git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Lariat / 0.1

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Lariat is a project to define an abstract data type for lambda terms, consisting of six basic operations: app, abs, var, resolve, destruct, and freevars.

This repository presents the definition of these operations. It also contains implementations of this abstract data type (and possibly one day variations on it) in various programming languages, including:

The version of the Lariat defined by this document is 0.1. This version number will be promoted to 1.0 once vetted sufficiently.

Table of Contents


There are several approaches for representing lambda terms in software.

The naive approach is to represent them just as they are written on paper. In this approach, whether a variable, such as x, is free or bound depends on whether it is inside a lambda abstraction λ x or not. If you need to manipulate it (or the abstraction it's bound to), you might need to rename it so that it doesn't conflict with another variable also called x that is bound to a different lambda abstraction.

This is tiresome and error-prone. So other approaches were developed.

One such approach alternate is De Bruijn indexes, where variables are represented not by names, but by numbers. The number indicates which lambda abstraction the variable is bound to, if any; a 1 indicates the immediately enclosing lambda abstraction, a 2 indicates the lambda abstraction just above that, and so on. If the number exceeds the number of enclosing lambda abstractions, then it is a free variable.

But this, too, has some drawbacks, so people have devised a number of other approaches:

  • "nominal techniques" (Gabbay and Pitts)
  • "locally nameless" (various?)
  • "maps" (Sato et al.)
  • "bound" (Kmett)

among others.

But the point we would like to make is this: At some level of abstraction it does not matter which approach is chosen as long as the approach satisfies the essential properties that we require of lambda terms.

To this end, we present this abstract data type for lambda terms, which we call Lariat, consisting of six operations. The actual, concrete data structure in which they are stored, and the actual, concrete mechanism by which names become bound to terms, are of no consequence (and may well be hidden from the programmer) so long as the implementation of the operations conforms to the stated specification.

The Operations

var(n: name): term

Given a name n, return a free variable with the name n.

Note: A free variable is a term; it can be passed to any operation that expects a term.

Note: A name is an almost-entirely abstract object; the only operation names must support is comparison for equality. (This is true in Lariat 0.1, but is not likely to remain the case in Lariat 0.2.)

app(t: term, u: term): term

Given a term t and a term u, return an application term which contains t as its first subterm and u as its second subterm.

Note: An application term is a term that behaves just as an ordered pair of terms.

abs(n: name, t: term): term

Given a name n and a term t, return an abstraction term containing t', where t' is a version of t where all free variables named n inside t' have been replaced with bound variables. These bound variables are bound to the returned abstraction term.

Note: a bound variable is a term, but the user cannot work with bound variables directly. A bound variable is always bound to a particular abstraction term. In the case of abs, the abstraction term to which variables are bound, is the term returned by the abs operation.

Note: an abstraction term contains one subterm. This subterm cannot be extracted directly, as it may contain bound variables, which the user cannot work with directly.

resolve(t: term, u: term): term

Given a term t and a term u, return either t (if t is not an abstraction term) or t', where t' is a version of t where all bound variables in t' that were bound to t itself have been replaced by u.

Note: as stated above, a bound variable is always bound to an abstraction term. The bound variables that are replaced by a resolve operation are always those that are bound to t.

Note: this operation was specifically not named subst, because the name subst is often given to a process that replaces free variables, while this operation replaces bound ones. It was also specifically not named beta because it does not require that t and u come from the same application term.

destruct(t: term, f1: fun, f2: fun, f3: fun): X

Given a term t and three functions f1, f2, and f3 (each with a different signature, described below), choose one of the three functions based on t, and evaluate it, returning what it returns.

If t is a free variable, evaluate f1(n) where n is the name of the free variable t.

If t is an application term, evaluate f2(u, v) where u is the first subterm of t and v is the second subterm of t.

If t is an abstraction term, evaluate f3(t).

Note: the destruct operation's signature shown above was abbreviated to make it look less intimidating. The full signature would be something more like

destruct(t: term, f1: fun(n: name): X, f2: fun(u: term, v: term): X, f3: fun(t: term): X): X

Note: while f1 and f2 "take apart" the term they are working on, f3 does not, because the only operation that is allowed to "take apart" an abstraction term, is resolve, and calling resolve involves a choice (what to resolve the bound variable to) and destruct cannot make this choice for you. For more on this, see the discussion below.

freevars(t: term): list(term)

Given a term t, return a list of free variables contained in t. These free variables may be located at any depth inside t, including inside any and all abstraction terms contained in t.

Some Examples

We will now give some concrete examples of how these operations can be used, but first, we would like to emphasize that this is an abstract data type for lambda terms, not the lambda calculus. Naturally, one ought to be able to write a lambda calculus normalizer using these operations (and this will be one of our goals in the next section), but one is not restricted to that activity. The terms constructed using the Lariat operations may be used for any purpose for which terms-with-name-binding might be useful.

Example 1

As a warm-up, suppose we want to write a function that tells us if a lambda term contains any free variable named (for the sake of concreteness, let's say) j.

