git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Samovar / master src / samovar /

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# encoding: UTF-8

from collections import namedtuple

# Python 2/3
    unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    unicode = str

World = namedtuple('World', ['scenarios'])

class Rule(namedtuple('Rule', ['pre', 'words', 'post'])):
    __slots__ = ()

    def format(self, unifier):
        return join_sentence_parts([unicode(t.subst(unifier)) for t in self.words])

    def to_json(self):
        return join_sentence_parts([unicode(t) for t in self.words])

Scenario = namedtuple('Scenario', ['name', 'propositions', 'rules', 'goal'])
Cond = namedtuple('Cond', ['exprs', 'bindings'])
Assert = namedtuple('Assert', ['term'])
Retract = namedtuple('Retract', ['term'])

def join_sentence_parts(parts):
    acc = u''
    quote_open = False
    for part in parts:
        last = '' if not acc else acc[-1]
        if last == '':
            acc += part
        elif last == '"' and quote_open:
            acc += part
        elif last == '"' and not quote_open:
            if part in (u'.', u',', u'!', u'?'):
                acc += part
                acc += ' ' + part
        elif last == ',' and part == u'"' and not quote_open:
            acc += ' ' + part
        elif last in (u'.', u',', u'!', u'?', u"'") and part == u'"' and not quote_open:
            acc += part
        elif part in (u'.', u',', u'!', u'?', u"'", u'"'):
            acc += part
            acc += u' ' + part
        if part == '"':
            quote_open = not quote_open
    return acc