variable].
Expr4      ::= "(" Expr0 ")"
             | "[" Expr0 "]"
             | "{" Expr0 "}"
             | "!" Expr0
             | "set" Variable "=" Term
             | "return" Term
             | "fail" Term
             | LitToken
             | ProdRef ["(" [Term {"," Term}] ")"] ["@" Term].
Term       ::= Term0.
Term0      ::= Term1 {"+" Term1}.
Term1      ::= Atom ["(" [Term {"," Term}] ")"]
             | Variable.
ProdRef    ::= [ModuleRef "."] ProdName.
ModuleRef  ::= "$".
Pragma     ::= "alias" ProdName Integer "=" ProdRef
             | "unalias" ProdName.
Atom       ::= ("'" {any} "'" | { "a".."z" | "0".."9" }) using $.char.
Variable   ::= ("A".."Z" { "a".."z" | "0".."9" }) using $.char.
ProdName   ::= { "a".."z" | "0".."9" } using $.char.

Appendix B. Tamsin Scanner

This section is non-normative. The canonical definition of Tamsin's scanner is written in Tamsin and can be found in eg/tamsin-scanner.tamsin.

The Tamsin scanner is designed to be relatively simple and predictable. One property in particular is that the token returned by this scanner is identical to the token that is scanned. (For example, & and && represent the same operator; thus the Tamsin scanner could return & for both of them, or even something more abstract like OP_SEQUENCE. But it doesn't; it returns && for && and & for &.

    | main = ("&&" → S & "&" → T & 'pair'(S,T)) using $.tamsin.
    + &&&
    = pair(&&, &)

The original design of Tamsin had it expose the Tamsin scanner (for use with using) as $.tamsin. However, this may not be desirable for all implementations (e.g the compiler-to-C), and the Tamsin scanner has since been implemented in Tamsin itself (see eg/tamsin-scanner.tamsin.) Therefore $.tamsin no longer exists.

Appendix C. System Module

  • $.alnum — succeeds only on token which begins with alphanumeric
  • $.any — fails on eof, succeeds and returns token on any other token
  • $.char — character scanner production
  • $.eof — succeeds on eof and returns eof, otherwise fails
  • $.expect(X) — succeeds if token is X and returns it, otherwise fails
  • $.fail(X) — always fails, giving X as the error message
  • $.mkterm(A,L) — given an atom and a list, return a single constructor
  • $.not(X) — succeeds only if token is not X or EOF, and returns token
  • $.return(X) — always succeeds, returning X
  • $.print(X) — prints X to output as a side-effect, returns X
  • $.startswith(X) — consumes token if it starts with first character of X
  • $.unquote(X) — consumes nothing; returns X without quotes if X is quoted