In this implementation and those that follow, we will assume we have a simple functional language with the usual accoutrements (recursion, if, let and so forth).

We'll also assume the existence of a value which is a name supply; we call a function pick on it, and it returns a name and new name supply. Now, pick by itself does not ensure the name is "fresh" (that is, not already used in a lambda term that we're interested in), so we also inform pick of the set of names that we don't want it to return. In this particular case, that set is the singleton set containing only j.

let contains_j = fun(t, ns) ->
        fun(n) -> n == "j",
        fun(t, u) -> contains_j(t, ns) || contains_j(u, ns),
        fun(t) ->
                (n, ns') = pick(ns, ~{"j"})
                t' = resolve(t, var(n))
                contains_j(t', ns')

Example 2

What if we want to get the set of free variables present in a lambda term? We ought to be able to do this, and yet, it's difficult unless we know of a name that we are certain will not be among the names used by the free variables. (Because in practice we "take apart" abstraction terms by resolving them with a free variable.)

So for that task, we have freevars as one of the intrinsic operations.

TODO: instead have an example of using freevars and passing it to pick and walking down arbitrary abstraction terms this way.

Example 3

The next task is to write a beta-reducer. We destruct the term twice, once to ensure it is an application term, and second to ensure the application term's first subterm is an abstraction term. Then we resolve the abstraction with the application term's second subterm.

let beta = fun(r) ->
        fun(n) -> var(n),
        fun(u, v) ->
                fun(_) -> app(u, v),
                fun(_, _) -> app(u, v),
                fun(u) -> resolve(u, v)
        fun(t) -> t

Example 4

The next task would be to search through a lambda term, looking for a candidate application term to reduce, and reducing it.

-- Returns [bool, term] where bool indicates "has rewritten"
let reduce = fun(t) ->
    if is_beta_reducible(t) then
        [true, beta(t)]
            fun(n) -> [false, var(n)],
            fun(u, v) ->
                    r = reduce(u)
                    if r[0] then
                        [true, app(r[1], v)]
                            s = reduce(v)
                            if s[0] then
                                [true, app(u, s[1])]
                                [false, app(r[1], s[1])],
            fun(t) -> [false, t]

From there it ought to be just a hop, a skip, and a jump to a proper lambda term normalizer.


var, app, and abs construct terms, while resolve and destruct take them apart. Constructing terms is the easy part; it's taking them apart properly that's hard, and that's what freevars is there to help support.

destruct is a "destructorizer" in the sense described in this article on Destructorizers. It is a slight variation on the conventional destructorizer pattern described there, as it does not "take apart" abstraction terms, but it is undoubtedly in the spirit of the thing.

It is regrettable that freevars is an intrinsic operation rather than something that can be built as a recursive function that uses destruct, but it seems it is needed in order to use destruct with generality, for the following reasons. The only practical way to "take apart" an abstraction term is to resolve it with a known free variable. But how do you pick that free variable, so that it will not collide with any of the free variables inside the term you are "taking apart"? Short of devising some clever namespacing for names, we need to know what free variables are inside the term, before resolve-ing it. Thus freevars exists to fulfill that purpose.

In this, there seems to be a certain irony. It seems like there is a basic complexity to capture-avoiding substitution, and that it's not actually possible to escape it.

What I mean is that the naive implementation of name binding requires a supply of fresh names to which bound variables can be renamed, to avoid name clashes; and even though Lariat has hidden this under a layer of abstraction, it still requires a supply of fresh names (used in conjunction with freevars) to properly examine an arbitrary lambda term.

Incidentally, if one were to write a lambda normalizer that reduces in an innermost fashion, one would need to write it using a name supply and freevars, because it would need to take apart abstractions to see if there is anything inside them that needs to be reduced.

Also, when working with lambda terms, one is often concerned with comparing two lambda terms for equality, modulo renaming of bound variables. We haven't introduced such an operation because it should be possible to build such an operation using destruct; basically, render the two terms as text (or some other concrete representation) using the same name supply, then compare the texts for equality.

The above two paragraphs suggest why you would not want to use this abstract data type in practice: it may capture the semantics, but it's not designed for efficiency.

Most of the inefficiency is presented by destruct. Having to resolve an abstraction in order to "see inside" it may be attractively abstract, but some way to "see inside" a term directly, including its bound variables (perhaps without resolving them to anything), would be more efficient. The danger with bound variables, after all, is not in merely seeing them; rather, it's in supplying them in a context that changes their meaning. (All the same, one would want the option of retaining them, i.e. to continue to supply them in contexts where they do not change their meaning, for example when transforming a lambda term.)

So perhaps in a future version of Lariat, destruct could work a little differently and/or be complemented by a traverse operation.

We have not given a definition of what a name is. The only restriction is that two names must be comparable for equality (in order that abs can properly look for free variables with the same name as the given name, within the term that it's given.) While this too may be attractively abstract, it no doubt feeds into the problems described in the preceding paragraphs.