-- Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
-- Distributed under a 2-clause BSD license. For more details, see
-- LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-X-Lariat.txt in the LICENSES directory.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-X-Lariat
module Data.Lariat (name, var, app, abs, destruct) where
-- This is a concrete implementation of the Lariat ADT that uses a
-- "locally nameless"-like internal representation of lambda terms.
import Prelude hiding (abs)
class Freshable a where
fresh :: [a] -> a
data Name = Name String
deriving (Eq)
name s = Name s
instance Show Name where
show (Name s) = s
instance Freshable Name where
fresh names = expand $ longestName names (Name "")
expand (Name "") = Name "y"
expand (Name (x:xs)) = Name (x:(x:xs))
longestName [] acc = acc
longestName (x:xs) acc = longestName xs (if (nameLength x) > (nameLength acc) then x else acc)
nameLength (Name s) = length s
data Term a = FreeVar a
| App (Term a) (Term a)
| Abs (Term a)
| BoundVar Integer
deriving (Show)
var :: a -> Term a
var n = FreeVar n
app :: Term a -> Term a -> Term a
app t u = App t u
abs :: (Eq a) => a -> Term a -> Term a
abs n t = Abs (bind n t 0) where
bind n (App t u) level = App (bind n t level) (bind n u level)
bind n (Abs t) level = Abs (bind n t (level + 1))
bind n t@(FreeVar m) level = if n == m then (BoundVar level) else t
bind _ t _ = t
destruct :: (Freshable a) => Term a -> (a -> b) -> (Term a -> Term a -> b) -> (Term a -> a -> b) -> b
destruct (FreeVar n) f _ _ = f n
destruct (App t u) _ f _ = f t u
destruct (Abs b) _ _ f =
vars = freeVars b
n = fresh vars
u = unbind b (var n) 0
f u n
freeVars (FreeVar n) = [n]
freeVars (App t u) = (freeVars t) ++ (freeVars u)
freeVars (Abs b) = (freeVars b)
freeVars _ = []
unbind (App t u) x level = App (unbind t x level) (unbind u x level)
unbind (Abs t) x level = Abs (unbind t x (level + 1))
unbind t@(BoundVar i) x level = if i == level then x else t
unbind t _ _ = t