git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Petra / master Petra.lhs

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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, has dedicated it to the public domain.
For more information, please refer to <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

Petra is a very simple term-rewriting language, presented definitionally here as a
self-contained Literate Haskell program, in the public domain, with Falderal tests.

Petra is not meant to stand on its own as a programming language so much as it's
meant to provide an example or starting point from which other term-rewriting-based
systems can be built.

The contents of the Literal Haskell file are also valid Markdown, and the ``
file is a symlink to it, enabling it to be sensibly rendered when viewing the
repository in a git repository viewer such as Forgejo, GitLab, or GitHub.

>     module Petra where

>     import qualified Data.Map as Map
>     import System.Environment
>     import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec


A term is either an uninterpreted function symbol with subterms, or a variable.

>     data Term = Function String [Term]
>               | Variable String
>          deriving (Eq, Ord)

>     instance Show Term where
>         show (Variable name) = name
>         show (Function name []) = name
>         show (Function name children) =
>             name ++ "(" ++ mapCommas children ++ ")"
>             where
>                 mapCommas [] = ""
>                 mapCommas [x] = show x
>                 mapCommas (x:xs) = (show x) ++ "," ++ mapCommas xs

>     data Rule = Rewrite Term Term
>          deriving (Eq, Ord)

>     instance Show Rule where
>         show (Rewrite lhs rhs) = (show lhs) ++ " -> " ++ (show rhs)

>     data Program = Program [Rule] Term
>          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

>     type Unifier = Map.Map String Term


`mapFirst` tries to apply f to each element of the list; at the first
(leftmost) element on which f succeeds, a replacement is made with the
result of f, and all other items of the list are unchanged.  If f
succeeds on no element of the list then the whole function fails.

>     mapFirst :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
>     mapFirst f [] = Nothing
>     mapFirst f (x:xs) =
>         case (f x) of
>             Just x' -> Just (x':xs)
>             Nothing -> case mapFirst f xs of
>                 Just xs' -> Just (x:xs')
>                 Nothing -> Nothing

Pattern Matching

Match a pattern against a term.  Evaluates to either Just a unifier,
if there was a match, or Nothing, if there was no match.

A pattern which is a function symbol matches only if all of its children do.

>     match :: Term -> Term -> Unifier -> Maybe Unifier
>     match (Function s a) (Function t b) unifier
>         | s == t    = matchAll a b unifier
>         | otherwise = Nothing
>         where
>             matchAll [] [] unifier = Just unifier
>             matchAll [] (term:terms) unifier = Nothing
>             matchAll (term:terms) [] unifier = Nothing
>             matchAll (a:as) (b:bs) unifier =
>                 case match a b unifier of
>                     Just unifier' -> matchAll as bs unifier'
>                     Nothing -> Nothing

A pattern which is a variable matches any subject, and yields a unifier
extended with a binding between the variable name and that subject.

>     match (Variable name) subject unifier =
>         case Map.lookup name unifier of
>             Nothing    -> Just (Map.insert name subject unifier)
>             Just value -> if value == subject then
>                              Just unifier
>                            else
>                              Nothing
>     match _ _ _ = Nothing


Given a unifier that associates variables with terms, replace each variable
in the given term with the term it is associated with (if any).

>     expand :: Term -> Unifier -> Term
>     expand v@(Variable name) unifier =
>         case Map.lookup name unifier of
>             Just term -> term
>             Nothing -> v
>     expand (Function name children) bindings =
>         Function name (map (\term -> expand term bindings) children)


Given a term t and a rule r, rewrite tries to apply the rule to the
deepest subterm of t that it can find.

>     rewrite :: Term -> Rule -> Maybe Term
>     rewrite t@(Function name children) r =
>         case mapFirst (\child -> rewrite child r) children of
>             Just newchildren -> Just (Function name newchildren)
>             Nothing          -> rewriteTerm t r
>     rewrite t r = rewriteTerm t r

If the term in question is not a function symbol, or if it is a function
symbol but none of its children could be rewritten, just try to match on
the term and possibly substitute it.

