git @ Cat's Eye Technologies SixtyPical / master src / sixtypical /

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# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
# This file is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license.  See LICENSES/ dir.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-X-SixtyPical

# encoding: UTF-8

class AST(object):
    children_attrs = ()
    child_attrs = ()
    value_attrs = ()

    def __init__(self, line_number, **kwargs):
        self.line_number = line_number
        self.attrs = {}
        for attr in self.children_attrs:
            self.attrs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr, [])
            for child in self.attrs[attr]:
                assert child is None or isinstance(child, AST), \
                  "child %s=%r of %r is not an AST node" % (attr, child, self)
        for attr in self.child_attrs:
            self.attrs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr, None)
            child = self.attrs[attr]
            assert child is None or isinstance(child, AST), \
              "child %s=%r of %r is not an AST node" % (attr, child, self)
        for attr in self.value_attrs:
            self.attrs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr, None)
        assert (not kwargs), "extra arguments supplied to {} node: {}".format(self.type, kwargs)

    def type(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.attrs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self.attrs:
            return self.attrs[name]
        raise AttributeError(name)

    def all_children(self):
        for attr in self.children_attrs:
            for child in self.attrs[attr]:
                if child is not None:
                    yield child
                    for subchild in child.all_children():
                        yield subchild
        for attr in self.child_attrs:
            child = self.attrs[attr]
            if child is not None:
                yield child
                for subchild in child.all_children():
                    yield subchild

class Program(AST):
    children_attrs = ('defns', 'routines',)

class Defn(AST):
    value_attrs = ('name', 'addr', 'initial',)

class Routine(AST):
    value_attrs = ('name', 'addr', 'initial',)
    children_attrs = ('locals',)
    child_attrs = ('block',)

class Block(AST):
    children_attrs = ('instrs',)

class Instr(AST):

class SingleOp(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('opcode', 'dest', 'src',)

class Reset(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('pointer', 'offset',)

class Call(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('location',)

class GoTo(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('location',)

class If(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('src', 'inverted',)
    child_attrs = ('block1', 'block2',)

class Repeat(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('src', 'inverted',)
    child_attrs = ('block',)

class For(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('dest', 'direction', 'final',)
    child_attrs = ('block',)

class WithInterruptsOff(Instr):
    child_attrs = ('block',)

class Save(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('locations',)
    child_attrs = ('block',)

class PointInto(Instr):
    value_attrs = ('pointer', 'table',)
    child_attrs = ('block',)