>     rewriteTerm :: Term -> Rule -> Maybe Term
>     rewriteTerm t (Rewrite lhs rhs) =
>         case match lhs t Map.empty of
>             Just unifier -> Just (expand rhs unifier)
>             Nothing      -> Nothing

Given a term and a set of rules, try rewriting with each rule until
one succeeds, and repeat this process until no rule succeeds.  Return
the rewritten term.

>     reduce :: Term -> [Rule] -> Term
>     reduce term rules =
>         case rewriteAll term rules of
>             Just term' -> reduce term' rules
>             Nothing    -> term
>         where
>             rewriteAll term [] = Nothing
>             rewriteAll term (rule:rules) =
>                 case rewrite term rule of
>                     Just term' -> Just term'
>                     Nothing    -> rewriteAll term rules


    Term ::= Identifier ["(" Term {"," Term} ")"] | VarName.
    Rule ::= Term ("->" | "=>") Term.
    Program ::= {Rule ";"} "?" Term.

>     sym x = string x >> spaces

>     identifier :: Parser String
>     identifier = do
>         c <- lower
>         cs <- many alphaNum
>         spaces
>         return (c:cs)

>     varname :: Parser Term
>     varname = do
>         c <- upper
>         cs <- many alphaNum
>         spaces
>         return (Variable (c:cs))

>     funsym :: Parser Term
>     funsym = do
>         s <- identifier
>         r <- option (Function s []) (do
>             sym "("
>             l <- sepBy1 (term) (sym ",")
>             sym ")"
>             return (Function s l))
>         return r

>     term :: Parser Term
>     term = funsym <|> varname

>     rule :: Parser Rule
>     rule = do
>         lhs <- term
>         sym "->"
>         rhs <- term
>         return (Rewrite lhs rhs)

>     rules :: Parser [Rule]
>     rules = sepEndBy1 rule (sym ";")

>     program :: Parser Program
>     program = do
>         r <- rules
>         sym "?"
>         t <- term
>         return (Program r t)

>     parsePetra x = parse (spaces >> program) "" x


>     main = do
>         [inputFilename] <- getArgs
>         inputProgram <- readFile inputFilename
>         run inputProgram

>     repl = do
>         line <- getLine
>         case line of
>             "quit" -> return ()
>             programText -> do
>                 run programText
>                 repl

>     run programText = do
>         case parsePetra programText of
>             Left err -> putStrLn (show err)
>             Right prog ->
>                 let
>                     result = interpret prog
>                 in
>                     putStrLn (show result)
>         return ()

>     interpret :: Program -> Term
>     interpret (Program rules term) =
>         reduce term rules

Falderal Tests

These tests are written in [Falderal][] 0.14 format.

    -> Functionality "Evaluate Petra program" is implemented by
    -> shell command "runhaskell Petra.lhs %(test-body-file)"

    -> Tests for functionality "Evaluate Petra program"

    | foo -> bar;
    | ? foo
    = bar

    | foo -> bar;
    | ? goo
    = goo

    | don(A) -> mon(A);
    | ? don(key)
    = mon(key)

We don't have a test case for `flip(A,B)->flip(B,A)`, as it would
loop forever.

    | flip(A,B) -> done(B,A);
    | ? flip(x,y)
    = done(y,x)

    | same(A,A) -> true;
    | ? same(x,y)
    = same(x,y)

    | same(A,A) -> true;
    | ? same(false,false)
    = true

    | pink -> blue;
    | ? color(pink)
    = color(blue)

    | pink -> blue;
    | ? color(pink,pink)
    = color(blue,blue)

    | f(A,B)->B;
    | ? f(f(a,b),c)
    = c

    | f(A,A)->A;
    | ? f(f(a,a),c)
    = f(a,c)

    | a(A,A)->z; b(B)->b;
    | ? a(b(x),b(y))
    = z

    | and(t,t)->t;
    | and(f,X)->f;
    | and(X,f)->f;
    | or(t,X)->t;
    | or(X,t)->t;
    | or(f,f)->f;
    | ? and(or(t,f),or(f,t))
    = t

    | not(true) -> false;
    | not(false) -> true;
    | even(nil) -> true;
    | even(cons(H,T)) -> not(even(T));
    | ? even(cons(true,cons(true,cons(false,nil))))
    = false
